
A Harvard survey of 110,000 people found that after the age of 50, adhere to 5 habits, or live longer, and drinking ranks fourth

author:Doctor Sanqin

Content Sources:

1. [Research progress on the effects of alcohol on the liver and its mechanism]. Chinese Journal of Hepatology, 2019.

2. [Effects of long-term alcohol consumption on the nervous system]. Neurological Disorders and Mental Health, 2018.

3. [Relationship between alcohol consumption and the risk of tumorigenesis]. Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment, 2020.

Smoking and drinking are not good for our health, and we have basically reached the point where we are ripe, but in society, we can still see many cases, they smoke and drink without leaving their hands, but it has become a benchmark for longevity. The 78-year-old Diplodocus is such a legend.

Liang Long lived in a quiet mountain village in Zhejiang, and his daily life was very simple, he did not like to socialize, but he liked to drink, and he had to pour a glass of liquor for every meal. However, such a lifestyle has made many people worry about his health problems, after all, it is well known that drinking too much alcohol is not good for health.

A Harvard survey of 110,000 people found that after the age of 50, adhere to 5 habits, or live longer, and drinking ranks fourth

One of the most immediate and serious consequences of long-term alcohol consumption is liver damage. The liver is the main organ in our body responsible for metabolizing alcohol. In the process of metabolizing alcohol, a substance called acetaldehyde is produced, which is extremely harmful and can damage liver cells, leading to inflammation that can lead to alcoholic hepatitis or even cirrhosis in the long run.

Cirrhosis is a severe condition of liver damage in which the normal tissue of the liver is replaced by scar tissue, resulting in a severe decline in liver function. In extreme cases, long-term heavy alcohol consumption can also lead to liver cancer.

The effects of alcohol on the brain are manifold. In the short term, alcohol consumption may lead to memory loss, decreased judgment and coordination, as alcohol directly affects the brain and hinders the transmission of nerve signals.

Long-term alcohol consumption can lead to permanent brain damage, including but not limited to learning and memory impairments, and even the development of alcoholic dementia. In addition, long-term alcohol consumption can also affect the part of the brain responsible for mood regulation, increasing the risk of neuropsychiatric disorders such as depression and anxiety.

In addition to damage to the liver and nervous system, long-term alcohol consumption can increase the risk of several diseases. First, alcohol is a carcinogen that increases the risk of many types of cancer, including esophageal, oral, laryngeal and breast cancers. Secondly, excessive alcohol consumption can also lead to heart disease, such as hypertension, cardiomyopathy and other cardiovascular diseases. In addition, alcohol can also damage the immune system, making the body more susceptible to infections.

A Harvard survey of 110,000 people found that after the age of 50, adhere to 5 habits, or live longer, and drinking ranks fourth

However, he was unruly. Turning a deaf ear to all exhortations, he went about his life as usual. As for the physical examination, he never participated. Everyone saw that he was in good spirits, so they slowly let it go.

Diplodocus's experience has made many drunkards have an explanation, and whenever the family members let themselves not drink, they will take out Diplodocus to show up and say, which makes people speechless. For all this, Liang Long knew nothing, and lived his own little life as usual.

But there are always times when people have accidents, and in less than half a month, Diplodocus felt the trick of fate. On this day, he was holding a hoe and preparing to work in the field, and on the way he met an old acquaintance who chatted warmly for a while. By the time I went to hoe again, it was already very hot.

But Rao is like this, and he has no idea of going back. Instead, the legs are stretched apart, and after standing still, they are ready to dry. During this period, he sweated like rain, and beads of sweat the size of beans rolled down his forehead, and he was already sweating.

Finally, after some hard work, I was able to go home resting. But I don't know why, I fainted straight and fell to the ground. This suddenly frightened the surrounding fellow villagers, the old man is so old, but don't do anything.

A Harvard survey of 110,000 people found that after the age of 50, adhere to 5 habits, or live longer, and drinking ranks fourth

Everyone said a word, and finally waited for the ambulance. After being taken to the hospital, doctors rushed to treat him.

At this time, the children of Diplodocus also rushed to the scene. At this time, in addition to the worried emotions, the rest was to blame each other, only to see his daughter be the first to speak out: "It's all your fault, I said that I should stop drinking, and now I must have broken down when I drink." ”

Before anyone else could refute it, the doctor walked out. It turned out that the uncle's fainting was only due to heat stroke in the hot weather, and the physical examination he took this opportunity was enough to prove that his body was not affected by the drinking at all.

Just when everyone was confused, the doctor took out a set of authoritative data to speak. A Harvard study, published in the British Medical Journal, was based on nurses' health studies and follow-up studies with health professionals, with a cumulative sample size of more than 110,000.

And in this result, it shows that after the age of 50, sticking to these five habits may lead to a longer life, of which drinking is the fourth.

A Harvard survey of 110,000 people found that after the age of 50, adhere to 5 habits, or live longer, and drinking ranks fourth

First, don't smoke

Smoking is known to cause a variety of diseases including lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke. Studies have shown that smoking reduces life expectancy by 10 years. As we age, the body's ability to heal itself is relatively weakened, so quitting smoking after the age of 50 can significantly reduce the risk of developing these diseases, thereby prolonging life.

A Harvard survey of 110,000 people found that after the age of 50, adhere to 5 habits, or live longer, and drinking ranks fourth

Second, maintain a healthy weight

Obesity is an important factor leading to many chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, etc., which not only affects the quality of life, but also shortens the life expectancy. Maintaining a normal weight can be effective in preventing these diseases, especially after the age of 50, and controlling your weight can reduce the risk of developing the disease, which is essential for health and longevity.

Third, exercise moderately

Moderate physical activity, such as brisk walking, swimming, yoga, etc., can strengthen cardiopulmonary function, promote blood circulation, improve immunity, and effectively prevent chronic diseases. At the same time, moderate exercise can also improve mental health and reduce the risk of depression and anxiety. For middle-aged and elderly people aged 50 and above, insisting on reasonable exercise can not only improve the quality of life, but also prolong life.

A Harvard survey of 110,000 people found that after the age of 50, adhere to 5 habits, or live longer, and drinking ranks fourth

Fourth, drink alcohol in moderation

Excessive alcohol consumption can undoubtedly cause serious damage to organs such as the liver, increasing the risk of illness and even death. However, moderate alcohol consumption is thought to have some cardiovascular protection. Of course, the definition of moderate amounts varies from person to person, and the general recommendation is no more than two servings of alcohol per day for men and one serving for women.

Fifth, get a good night's sleep

Adequate and high-quality sleep is conducive to the removal of toxins from the body, and the repair and regeneration of cells. Studies have shown that chronic sleep deprivation increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other diseases, which can affect longevity. After the age of 50, the physiological function of the human body gradually declines, and good sleep habits can help maintain the body's function and delay aging.

A Harvard survey of 110,000 people found that after the age of 50, adhere to 5 habits, or live longer, and drinking ranks fourth

In conclusion, after the age of 50, by adhering to a healthy lifestyle such as not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, exercising moderately, drinking alcohol in moderation, and ensuring good sleep, you can significantly improve your quality of life, reduce your risk of disease, and thus lay a solid foundation for longevity.

Of course, in addition to these lifestyle habits, maintaining an optimistic attitude and active social activities are also factors that cannot be ignored for longevity. Living in a fast-paced modern society, we should pay more attention to these healthy lifestyles to allow ourselves to live healthier and longer lives.