
After Uday and Qusay were shot dead by U.S. troops, neighbors revealed little-known inside information about Zaidan's denunciation

author:Modu Bear Heart
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative sources, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

In an inconspicuous suburb of the city of Mosul, an ordinary two-story villa hides the secret that led to a twist of fate.

Once the last hiding place of Saddam Hussein's two sons, the villa's empty corridors and broken windows still seem to tell the story of the fierce siege.

However, the real story may not be as simple as it is known to the outside world. What exactly drove Nawaf Zaidan, a distant cousin of the Saddam family, to betray his bloodline?

After Uday and Qusay were shot dead by U.S. troops, neighbors revealed little-known inside information about Zaidan's denunciation

Siege of Mosul: Confrontation between U.S. forces and Saddam's son

On 22 July 2003, the early morning calm in the Iraqi city of Mosul was shattered by the sudden sound of gunfire. As the sun gradually rose, the operation of the US 101st Airborne Division and special forces was launched, targeting an ordinary two-story villa located on the outskirts. More than 200 soldiers were deployed in the operation, including infantry, snipers and support units.

The main targets of the US military were the two sons of Saddam Hussein: Uday and Qusay. Together with Saddam's 14-year-old grandson, Mustafa, and a loyal bodyguard, they had been hiding in the villa for 23 days.

After Uday and Qusay were shot dead by U.S. troops, neighbors revealed little-known inside information about Zaidan's denunciation

The situation in the villa is tense, and despite the difficult living conditions, several people try to maintain a secluded life.

With the build-up of troops, the tactical commander quickly deployed his forces. They scattered twenty-five military vehicles in various strategic locations around the villa, among the vehicles were armored personnel carriers and rapid reaction tactical vehicles.

These vehicles not only provided the necessary cover, but also carried heavy machine guns and other support weapons to provide fire support to the ground forces.

After Uday and Qusay were shot dead by U.S. troops, neighbors revealed little-known inside information about Zaidan's denunciation

At the same time, several helicopter gunships circled in the sky, ready to deliver a pinpoint strike on the villa. The helicopter is equipped with advanced surveillance equipment that can clearly capture every movement on the ground, and is also equipped with machine guns and missiles, ready to support the operations of ground forces.

As the battle began, a dense burst of gunfire and explosions rang out around the villa. The soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division gradually advanced towards the villa under cover, while the special forces performed more complex tasks, trying to enter the interior of the building through the windows and back doors of the villa.

After Uday and Qusay were shot dead by U.S. troops, neighbors revealed little-known inside information about Zaidan's denunciation

During the offensive, American soldiers met with fierce resistance. Although the personnel in the villa were simply equipped, they took advantage of the structural advantages within the building to put up a stubborn resistance.

The battle lasted for several hours, with constant gunfire and explosions. With the continued pressure of the U.S. military, the villa's exterior walls and windows were shattered.

Bullet holes in the walls record fierce fighting, and parts of the walls were even destroyed by artillery fire, revealing the steel bars and broken bricks inside.

After Uday and Qusay were shot dead by U.S. troops, neighbors revealed little-known inside information about Zaidan's denunciation

Use of heavy firepower: helicopters and missile interventions

With the ground assault ineffective, the U.S. commanders decided to resort to more drastic means to end the siege.

As time went on, the need for a quick solution became urgent, and the commander ordered the helicopter unit to prepare for a precision strike on the target building using anti-tank Dow missiles. This decision is quickly communicated in the command center and carried out by air units.

The helicopter pilot adjusted the flight altitude and position to get the best shooting angle to the villa. After making sure that all ground forces were at a safe distance, an AH-64 Apache helicopter armed with Dow missiles slowly aimed at the target. With target locking and final fire control system calibration complete, the pilot launched the missile.

After Uday and Qusay were shot dead by U.S. troops, neighbors revealed little-known inside information about Zaidan's denunciation

At the moment of the missile's launch, the tail flame drew a bright trajectory behind the helicopter and flew straight towards the villa.

During the flight, the speed of the missile was extremely high, and almost in a few seconds after launch, it had already reached its intended target. With a loud bang, the missile accurately hit the main structure of the villa, causing a series of explosions.

The shock waves and heat from these explosions instantly destroyed most of the villa's structure. The force of the explosion blasted the walls, windows and roof of the building, scattering debris in all directions.

As the structure collapsed, a massive cloud of dust rose and covered the entire area, almost darkening the surroundings.

After Uday and Qusay were shot dead by U.S. troops, neighbors revealed little-known inside information about Zaidan's denunciation

Ground forces increased their alert immediately after the explosion and prepared for further operations. Despite knowing that the building had been severely damaged, they cautiously approached the dilapidated villa to ensure that there was no longer any threat in the area. The soldiers, fully armed, advanced slowly, moving forward through rubble and wreckage.

In the villa, the original furniture and décor are no longer recognizable, and only the remains of the fire-destroyed remainder remain. The paintings and photographs on the walls were shattered and everything seemed to be in tatters.

As the soldiers examined every nook and cranny where survivors might be hidden, it was clear that the assault had reached its devastating climax.

After Uday and Qusay were shot dead by U.S. troops, neighbors revealed little-known inside information about Zaidan's denunciation

Betrayal & Bounty: A key role for Zaidan

More than a week after Uday and Qusayi were shot dead by U.S. troops at their villa in Mosul City, a move by the U.S. government captured the world's attention.

They decided to reward Nawaf Zaidan, who had provided them with key information, a whopping $30 million in prizes.

This decision was widely reported and attracted heated discussion and attention internationally. In a public ceremony, senior military officers handed over a symbolic check to Zaidan at a U.S. military base in Iraq, a scene that was broadcast by countless news media around the world.

After Uday and Qusay were shot dead by U.S. troops, neighbors revealed little-known inside information about Zaidan's denunciation

The background to Zeidan's award is complicated. The two-storey villa in Mosul was originally the property of Zaidan, and Uday and Qusay chose it after the US invasion of Iraq because they needed a safe place to hide.

As a distant cousin of Saddam's family, Zaidan was related to the two brothers, but when the two took possession of his property without warning, this sudden invasion brought great stress and unease to his life.

The villa's location makes it a key strategic point as local wars and conflicts continue to spread around the city.

After Uday and Qusay were shot dead by U.S. troops, neighbors revealed little-known inside information about Zaidan's denunciation

Uday and Qusay's actions and decisions here undoubtedly exacerbate the importance of the villa, and Zaidan's familiarity with the villa, combined with his understanding of the current situation, makes him a key clue provider for the U.S. military in its search for these two high-value targets.

The U.S. government's payment of the bonus to Zeidan is based on the value of the intelligence he provides and the importance of helping the U.S. military successfully eliminate the two major threats.

However, the act has also raised widespread questions within Iraqi society about Zaidan's loyalty and motives. While this bonus allowed Zaidan to be greatly compensated materially, his personal safety and reputation in society faced serious challenges.

After Uday and Qusay were shot dead by U.S. troops, neighbors revealed little-known inside information about Zaidan's denunciation

The reason for the betrayal

Zaidan's betrayal stemmed from a visceral resentment with the Uday brothers, and in an ordinary villa outside Mosul, an unknown incident gradually became the spark of conflict.

Zaidan, a man who was once just a real estate owner, became inextricably linked to Saddam's two sons, Uday and Qusay, after an unexpected banquet.

The banquet was meant to celebrate a business success, but it turned into a chaotic struggle that profoundly changed the trajectory of Zaidan's fortunes.

After Uday and Qusay were shot dead by U.S. troops, neighbors revealed little-known inside information about Zaidan's denunciation

On the day of the feast, Uday and his entourage appeared in a luxurious manner at Zaidan's mansion. As a senior official in charge of Iraq's foreign trade under Saddam's regime, Uday's power made him particularly arrogant on any occasion.

That night, he and several of his cronies became more presumptuous under the influence of alcohol. As the dinner progressed, Uday began to make a big splash at the banquet, and his words were marked with provocation and contempt, making the whole atmosphere tense.

A petty misunderstanding ensued, and Uday physically assaulted Zaidan in full view.

After Uday and Qusay were shot dead by U.S. troops, neighbors revealed little-known inside information about Zaidan's denunciation

Such insulting behavior was extremely serious in Iraqi society at the time, especially for a person who was related to the Saddam family.

Uday's atrocities not only hurt Zaidan physically, but also left an indelible stain on him in his social circles.

Zaidan's neighbor, Tahir, who is also his friend for many years, has firsthand a witness to the incident. Tahir recalled the scene of that night on several occasions, saying: "Zaidan has wanted to kill these two men for a long time!" ”

Although this sentence is emotional, it also reflects the far-reaching impact of Uday's behavior on Zaidan.

After Uday and Qusay were shot dead by U.S. troops, neighbors revealed little-known inside information about Zaidan's denunciation

Tahir described a noticeable change in Zaidan's attitude after that incident, and he became more defensive and less likely to appear in public.

A few years later, when Uday and Qusay sought refuge in Zaidan's villa during the war, Zaidan was faced with a difficult choice.

Ostensibly, he accepted the arrival of the two brothers, but in reality, he was already looking for an opportunity to take revenge. When U.S. troops entered Iraq and began searching for senior Saddam Hussein officials and family members, Zaidan decided to take action, providing U-Japanese troops with the exact hiding places of Uday and Qusay.

After Uday and Qusay were shot dead by U.S. troops, neighbors revealed little-known inside information about Zaidan's denunciation

Aftermath: The situation in Iraq and the fate of Zeidan

The situation developed rapidly after Zaidan provided the US military with key information about Uday and Qusay. With the deaths of these two high-level targets, Zeidan's actions, while helping the U.S. military achieve its military goals, also put him at extremely high personal risk.

The story quickly spread among the local community and wider Iraqi society, and while the initial intention may have been personal revenge, he turned out to be the target of public criticism.

Although Saddam's regime fell, his loyal supporters and many people still have a certain loyalty and admiration for the Saddam family, especially in those areas that once benefited from Saddam's rule.

After Uday and Qusay were shot dead by U.S. troops, neighbors revealed little-known inside information about Zaidan's denunciation

These people see Zaidan's actions as betrayal, and they believe that Zaidan has betrayed his blood and country, sacrificing his country's heroes for the benefit of foreign powers. Driven by this sentiment, Zaidan's life and safety are seriously threatened.

Zaidan soon realized that his future in Iraq could not continue, despite the bonuses he received from the United States and a temporary security guarantee.

Threatening phone calls, threatening letters and public accusations became part of his daily life. This pressure came not only from society and the media, but also from some former Saddam Hussein government officials and their supporters began to secretly look for opportunities to retaliate against him.

After Uday and Qusay were shot dead by U.S. troops, neighbors revealed little-known inside information about Zaidan's denunciation

Under this constant pressure and potential danger, Zeidan held a series of secret talks with U.S. officials. The U.S. government has decided to provide a safe way out for Zaidan, taking into account his important contribution to the military operation and the serious security threats he may face in the future.

This is not only to protect a valuable source of intelligence, but also to maintain the credibility of U.S. operations in Iraq and beyond.

After a series of complicated arrangements, Zaidan was secretly evacuated from Iraq. This process involves the coordination of multiple countries, including the establishment of safe passages, the rearrangement of identity and the security of his future life.

The day Zaidan left Iraq was secretly in the middle of the night in a small plane, and almost no one knew where he was going.

Reference: From He Guoyuan. Saddam Hussein's Code of Life and Death[M]. 2014

After Uday and Qusay were shot dead by U.S. troops, neighbors revealed little-known inside information about Zaidan's denunciation