
AI police officers are online, and a new form of anti-fraud is √

author:Ping'an Beibei

The reporter of this newspaper walked into the Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park and felt the public security power behind the Internet science and technology innovation highland——

Haidian, Beijing: Technology helps unlock the security password of enterprises

Zhongguancun, located in Haidian District, Beijing, is known as "China's Silicon Valley". Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park is the first national high-tech industrial development zone and the first national independent innovation demonstration zone in mainland China, with more than 20,000 high-tech enterprises, involving high-tech fields such as information technology, artificial intelligence, chips, and big data.

Every day, employees of large Internet companies come and go, and vehicles come and go, and this highland of China's Internet science and technology innovation exudes vigorous vitality and vitality.

Behind this, it is inseparable from the all-round protection of the social security environment by the Haidian Public Security. Recently, the reporter of this newspaper walked into the Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park to feel the public security power behind the Internet science and technology innovation highland.

Defeat the hacker gang that "makes money out of nothing".

In July 2023, an Internet housekeeping company in Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park reported: "The money in our labor payment account is gone!" ”

It is understood that the operation mode of the enterprise is: customers place orders online, and the company sends orders to housekeepers online; After the labor service is completed, the administrator operates on the platform and pays the domestic staff through the labor payment account.

After receiving the report, the Police Support Brigade of the Haidian Branch of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau immediately set up a special team to carry out case consultation, research and judgment, investigate and collect evidence on the background of the enterprise website system, and basically determined the modus operandi: "hackers" invaded the background through technical means and tampered with the account balance data.

After in-depth work, the police who handled the case found Wang in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, and went to Hangzhou to arrest him. Wang confessed that because he wanted to "make some money", he sold his personal identity information to others. Subsequently, the police quickly locked down the hacker team headed by Guo. In September last year, the police arrested five criminal suspects including Guo in Hangzhou. After further digging, the police found that Guo's gang was suspected of another case in Guangxi, and the modus operandi was the same, so the two cases were handled together. In February this year, Xiao, a suspect in the Guangxi case, was arrested by the police.

"This criminal act infringes on the interests of the enterprise, affects the operation of the enterprise, customers cannot purchase services normally, and labor personnel cannot be paid in a timely manner, which harms the legitimate rights and interests of the masses." Li Yue, deputy captain of the Police Support Brigade, said, "Many Internet-related cases are time-consuming and laborious to investigate, but we must do our best to involve the interests of the masses." ”

Catch the thieves who "steal the code".

In Zhongguancun, many companies' copyrights, patents and trade secrets are related to "binary" - there are digital products close to public life such as online music, videos, and games, as well as many high-precision and sophisticated network technologies that are not well known to the public.

AI police officers are online, and a new form of anti-fraud is √

In 2023, the Ring Food and Medicine Brigade Squadron of the Public Security Detachment of the Haidian Branch will arrest a group of suspects who "steal code".

At the beginning of 2023, a listed company engaged in artificial intelligence data services reported that trade secrets had been infringed. Originally, the company had a data processing tool product to train the accuracy of autonomous driving algorithms, which was a company trade secret, but now another company of the same type claims to be able to provide the same product. After a preliminary comparison, the company found that the two products were almost identical.

Through investigation, the police handling the case found that a former employee of the listed company downloaded the code of the data processing tool in violation of regulations. Subsequently, the police found the tool in the computer of the departing employee. It was found that a supervisor of the same type of company had "poached" the employee, and the supervisor provided the data processing tool to the customer as his own product even though he knew that the code provided by the employee was illegally obtained from another company. At present, 2 suspects have been indicted.

AI police officers are online, and a new form of anti-fraud is √

"There are many high-tech enterprises in Haidian District, and there are relatively many cases of infringement of computer software intellectual property rights investigated by the Haidian Public Security." Lin Zhibo, deputy squadron leader of the fourth squadron of the mobile detachment of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau's Environmental Food and Medicine Brigade Corps, said. In view of the characteristics of intellectual property rights of high-tech enterprises in the jurisdiction, the Haidian Public Security Department has cracked down hard, promoted rectification, overcome technical difficulties, and vigorously protected intellectual property rights.

Keep the "money bag" for employees

Internet companies usually summarize "user portraits", and Cao Yike, a community police officer from the Malianwa Police Station of the Haidian Branch who is in charge of the second phase of the Zhongguancun Software Park, also summarized the "portraits" for the employees of large Internet companies: young, graduated from prestigious schools, with strong work ability but weak awareness of prevention...... Therefore, the illegal infringement they often encounter is telecommunication network fraud.

Every Tuesday and Thursday, Cao Yike will go to enterprises in the jurisdiction to carry out anti-fraud propaganda. "Most of the usual anti-fraud propaganda is to hold information meetings, distribute publicity materials, establish groups, report cases, etc., and many young people are not interested in this." Cao Yike said that how to achieve better results in a form that young people like to see is a problem he has been thinking about.

AI police officers are online, and a new form of anti-fraud is √

In December 2023, Cao Yike came into contact with a company's "digital human" AI project, and after an in-depth understanding, he plans to explore and try new forms of anti-fraud through the "digital human" AI project.

Nowadays, there are AI "Officer Xiaocao" on the promotional screens in the corporate restaurants, elevator halls and other places where employees must go in the park. "Strange calls are not gullible, unknown links are not clicked...... "AI "Officer Xiaocao" can not only broadcast anti-fraud smoothly in a loop, but also broadcast new anti-fraud cases in the jurisdiction in real time.

Gather the greatest synergy between police and enterprises

AI "Officer Xiaocao" combines the professional advantages of public security and the technical advantages of enterprises, and the effect is good, attracting praise from many parties. In the Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park, there are also a variety of police-enterprise cooperation mechanisms to unite the joint efforts of multiple parties to weave a dense anti-fraud protection network.

In addition, the Haidian Public Security Department also cooperates with the tax department to carry out anti-fraud propaganda for the financial personnel of enterprises in the jurisdiction during the annual tax declaration season, and establishes a four-level anti-fraud center in the enterprise, taking anti-fraud and anti-fraud as the first lesson for new employees, and continuously improving the awareness of employee prevention. Since 2023, the number of cases of employees of major Internet companies in Haidian District being defrauded has been declining.

Internet platforms have a large number of users, and users' moral literacy and legal awareness are uneven, and the phenomenon of infringing on the rights and interests of minors through the Internet occurs from time to time.

In September 2023, the Police Support Brigade of the Haidian Branch found that multiple accounts on a platform had committed crimes infringing on the rights and interests of minors. After the case is cracked, the case-handling police are to summarize and analyze the circumstances of the case and the experience of handling the case.

"Such cases are difficult to find, investigate, and collect evidence, so we must work together with enterprises." Li Yue introduced that since 2023, the Haidian Public Security Bureau has established a clue notification mechanism for Internet companies in the jurisdiction, and strengthened the ability to mine criminal clues through analysis and judgment of relevant prohibited information. At the same time, the Haidian Public Security Department vigorously publicized and widely appealed, tightened and consolidated the main responsibility of internet platforms, urged all platforms to establish relevant management and handling mechanisms, cleaned up cyberspace, and created a clear and safe online environment for the growth of minors.