
Go out in person! Media person: Riot halted G2 and Uzi training matches for violating the rules of the event

Go out in person! Media person: Riot halted G2 and Uzi training matches for violating the rules of the event

Understand the Emperor of the Ball

2024-05-16 11:34Posted on the official account of Beijing Xiangqiudi

On the evening of May 15, "Uzi's Guardian Angel" updated social media that due to the lack of compliance with official regulations, the second-level catch team led by Uzi could not play training matches with the G2 club. "Sports Weekly" reporter Wang Weichen interprets this.

Go out in person! Media person: Riot halted G2 and Uzi training matches for violating the rules of the event

Wang Weichen wrote: "I just asked the official about the suspension of the G2 and Uzi training matches. First of all, the fist stopped, and it has nothing to do with Tengjing and LPL. The non-compliance is that MSI's competition teams are not allowed to participate in other third-party events and commercially engaged events during the participation period.

The training matches of the G2 and Uzi teams are allowed to be played behind closed doors during the competition, which is an ordinary training match, and the live broadcast of the whole process is of a commercial nature. But for these two teams, training matches that are not broadcast live can be said to be meaningless, so they will definitely not be acceptable. It is also allowed for G2 to be eliminated or to play live after winning the championship, so that G2 is not in the middle of the game.

This is actually not difficult to understand, for example, if you participate in the football World Cup, you can make a training match behind closed doors during the World Cup, but if you have a friendly match that is broadcast live, FIFA will not allow it. ”

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  • Go out in person! Media person: Riot halted G2 and Uzi training matches for violating the rules of the event

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