
The 972nd day of live regular investment(2024-5-15)

author:Kanji 李炙
The 972nd day of live regular investment(2024-5-15)

Adhere to regular investment, record the growth process, and witness the long-term strength.

Practice the live broadcast on the 972nd day of regular investment, real records, and real account operations.

Today's regular investment: a total of 0 yuan.

Screenshot of transaction: None

Yesterday's regular investment result: none

After the fund is purchased, it needs to be confirmed by the fund company, and the exact transaction result will generally be known on the next day, so there is a data delay.

Yesterday's profit and loss: $38.22.

The 972nd day of live regular investment(2024-5-15)

Here's a screenshot of the account:

The 972nd day of live regular investment(2024-5-15)
The 972nd day of live regular investment(2024-5-15)
The 972nd day of live regular investment(2024-5-15)
The 972nd day of live regular investment(2024-5-15)
The 972nd day of live regular investment(2024-5-15)
The 972nd day of live regular investment(2024-5-15)

Investing is always your own thing.

Each of us has a different starting point, accumulated wisdom and a different concept of time. When it comes to investing, the only thing you need to beat is who you were yesterday.

At the starting point, the "amount" is almost an "uncontrollable factor" for everyone, you are the rich second generation, you "directly" have more money, you are not, and even "there is a certain amount" is not necessarily.

And the "time limit" thing is fair to everyone, and has nothing to do with the difference in starting points. Any normal person, as long as he is "subjectively a little firmer", can take out a few thousand yuan, or tens of thousands of yuan, and "sentence it to life imprisonment". As long as this is done, a person in the field of investment, in the dimension of "time limit", has stood on the highest dimension with all "qualified investors" and all "excellent investors".

More subjective than the amount and time limit is "investment wisdom", which cannot be obtained through "genetics", but can be obtained through learning.

The above content is excerpted from Li Xiaolai's "The Road to Wealth Freedom", with appropriate modifications.

Disclaimer: The fund name, code and other information appearing in the article are the real materials that I have recorded the growth of my personal regular investment, and are not used as a reference when you invest, nor do I recommend you to buy the corresponding products.