
A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house

A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house


2024-05-16 11:59Posted in Anhui life field creator

A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house

Nowadays, buying a house independently has become the choice of more and more single women.

According to, Anjuke released in March this year

"2024 Women's Home Ownership Survey Report",

The proportion of women who have saved up for a down payment to buy a house has increased.

Among them, unmarried women accounted for the highest proportion, reaching 45.5%.

In the downturn of the real estate market,

Buying a home for a single woman is a controversial decision.

The general public opinion is that housing prices have not yet fallen to the bottom,

Buying a house now is tantamount to losing money in vain.

One chatted with 4 women who were single and bought a house.

Someone was laid off by a company where they had worked for 8 years,

"picked up" more than 1 million Beijing houses;

Some people are motivated to buy a house and work several jobs at the same time,

earned 2 million in three years after graduation;

Some people are determined not to marry and have children,

In the suburbs of Shanghai without subway, get on the train with a down payment of 200,000 yuan;

There are also people who have been drifting for eight years,

Finally, this year, I waited for the "best time" to buy a house.

Is it worth it for a single woman to buy a house?

Listen to their answers from their own experiences.

Editor: Ma Shiyun

Editor-in-charge: Chen Ziwen

A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house

I am from Guangdong, and since I was very young, I thought that I must buy a house, and I must rely on myself. My determination to buy a house has not been shaken by the turmoil of the market in the past two years.

I'm the type of person who is more motivated when I'm stressed, so I started working hard to make money from a very early age. I've always felt that you have to be very, very eager to make money in order to make money.

When I was a freshman, I actively looked for my brothers and sisters to pull me into the part-time group, and soon found a job that suited my specialty, hosting in Mandarin, Cantonese and English. As long as there is an event that needs a host, even if it is voluntary labor, I will go to accumulate experience. Gradually, I began to be approached by event companies to sign up to host various brand events, conferences, dinners, etc., and my daily salary increased from double digits to four figures. I used the money I saved as a host to study abroad, and investing in myself is always the most valuable.

A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house

Wear Hanfu to preside over the event

After graduating, I worked as an English teacher at the number one education company in the industry, and I also worked several part-time jobs. Later, the company was dissolved, and I simply opened my own educational studio, one person is like a team - recruiting students, recruiting teachers, grinding classes to build a system, 6 in the morning and 12 in the evening, and only sleeping a few hours a day. For the first time in my life, I made a six-figure monthly income.

After the studio slowly got on the right track, I opened another clothing studio, still by myself, buying, taking pictures, renewing, promoting, and shipping. Every day, from the time I open my eyes to the time I close them, my brain is running at high speed, and the two mobile phones are quickly replying to customers on both sides, and it is no exaggeration to say that I don't even have time to eat.

A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house

Clothing studio entrepreneurship daily

A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house

Shoot the everyday

Three years after graduating, I earned 2 million. At the end of last year, I spent a down payment of 1 million to buy a second-hand house in the central area of Panyu, Guangzhou, and officially handed over the house at the end of January this year.

When it comes to buying a house, I think we should "buy where no one cares about it, and sell it when it's crowded".

I've been looking at houses since I graduated, and I've been looking at the houses I rented and the houses I bought. I bought this house now, I thought about it for two years before I started, and I have been waiting for the house price to fall, plus now I have enough savings.

Guangzhou's housing market may be cold, but it will not fall endlessly. My friend is in the real estate business, and they have been busy this year and have been trading. I feel that house prices have come down to the point where they can't go any further. The market price of the same house I bought a year ago was more than 4 million, and the price of the time I bought was about 3.3 million, and before meeting with the owner of the same house, he said that he could give me 2.95 million, but when he really met, he regretted it, and felt that it was too much of a loss, and he could only sell it for 3.1 million. I think this is the bottom line of the owner.

A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house

On the day of signing the contract for the purchase of the house

My family is very supportive of me buying a house, they themselves like to buy a house, and the only investment is the property. When I was in college, I told my family that I wanted to buy a house, and my mom would tell me how to plan for savings.

I have a friend who can buy a house in full, but her mother is against it, thinking that girls should not have their own houses, otherwise it will not be good to marry in the future, and the money to buy a house can also be set aside for other things, in short, girls should not bear so much pressure.

I disagree. I always believe that getting married is not a necessary choice in life, there will always be times when you can't rely on others, and it is better to rely on yourself than to rely on anyone. The house is just needed, it is the confidence that you give yourself, and it has nothing to do with others.

And even if it is a girl who wants to enter marriage, having a house of her own is also a guarantee. The female friends around me who buy a house, they will also say that they will get married in the future, and they should clearly state in the agreement that this is a pre-marital property, and there will be a place to go in case of quarrel and divorce.

A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house

A home that is about to be renovated

For girls who want to buy a house alone, I recommend taking a good look at their expected income and asset allocation. I have calculated my income and expenses, and the monthly payment of 10,000 yuan is not a lot of pressure, and it will not affect the current standard of living. Of course, I can afford to buy a house of 6 million, but the monthly payment and renovation costs will be higher, and I will be tight for the next few years.

I'd rather buy cheaper, smaller, and try to buy a house as painless as possible.

A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house

After 11 years of drifting north, at the beginning of January last year, I was laid off by the company where I had worked for 8 years. Also last year, I bought my own house in Beijing, which can be said to be a year of ups and downs.

I work for a listed advertising agency as a designer. At that time, I thought that it would be cut, as long as I was given the compensation that should be given, I would immediately take the money and leave. But the company felt that the compensation was too much, and after two rounds of chatting, they wanted to find an excuse to fire me and not give me a penny. I am already going through labor arbitration, and there is no result yet.

A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house

A corner of the house

A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house

Decorative paintings painted by yourself

I have had the idea of buying a house since 2022. My hometown is in Luoyang, Henan Province, and I came to Beijing as soon as I graduated. Having moved several times in 11 years, I am a person who is not very secure and have a strong sense of loss every time I move. Once the landlord's house was suddenly sold and we were asked to move out immediately, and at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night we were crammed into a van with a pile of luggage and moved to a house that we had found in a hurry. When I moved for the seventh time, I was determined to buy a house of my own.

I have a deposit, but it's not much, and cheap is my first criterion for buying a house. Later, a former colleague recommended me a set of co-ownership houses in Shunyi, which is a new house, which is cheaper than the commercial houses on the market, with a total price of 1.45 million yuan and a down payment of 450,000 yuan. I looked at it and thought it was quite suitable, but I couldn't afford it no matter how expensive it was, so I bought it as soon as my mind was hot.

At that time I had already been made redundant, freelanced, and had no stable income. I think if I don't buy it this time, I probably won't buy it again. Although the property market is not good, this house is already relatively cheap, and if it falls, it will be like this, and I will not be particularly anxious.

A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house

After buying a house, you can finally arrange it according to your heart's desire

A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house

A do-it-yourself retro Hong Kong-style full-length mirror

When I took out my savings for ten years and paid the down payment, I had mixed feelings, and I cried and called my parents, but fortunately they were very supportive.

Life is inherently full of uncertainties, and even if you buy a house when you have a job, you can't guarantee that you won't be laid off later; Buying a house when you don't have a job may be able to find a job quickly. I am confident in my ability to work, and after being laid off, I am taking on some advertising projects, and the monthly payment of more than 5,000 is a bit stressful, but I can still bear it.

Some relatives also feel that if the girl has a mortgage, it is a minus point when she goes on a blind date. The reality is that in the past, someone introduced me to someone who would say, find someone with similar conditions, don't pick and choose at such an old age, you don't have to ask for so much yourself. After buying a house, I was introduced to a boy who had a house and a car in Beijing. They are also quite supportive of me buying a house, and they will think that you have the courage to work hard for what you want.

A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house

There are a lot of plants at home

After buying a house, I started to have a strong sense of saving money. In the past, I spent a lot of money, ordered takeout and went to restaurants every day, and bought a bag every once in a while to treat myself. Now I don't spend a penny of money that I don't need to spend, and I find that I was a bit stupid to spend ahead of time, and vanity and anxiety have made me fall into a vicious circle of buying, buying, buying.

Buying a house can't be said to be the right thing to do, at least it has made me see what is valuable. For me, the security of having a home is probably more important.

A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house

I came to Shanghai to put down roots here. My hometown is in Anhui, and I have been drifting in Shanghai for eight years, and I have been fighting for the goal of buying a house for eight years. From the beginning of a few hundred yuan a month to buy a house in Shanghai on May Day this year, only I know the torment I have experienced.

A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house

Plans for retrofitting schemes

A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house

Before buying a house, the account balance in February of this year

When I first came to Shanghai, I was just a low-level assistant commissioner, and now I am a manager in the operation team of a private company, with a monthly income of 2000 to 2W+ now. In addition to the income from my main business, I am also working as a side hustle for event planning in an advertising company, and this part of my income is not fixed, sometimes I have 8K.

On the one hand, it is open source, and on the other hand, it is also throttling. I've been using software for bookkeeping since 2019, and I keep track of every expense every day. Looking at the money saved every year, it is quite rewarding. I don't know how to take a taxi, I try to take public transportation, I cook my own meals, and I always bring food to work.

I've always wanted to buy a house, and now is the right time and opportunity. The purchase restriction policy has been relaxed, and you can buy a house outside the outer ring. Coupled with the fall in housing prices this year, the savings on hand are just enough for the down payment, and after comprehensive consideration, I decided to buy a house.

A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house

Take an agent's small electric donkey to see the house

A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house

In the end, a rough house was purchased

After looking at the house for a long time, I finally negotiated it at a price of 2.15 million. The house is located in Gu Village, a demolition house in 2005, with one bedroom and one living room. Fortunately, it is a blank, which saves the cost of demolition. The house doesn't need to be big, just enough to live in. The loan is stretched to the maximum term, and the loan is repaid at 5,600 yuan per month after deducting the provident fund, which is only more than 1,000 yuan more than the original rent.

I didn't ask my family to get a penny for buying a house, my family is not a very solid family, it is not easy for my parents to make money, and I try to rely on myself if I can.

Many people feel that since housing prices have fallen, it is possible that they will fall again. I don't think everyone's perception is wrong, but it is also necessary to consider the differences in individual circumstances.

In my hometown, everyone usually gets married at the age of twenty-five or sixteen, and there are many people like me who have second children and divorces. Since I've been in the big city for so many years, I don't want to go back and be told that I can't achieve anything in my 30s. Although I don't care much about other people's opinions, I still want to be able to make a home for myself when I am 30 years old.

I've been renting a house in Shanghai, and I've experienced a lot of all kinds of sad things. Now the rent has risen to 4,400 yuan, and if the mortgage is about the same as the rent, I would rather use the money to pay off the monthly payment. After all, the house is there, and I will be more at ease and confident.

A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house

Home near the park with the river

I don't think that the house before marriage will become a burden to find a partner, but it can discourage some people who are not able to do it. For future marriage, the house is my own confidence, I don't need anyone to buy it for me, I must add my name. You have yours, and I have mine.

I'm not too worried about cutting off the supply, I've been working very hard, and I never think that I won't be able to find a job in the future that can earn 5,600 yuan a month, even if I go to deliver food, I can earn the monthly payment back.

A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house

I am a writer from a small town in Jilin in Northeast China, I came to Shanghai to work in 2019, working as an ordinary clerk in a foreign company, and in July last year, the house I bought in Jinshan, Shanghai was officially transferred.

A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house

The living room and dining room are integrated

A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house

The view from the bedroom was nice

Growing up, all my experiences with houses were not wonderful, which was one of the reasons why I insisted on buying a house.

When I was a child, my parents divorced, and I never lived with them, and I went from one relative's house to another, without my own room. When I was studying abroad, I shared a living room in a living room, and the gas couldn't be lit all year round, and the local agent bullied me as a foreigner when I quit the rent, and I didn't even pay the deposit. Later, when I came to Shanghai to work, in order to save rent, I lived in the partition room of the second landlord, and also lived in the old dilapidated house on the sixth floor. After going through so much, I wish I had a house of my own.

Another reason to buy a house is that I am a staunch non-marital and infertile. Because of my family of origin and upbringing, I have always been pessimistic about marriage. I can be in a relationship or live together, but marriage is very risky and I don't want to gamble.

Since you have chosen the path of not marrying and having children, you have to plan for your future. Salary, shelter, insurance, pension, and medical treatment should all be taken into account. Although my salary is not high, I am also trying to save money little by little, and I have saved 200,000 yuan in a few years.

A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house

Take a selfie in front of a large mirror at home

Originally, I wanted to buy a small house in my hometown, and the house price in my hometown was only 3000~5000 yuan. I always thought that a house in Shanghai would cost several million, and with my salary and family situation, I couldn't afford it. Later, I found out that Shanghai is very big, and not every house is expensive, and there are relatively cheap houses that my salary can afford. And I have already got a Shanghai hukou, which is equivalent to having a room ticket.

I thought about it for a long time, and I spent a long time internally, and finally chose a second-hand house in Jinshan, with a down payment of 190,000 yuan and a loan of 520,000 yuan. As long as the monthly payment is in the early 4,000s, most of it can be covered by the provident fund. I know it's very old, very old, very small and broken, but because of this small house, I really have a home in Shanghai.

A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house

A one-way 2-hour commute from home to office

Jinshan belongs to the suburbs, to the city to take an hour of high-speed bus to transfer to the subway, if you go to work you have to get up at six o'clock, to the company one-way two hours. I don't really care about that, because the company allows you to work from home, and you only need to go one or two days a week.

When I don't go to work, I will walk around, this is a typical ancient town in the south of the Yangtze River, with mountains and rivers, bridges and trees, and a strong historical atmosphere, which makes people's minds calm and have a sense of seclusion.

After I shared my experience online, many people asked me to sell this apartment and replace it with a city one. Netizen comments include: It is better to buy a house in Suzhou than to buy a house in Jinshan; A fool bought it in Jinshan, and a 70w house became 30w after two years; Jinshan houses have no appreciation value...... For many people, buying a house is an investment, and not appreciating in value is the original sin. For me, buying a house is consumption, and the biggest meaning is a sense of security, and there is one more way out of life from then on.

When I bought a house, I knew that it would definitely fall, and from last year to now, this area has fallen by 100,000. I can accept a loss, and I can accept it if it falls less than 400,000 yuan. This apartment is already very cheap, it can't go down much and can't go up much, and many houses in the city center have fallen out of the total price of my house.

A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house

Buying a house in Shanghai on my own and learning ballet that I wanted to learn when I was a child but didn't learn, I feel much happier at the age of 30 than at the age of 20

I believe that a person's life is to pursue his own happiness and joy. If you feel unhappy in your current life, you have to find a way to change it, and buying a house is the change I made.

Now that the master bedroom and balcony of my house are facing south, I can feel the sun and the breeze and feel that the whole space is mine. Stay a day earlier and feel a little happier. If you can be happy soon, why be happy late?

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  • A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
  • A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
  • A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
  • A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
  • A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
  • A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
  • A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
  • A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
  • A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
  • A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
  • A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
  • A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
  • A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
  • A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
  • A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
  • A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
  • A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
  • A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
  • A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
  • A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
  • A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
  • A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
  • A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
  • A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
  • A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
  • A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
  • A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
  • A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
  • A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house
  • A group of single women are "picking up" to buy a house

Personal opinion, for reference only

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