
I really advise you not to drink drinks with ice casually! (Not because it's cold)

author:Fusion of the sun

Recently, Mr. Wang bought a few cups of iced coffee at a famous coffee shop, and when he opened the lid, he found that the ice cubes had become moldy and hairy. The incident quickly sparked discussion among netizens on the Internet.

I really advise you not to drink drinks with ice casually! (Not because it's cold)

Image source: References[2]

Many netizens began to ask, isn't the only component of ice water? How can it also get moldy? Yes, pure water doesn't get moldy, but when something else is mixed in the water or ice, it's hard to say.

In fact, the ice in the drinks we drink can actually be quite dirty. Some studies have found that the total number of colonies of milk tea with ice cubes is significantly higher than that of milk tea without ice.

I really advise you not to drink drinks with ice casually! (Not because it's cold)

Image source: References[2]

What is it that makes the ice cubes in drinks so dirty?

Possible contamination pathways of beverage ice

When it comes to ice, we usually think it's pretty clean. Because in our naïve conception, low temperatures are not conducive to the reproduction of bacteria and viruses.

However, the truth is that there are many ways to contaminate the ice used in beverages, and not only the presence or absence of bacteria and viruses in the ice water. It can even be said that the cause of ice pollution is something that only you can't think of, and nothing has never happened.

The water source for ice production is unhygienic

In order to ensure the hygiene and safety of ice cubes, referring to the provisions of the National Food Safety Standard for Frozen Drinks and Preparation Materials (GB 2759-2015), the water used for ice making should be safe drinking water that has been disinfected. However, not every business is willing to spend money and time to choose qualified ice water.

If there are microorganisms in the ice water, there is a high probability that the total number of ice bacteria produced will exceed the standard, and there will be pathogenic bacteria or viruses. Although low temperatures are not conducive to the growth of microorganisms, low temperatures do not necessarily kill existing microorganisms, and when consumers eat the disease-causing microorganisms in the ice cubes, the microorganisms will begin to multiply in the body, eventually leading to disease.

I really advise you not to drink drinks with ice casually! (Not because it's cold)

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Contamination of ice-making or ice-transporting and storage equipment

If the exterior and interior of the ice machine are not cleaned and disinfected regularly, it is easy to harbor dirt and dirt.

At the same time, we see that many businesses often store ice cubes in open containers for easy access, which greatly increases the risk of contamination by bacteria and other microorganisms, and even cockroaches, mosquitoes and flies.

At the same time, it is easy to introduce contaminants into the ice if the containers used to transport the ice and the ice shovels are not stored properly or not cleaned and disinfected in time.

Ice cubes are non-edible ice cubes

Although this situation is rare, it has also been reported in the news that a black-hearted merchant uses ice cubes for storing fish, shrimp and seafood as beverage ice cubes in order to "make the best use of things". This ice cube is likely to contain bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc., and is extremely dangerous.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that the ice cubes in the drink are dirty.

When we buy drinks, we really recommend not adding ice, not only to protect your health and safety, but also to drink more drinks. After all, adding ice to drinks must occupy a lot of capacity (more ice, less drinks, merchants are smart enough).

I really advise you not to drink drinks with ice casually! (Not because it's cold)

When ordering milk tea, you can often see the prompt "less ice (less than the cup)".

The ice in the drink was so dirty

What should I do if I still want to drink cold?

Although there are risks associated with adding ice, there are still friends who want to drink cold drinks because of habitual preferences, how to solve this?

On the one hand, we can try to minimize the food safety risks of drinks with ice, and on the other hand, we can also gather some tips to make drinks taste good without ice.

To reduce the chance of eating contaminated ice, you can do the following:

Make your own ice cubes at home

Make your own ice cubes at home, take them with you in a thermos cup when you go out, and add them yourself after buying a drink.

As long as you pay attention to the cleaning and disinfection of utensils, homemade ice cubes can ensure that the water used for ice making is clean and hygienic, and the storage and transportation process is safe, but it is more troublesome, time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Choose a store that looks better hygienic

When buying drinks with ice, pay attention to check whether the container containing ice cubes in the store is clean and sealed; Whether the clerk wears disposable gloves when handling the ice, whether the ice shovel is stored in a clean and hygienic special container, etc. Choose merchants who are doing a better job in all of these areas.

I really advise you not to drink drinks with ice casually! (Not because it's cold)

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If you want your drink to taste good without ice, here's what you can do:

Add a few slices of mint

The menthol in peppermint stimulates the cold receptors on the nerve endings of the human body, making people feel the loss of heat and feel more refreshing.

Add sweet fruits for a sweeter boost

Since low temperature can increase the sweetness and increase the coolness, we can of course add some sweet-tasting fruits to the drink, such as grapes, watermelon, etc., to enhance the taste. It's not cold enough, but it's delicious enough.

A little trick

Without adding ice, you can quickly cool down your drink

If it's not easy to buy a refrigerated drink, try wrapping it in a wet paper towel or towel and putting it in the freezer to quickly get a cold drink in minutes.

I really advise you not to drink drinks with ice casually! (Not because it's cold)

Image source: Weibo screenshot

When we were children, we didn't have the conditions to drink ice drinks often, but we could eat the big watermelon soaked in the cold water basin by our mother, the peaches washed in the well water, and a cup of cold boiled, which could quench our thirst and dispel the heat.

Nowadays, we have the conditions to drink all kinds of cold and cold drinks, so let's try to be both cool and healthy.

Author丨Wang Lu, Registered Dietitian in China, Master of Public Health, Peking University, Popular Science China

Review|Chen Ran, Associate Research Librarian (Science Communication) / Senior Engineer, COFCO Institute of Nutrition and Health

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