
"Provincial, quiet, diligent, harmonious, sincere, learning, bright, upright, interesting, constant" Zeng Guofan's core concept

author:I'm here

"Zeng Guofan's Family Letters" has become a must-read for all those who love to read, and it has also allowed countless people to understand the underlying logic of Zeng Guofan's thoughts, understand Zeng Guofan's life, understand the secret of his success, and more importantly, let us feel the teachings from Zeng Guofan from these family letters.

Most of the content of "Zeng Guofan's Family Letter" was written to his younger brothers and children, and this must contain a lot of family education concepts, which can also allow us to read his way of teaching children.

"Provincial, quiet, diligent, harmonious, sincere, learning, bright, upright, interesting, constant" Zeng Guofan's core concept

Of course, for us ordinary readers, although we can learn some details of Zeng Guofan's tutoring, it is difficult for us to systematically organize it, and it is difficult to make it a set of concepts that can bring complete improvement to our tutoring. That's where we need to be helped by a professional.

Li Bo, I believe that many people are as familiar with him as I am because they are attracted by his unique and intelligent language on TV, in the "Hundred Lectures" and in the "Chinese Poetry Conference", but we may not know that Li Bo also has another identity, that is, he is the vice president of the Zeng Guofan International Research Association, and this makes him have a very detailed study of Zeng Guofan.

"Provincial, quiet, diligent, harmonious, sincere, learning, bright, upright, interesting, constant" Zeng Guofan's core concept

Therefore, we can now read such a book created by Li Bo "Li Bo's Interpretation of Zeng Guofan's Godson's Way", so that we can have a more comprehensive, clearer and more logical insight into Zeng Guofan's Godson from his detailed interpretation, let us truly understand the details of Zeng Guofan's family education through Li Bo's use of story explanation, and also allow us to understand these concepts clearly, think clearly, and accept them from the heart.

So in this book, what are the core concepts of Zeng Guofan's way of teaching his son summarized by Li Bo? He summed up the cross formula for us, which are "province, quietness, diligence, harmony, sincerity, learning, clarity, firmness, fun, and perseverance".

"Provincial, quiet, diligent, harmonious, sincere, learning, bright, upright, interesting, constant" Zeng Guofan's core concept

And we can understand through the reading of this book how Zeng Guofan practiced this cross and how he passed it on to his children and grandchildren. More importantly, the author cites a large number of other celebrities and explores the role of this cross in their life growth, helping us to build a sense of confidence in this idea.

For example, the first word "province" is decided. We all know that there is a wise saying in the Analects of Confucius "My day and three provinces and my body", which shows the role of "province" in the Confucian cultural classics, so how did Zeng Guofan practice this "province" word? Those who know Zeng Guofan must know that he adhered to the "12 daily lessons" all his life, and also influenced his children and grandchildren with such requirements, and the "12 daily lessons" is the most direct embodiment of Zeng Guofan's "provincial" word decision.

"Provincial, quiet, diligent, harmonious, sincere, learning, bright, upright, interesting, constant" Zeng Guofan's core concept

So what important role did the word "province" play in Zeng Guofan's life? We all know that Zeng Guofan's achievements in the late Qing Dynasty are brilliant and obvious to all, and of course there are some voices that make him "self-reliant". However, Zeng Guofan has always adhered to the teachings of Confucianism and has always regarded "sage" as his life philosophy, and this has achieved his reputation as a "perfect man", and also allowed him to enjoy his life with peace of mind.

What about those who have not completed "introspection" throughout history? In this book, the author also gives us Zhou Zuoren and Qian Qianyi as examples, allowing us to see their failed lives.

"Provincial, quiet, diligent, harmonious, sincere, learning, bright, upright, interesting, constant" Zeng Guofan's core concept

Of course, when the author explains this "cross formula" to us, he will inevitably focus on our own tutoring, and think about whether our own children have been too wasted in this regard. Our current tutors rarely teach children to "introspect", but instead raise children into little bullies in the family, which is not really loving children, but may make children fail in the future social competition, let alone let them achieve extraordinary achievements.

Therefore, for our tutors, if we want our children to be vigilant and not make mistakes, the word "province" must be deeply understood and practiced.

"Provincial, quiet, diligent, harmonious, sincere, learning, bright, upright, interesting, constant" Zeng Guofan's core concept

The other core ideas of Zeng Guofan's teaching children in this book can also have this effect, and can also help us provide methods in the process of children's parenting, and Li Bo provides positive examples and negative teaching materials through the interpretation of this book, helping our children to achieve their own extraordinary lives. #郦波##曾国藩##教子之法#