
【Attention】Galloping on the track to show your skills and write a new chapter of youth dreams

author:Huanxian financial media

Laughter and laughter overflow Huanzhou, and the scenery is unique here. From May 9th to 11th, the 15th Huanxian Middle School Athletics Meeting was successfully held in the breezy early summer. 701 athletes from 31 teams from the county were full of spirit and enthusiasm, leaving inspiring poems for the land of Huanzhou with persistence and self-confidence. Next, let's go straight to the scene and have a look!

【Attention】Galloping on the track to show your skills and write a new chapter of youth dreams

The hunting red flag fluttered in the wind, and the athletes were heroic. At 7:30 a.m. on May 9, in the enthusiastic cheers and the passionate athletes' march, the high-profile 15th Huanxian Middle School Student Athletics Meeting was grandly opened. Six flag guards marched with vigorous steps, escorting the bright five-star red flag to enter. Under the guidance of the flag bearer, 35 teams, including flags, colored flags, athletes and referees, walked through the rostrum in an orderly manner. The athletes were full of energy and high morale, showing a healthy, united and enterprising, and courageous spirit with eye-catching banners, vigorous steps, and loud slogans.

Subsequently, the wonderful cultural and sports performances pushed the atmosphere to a climax. The students brought wonderful performances in four chapters: "Inspiring the Prosperous Poetic China", "Sunshine Sports Youth Campus", "Industry Leading Take-off Huanzhou" and "Burning Love Arena and Building a Dream for the Future" in various forms, as a gift to the conference.

It is understood that the Games lasted for three days, with two groups: high school group and junior high school group, and 701 athletes from 31 teams of high schools and junior high schools in the county showed their skills in sprinting, middle and long distance running, high jump, long jump, shot put and relay races.

The young man is not afraid of the long years, and there is still glory on the other side. There are a variety of sports at the Games, and each event has a special meaning for the athletes themselves.

【Attention】Galloping on the track to show your skills and write a new chapter of youth dreams

With the command of the starting gun, the athletes of the running event launched round after round of medal competition, marching towards their victory. Han Miaomiao, a senior sports student from Huanxian No. 4 Middle School, once again showed her running talent and won the championship in three events.

The 4X400m relay race is a team event that has attracted much attention at the Games. Every athlete is racing against time, doing their best, you chase me, and the handover of each stick embodies everyone's hope and conveys friendship and tacit understanding.

On the field, Chen An'an, an athlete from Huanxian No. 5 Middle School, who galloped on the field with a string arrow breaking the wind, opened the competition of speed and passion in the sound of gunshots, and fixed the most shining moment of his enthusiastic youth for himself.

In the 4×400m high school men's relay race, Yan Wusheng, an athlete from Huanxian No. 4 Middle School, and his teammates united and cooperated, fought bravely, won the championship, and added a strong touch to their enthusiastic youth.

In another area of the sports field, athletes or Kunpeng spread their wings, or plucked onions on dry land, like horses galloping, and like dragons soaring into the air, the light figure and the arc drawn by the shot put in the air reflect each other, glowing with vigor and vitality in the sun.

On the field where the athletes are galloping, the impartial and selfless referees are also busy shuttling. Their eyes are like torches, ensuring the fairness and justice of each project; They maintain order and ensure the smooth participation of each athlete.

【Attention】Galloping on the track to show your skills and write a new chapter of youth dreams

The athletes can achieve good results in the sports meeting, not only by their unremitting efforts, but also by the targeted training of the school and the scientific and meticulous guidance of the coaches.

When sports are strong, China is strong, and when the country is prosperous, sports are prosperous. In recent years, Huanxian County has adhered to the development of sports as a major event related to people's livelihood, in-depth implementation of the national fitness program, etc., Huanxian County's investment in sports has been increasing, sports facilities have been continuously improved, mass sports have bloomed and flourished, competitive sports vitality has bloomed, sports top-notch talents have come to the fore, and the sports industry is in the ascendant. Sports has become a beautiful business card for the economic and social development of Huanxian County. In Huanxian County, more and more citizens join the upsurge of national fitness, enjoy the joy of sports, harvest the beautiful life brought by health, and spare no effort to promote the spirit of sportsmanship and inherit the precious wealth of life.

When a young man has Lingyunzhi, he competes in the sky for thousands of miles. In the 15th Huanxian Middle School Athletics Meeting, we witnessed the moment of sweat and hard work of the athletes, the shining of team spirit and youthful passion, and the persistence of life and sports. Although the three-day sports meeting has come to an end, but the track is at the foot, the dream is ahead, I hope that the students will continue to move forward bravely, overcome obstacles, light up the youth with sports, and go all out with full enthusiasm to run towards tomorrow!