
Can you get an unsecured loan by "brushing the flow"? Beware of being an accomplice to scammers!

author:Peace and sunrise

"Unsecured, unsecured, regular company, fast lending"

Are you tempted by the shortage of funds?

In fact, it seems to be convenient and fast

Often the entrance to the abyss

Once you believe it

It's not just the more you borrow, the poorer you get

There is also the possibility of inadvertently becoming an accomplice in "money laundering"!

Can you get an unsecured loan by "brushing the flow"? Beware of being an accomplice to scammers!

Wanting a loan but inadvertently helping a scammer "launder money"

Recently, Ms. Lin inadvertently swiped a video on the Douyin platform claiming to be "unsecured and interest-free" loans. Since she was in urgent need of capital turnover in the near future, she took the initiative to get in touch with the other party and add WeChat. The other party claimed to be a bank employee and also showed a so-called "work card".

Can you get an unsecured loan by "brushing the flow"? Beware of being an accomplice to scammers!

Ms. Lin expressed her willingness to borrow 300,000 yuan, and the other party asked her to provide bank records for nearly three months. After Ms. Lin provided the turnover as requested, the other party said that the turnover amount was insufficient and she needed to connect with her colleagues offline and cooperate with a larger amount of capital operations to improve the turnover record. As Ms. Lin was anxious to get a loan, she agreed to the other party's request.

Can you get an unsecured loan by "brushing the flow"? Beware of being an accomplice to scammers!

The next day, the two parties agreed to meet at the hotel. At the appointed time, Ms. Lin saw a young man, wearing a cap and a mask. The two sides sat down in the hotel lobby, but the man looked extremely unnatural, saying that the people here were not quiet, and proposed to go to the tea room to operate. Ms. Lin questioned why the loan needs to be so hidden. The man did not explain much and asked Ms. Lin to provide her bank card account and ID card. Soon, Ms. Lin's bank card received money one after another, and she transferred the funds to the designated account by scanning the QR code through Alipay as required. The whole process involves dozens of operations, with a total amount of more than 300,000 yuan.

Can you get an unsecured loan by "brushing the flow"? Beware of being an accomplice to scammers!

The man continued to urge the operation, but Ms. Lin was bored and said that she didn't want a loan, so the man could only leave in a huff. Soon after, Ms. Lin found out that her bank card had been frozen, and she hurried to the local police station for help. After investigation, she learned that she had inadvertently participated in "money laundering".

I wanted a loan but was cheated of 25,000 yuan

Ms. Zhang received a loan message, and because she had a need for funds, she downloaded the "360 IOU App" through the SMS link, and registered on the platform to show that she had obtained a loan amount of 50,000 yuan. Ms. Zhang filled in her bank account information as requested, but when she tried to withdraw money, the system told her that her bank account information had not been verified. Ms. Zhang immediately contacted the platform, and the "customer service" asked her to download the "Xinxiang-Enterprise Edition" APP for authentication.

After Ms. Zhang downloaded and successfully logged in, the "customer service" of the "Xinxiang" platform informed Ms. Zhang that according to the requirements of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, she needed to go through a certification to lend money, but she needed to pay 50% of the certification fee first. Ms. Zhang saw that the other party provided relevant regulatory documents, so she did not suspect it, so she transferred 25,000 yuan to the other party's bank account as a certification money. Soon after, she was asked to continue the transfer. At this time, Ms. Zhang realized that she had been deceived.

Can you get an unsecured loan by "brushing the flow"? Beware of being an accomplice to scammers!

"Brush flow" loan money laundering routine

Fraudsters publish advertisements on the Internet that are "unsecured and fast lending", or call to find the target group by impersonating the personnel of financial institutions, and then offer to help the victim brush the flow of money and transfer the funds involved in the victim's account to the victim's account on the grounds that the victim's bank flow is problematic, so as to realize the "laundering" of the stolen money.

Online loan fraud routines

Under the guise of "no collateral and fast lending", fraudsters induce victims to download relevant software, register and fill in personal information, and then the fraudsters ask victims to transfer money to designated accounts on the grounds of paying a deposit and unfreezing fees.

Editor's reminder

Do not click on any links and advertisements from unknown sources, any online loan advertisements that claim to be "unsecured and zero threshold" are extremely risky, and online loans that require payment of fees before the loan is released are suspected of fraud! Please do not become a tool for telecom network fraud because of luck.

Source: Shenyang Public Security New Research Center