
Truth-seeking, innovation, fruitful benevolence, virtue, and protection of the people's health

author:Ecological Ya'an
Truth-seeking, innovation, fruitful benevolence, virtue, and protection of the people's health

A corner of Ya'an People's Hospital

Truth-seeking, innovation, fruitful benevolence, virtue, and protection of the people's health

At the inaugural meeting and the first academic meeting of the Medical Consortium Professional Committee of Ya'an Medical Association, Chen Xinzu served as the honorary chairman

Truth-seeking, innovation, fruitful benevolence, virtue, and protection of the people's health

Members of the in vitro laboratory of the Department of Nuclear Medicine talk about the patient's condition

Truth-seeking, innovation, fruitful benevolence, virtue, and protection of the people's health

Wang Yunbing and the team of experts

Truth-seeking, innovation, fruitful benevolence, virtue, and protection of the people's health

The medical staff of the Medical Care Center of Ya'an People's Hospital asked the elderly about their physical condition

On April 16, Ya'an expert workstation settled in Ya'an People's Hospital (Ya'an Hospital, West China Hospital of Sichuan University) (hereinafter referred to as: Ya'an People's Hospital), Wang Yunbing, director of the National Biomedical Materials Engineering Technology Research Center and dean of the School of Biomedical Engineering of Sichuan University, and a team of experts, Chen Kangning, director of the Department of Neurology of Southwest Medical College of the Third Military Medical University, director of the Chongqing Interventional Stroke Research Institute, honorary executive director of the Chinese Stroke Society, and vice president of the Neurointerventional Branch of the Chinese Stroke Society, entered the station.

Coincidentally. At the beginning of May, the in vitro analysis laboratory of the Department of Nuclear Medicine of Ya'an People's Hospital successfully passed ISO15189 the accreditation review and change review of the expert group of the China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CCAS).

The good news is frequent, originating from the West China Consulate. Founded in 1904, Ya'an People's Hospital is a public tertiary first-class comprehensive hospital integrating medical treatment, teaching, scientific research, prevention, health care and rehabilitation, and this year just celebrates its 120th anniversary. On May 16, 2019, West China Hospital of Sichuan University (hereinafter referred to as West China Hospital) led the establishment of Ya'an People's Hospital, and on July 12, 2023, the second batch of management cadres of West China Hospital settled in Ya'an People's Hospital, and the hospital entered a new journey.

In the past 5 years, West China Hospital has implemented the "125+N" leading strategy (i.e., 1 party secretary, 2 vice presidents, 5 discipline directors, and "N" follow-up discipline directors or hospital management experts), selected to dispatch two management teams, 11 discipline directors, established 19 specialty alliances, 3 special disease alliances, established telemedicine, opened a green channel for referral, and built a hierarchical collaborative medical service mechanism and model of division of labor and cooperation, resource sharing and win-win ("1+1+X" hierarchical diagnosis and treatment model). Anchoring the goal of "three unifications and three sharing" of "management, business and resources" of West China Hospital, we will accelerate the process of convergence development.

Chen Xinzu, Secretary of the Party Committee of Ya'an People's Hospital, introduced that in the latest performance evaluation results of public hospitals in 2022 released by the country, Ya'an People's Hospital ranked 296th among more than 2,000 tertiary hospitals in the country, and its ranking has been steadily improved for three consecutive years, and the grade has remained B++; It ranks 15th among more than 170 tertiary hospitals in the province and remains among the top 15 in the province for two consecutive years.

Party building pilot

Promote the integration and leapfrog development of "people, science and institutes".

Guiding the direction with political construction, casting the soul with ideological construction, laying a solid foundation with organizational construction, and upholding discipline with the construction of party style and clean government...... Since the leadership of West China Hospital, Ya'an People's Hospital has closely focused on the general requirements of strengthening the party building of public hospitals, and on the basis of the "12345" party building work, it has strengthened the party building of the hospital from the "eight dimensions" of team construction, fortress construction, organization construction, team building, group construction, united front construction, cultural construction and discipline construction.

"Leading the construction of a community of 'party building, cause and people' with high-quality party building, and promoting the high-quality integrated development of 'people, science and institutes'." Chen Xinzu introduced that in recent years, Ya'an People's Hospital has fully implemented the president responsibility system under the leadership of the party committee, strictly implemented the "Rules of Procedure of the Party Committee", established major issue files, improved the application process for major issues and the communication and brewing system between the secretary and the president, and continuously improved the ability and level of scientific decision-making, democratic decision-making and decision-making in accordance with the law. "We adhere to the party's management of cadres, establish the "Measures for the Supervision and Management of Middle-level Cadres", "Measures for the Management of Leading Groups, Committees and Internal Institutions", "Measures for the Management of Clinical Medical and Technical Departments Management Groups", "Key Departments (Departments) and Key Positions Rotation Exchange System", etc., to standardize and improve the management of middle-level cadres, internal institutions, department rules of procedure, key departments and key positions." Chen Xinzu said.

In the past five years, the number of party branches of Ya'an People's Hospital has increased from 13 to 38, the number of party members has grown to 669 (including retirees), accounting for 24.8% of the total number of employees, and the number of party members has increased from 18.9% to 47.4%, and the construction of party members has continued to grow and develop.

Over the past five years, Ya'an People's Hospital has adhered to cultural cohesion and strengthened the construction of spiritual civilization, and the party committee of the hospital has established a committee for the construction of spiritual civilization in the hospital, formulated and issued the "Reward Measures for the Construction of Spiritual Civilization (Trial)", and praised the collectives or individuals who have emerged in the fields of spiritual civilization construction, public welfare undertakings, and high-quality services.

At the same time, Ya'an People's Hospital carried out the "party building + business" integrated ward rounds in the whole hospital, and Chen Xinzu led the members of the party committee and various functional departments to carry out the "party building + business" integrated ward rounds in the neurology department. The activity evaluated the work of all departments of the hospital in party building, medical quality, nursing quality, scientific research and teaching, operational efficiency, department management, etc., analyzed the existing problems, and put forward work suggestions.

In 2023 alone, the Party Committee team of Ya'an People's Hospital will lead the staff of relevant functional departments to go deep into 31 clinical departments, listen carefully to the problems and work bottlenecks in the operation and development of the departments, and work pragmatically.

Since the leadership of West China Hospital, the Department of Neurology of Ya'an People's Hospital has taken the lead in the construction of the National Advanced Stroke Center, which is an incubation discipline for Ya'an City to strive for national and Sichuan provincial key clinical specialties. The integration of "party building + business" rounds consolidates the political responsibility, post responsibility, and track awareness of the autonomy of the department management team, coordinates and smooths the work communication mechanism of the two-level management of the hospital and the department, and achieves the closed-loop result of "research + application".

With the joint efforts of the majority of employees of the hospital, Ya'an People's Hospital won the title of "Party Building Demonstration Hospital" in Sichuan Province in 2022. "We will further strengthen the political responsibility and main responsibility of the hospital party committee at the level of discipline construction, and promote the construction of disciplines around the people with high quality with a united atmosphere, pragmatic style and innovative measures." Chen Xinzu said that in the past five years, under the leadership of party building, Ya'an People's Hospital has promoted the leapfrog development of high-quality integration of "people, science and hospital".


Promote the comprehensive improvement of medical service capacity

There were 916038 outpatient and emergency treatments, 30,402 surgeries, and 66,209 discharged patients...... The data of outpatient, operational, and discharged patients of Ya'an People's Hospital in 2023 clearly reflects the achievements made by West China Hospital since its leadership, and also fully demonstrates that Ya'an People's Hospital has entered a new era of West China Leadership, opening a new chapter of all-round and in-depth cooperation with West China Hospital.

"Over the past five years, the number of hospital discharges and outpatient visits have increased significantly, by 14.2% and 33.7%, respectively." Under the leadership of West China Hospital, Ya'an People's Hospital has established a strategic development plan of "based on Ya'an, radiating western Sichuan, integrating into Chengdu-Chongqing, and undertaking Sichuan-Tibet", with continuous improvement of technical capabilities and new breakthroughs in high-precision and cutting-edge technology. "In the past five years, we have carried out more than 360 new medical technologies and new businesses, filling a number of technical gaps in western Sichuan." Chen Xinzu said that remarkable achievements have been made in ECMO, TAVI, ESD, pelvic floor reconstruction, laryngotracheal reconstruction, complex cardiac and neurovascular interventional diagnosis and treatment, cardiac catheter ablation, and large-scale fourth-level laparoscopic minimally invasive surgery such as gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary, urinary, thoracic, neurological, and gynecological surgery.

In 2019, the ECMO technology of Ya'an People's Hospital was applied for the first time in the hospital, and successfully treated patients with sudden cardiac death, filling a gap in the medical field of Ya'an. "In recent years, ECMO technology has played an important role in rescuing critically ill patients and saving their lives." Chen Xinzu said that life and death used to be the distance of a heart's beating, but now there is an ECMO distance between life and death, which allows patients to see the hope of life again when they are desperate.

In the past five years, the core medical indicators of Ya'an People's Hospital have been steadily improved, the time consumption index and cost consumption index have decreased to varying degrees, the proportion of clinical pathways ranks among the top in the province, the proportion of drugs has decreased significantly, the proportion of consumption has decreased, and the average length of stay has decreased by 17.76% year-on-year.

"Our regional influence has been further enhanced, with the out-of-town consultation rate of local patients dropping by 2.82% and the proportion of non-local inpatients increasing by 9.6%...... Chen Xinzu said, adding that by the end of 2023, more than 1,000 patients will be discharged from other places every month, and about 62% of the patients discharged from other places will be insured in Ganzi Prefecture.

Since the establishment of West China Hospital, Ya'an People's Hospital has formed a medical talent training system represented by college education, standardized training of residents, postgraduate training and postdoctoral training, relying on Southwest Medical University, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and other universities.

"Introduce one leader of pediatric surgery, establish pediatric surgery, and achieve a breakthrough in pediatric surgery in Ya'an." In the past five years, the Municipal People's Hospital has introduced 3 doctoral students and discipline leaders, achieving a breakthrough in the introduction of doctoral students in the hospital for 14 consecutive years. "In the past five years, a total of more than 600 people have been introduced, including more than 150 doctors and masters, and 4 senior titles." Chen Xinzu said that Ya'an People's Hospital has made good use of the special funds for high-level talents of the municipal finance, increased the introduction of talents and internal training, and accelerated the construction of a talent echelon suitable for the development of the hospital.

"We have set up a clinical skills simulation center, set up a general medicine department, improved the clinical teaching management system and operation mechanism, and undertook the task of cultivating grassroots talents focusing on the training of general practitioners." In the past five years, the scientific research projects of Ya'an People's Hospital have increased by 90%, and the scientific research funds of the hospital have reached 1.67 million yuan, an increase of 6 times; In 2022 and 2023, it won 4 third prizes of the Provincial Medical Science and Technology Award for two consecutive years, and the number of high-level SCI papers increased from 2 in 2018 to 24 in 2023, an increase of 12 times. "We have achieved good results in science, education and scientific research, and have comprehensively improved the quality of medical services." Yang Jian, head of the science and education section of Ya'an People's Hospital, said.

Based in Ya'an

Establish a medical alliance to radiate more areas

From March 27th to 28th, the inaugural meeting and the first academic meeting of the Medical Consortium Professional Committee of Ya'an Medical Association hosted by Ya'an People's Hospital were held, and Hu Qinsheng, vice president of Ya'an People's Hospital, was elected as the first chairman of the committee, and Chen Xinzu served as the honorary chairman.

In the past five years, there have been 20 medical alliance construction units of the Municipal People's Hospital, including 16 in the region, 4 outside the region, and 3 close medical alliance construction units.

"Establish 29 specialty (disease) alliances (21 in the region and 8 outside the region), help 8 county hospitals to achieve grade upgrading, assist member units in building 4 new disciplines, and assist in the creation of 10 municipal key clinical specialties." Hu Qinsheng said that in the past five years, the Municipal People's Hospital has implemented hierarchical diagnosis and treatment, introduced high-quality resources from West China Hospital to strengthen the ability to undertake serious diseases and acute and critical patients, and promoted the diversion of chronic diseases and convalescent inpatients to grassroots hospitals. In 2023, the number of emergency patients transferred to each medical alliance unit will decrease by 2.8% over the same period, and the number of inpatient transfers to Ya'an People's Hospital will increase by 130.36% over the same period.

In the past five years, the Municipal People's Hospital has successfully completed all kinds of major medical and health security work and emergency medical rescue issued by relevant departments at the provincial and municipal levels. During the "9.5" Luding earthquake, Ya'an People's Hospital was designated by the National Health Commission as a "designated hospital for the treatment of severe earthquake injuries", and a total of 86 cases of earthquake injuries were handled, achieving the goal of "zero death and full cure" of earthquake injuries, and the treatment work was fully affirmed by the national, provincial and municipal authorities.

Use your mobile phone WeChat to scan the code and make an appointment for registration...... Ya'an People's Hospital continues to innovate the data service model, launches the smart bedside settlement service project, opens the mobile payment and face scanning payment of medical insurance, and opens the electronic voucher settlement of medical insurance, so as to realize the use of cards for medical insurance reimbursement, effectively improve patient satisfaction, and truly make information "run more" and patients and their families "run less".

In 2023, Ya'an People's Hospital signed a medical cooperation agreement with Baiyu County People's Hospital and Yajiang County People's Hospital in Ganzi Prefecture; For the first time, a specialist exchange and cooperation platform was established in Luding County People's Hospital, and specialty alliances such as respiratory and critical care medicine, cardiovascular medicine, neurology, otolaryngology, head and neck surgery were established. Signed a cooperation agreement and a two-way referral agreement with the Second People's Hospital of Kangding City to improve the treatment capacity of medical institutions along the Sichuan-Tibet route. In September of the same year, the Ya'an Municipal People's Hospital sent a roving medical team along the Sichuan-Tibet Railway to the Baiyu County People's Hospital in Ganzi Prefecture and the Baiyu section of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway for a week-long tour of medical treatment and guidance. At the same time, the Sichuan-Tibet Railway Construction Emergency Medical Rescue Team composed of medical staff from emergency, trauma-related departments and high-altitude diseases has been set up to continuously improve the equipment configuration for the diagnosis and treatment of trauma diseases and high-altitude diseases, strengthen the training of personnel in technical application ability, and organize and complete emergency drills to continuously improve medical emergency response capabilities.

"We are actively building a peak plateau specialty cluster, further exploring clinically appropriate technologies and advanced technologies, continuously improving clinical specialty service capabilities and medical quality and safety levels, making up for the shortcomings of specialties and gaps in diagnosis and treatment projects, and creating a 'highland' of medical treatment in western Sichuan." Chen Xinzu said.

Play to your advantage

Create a model of high-quality development of "elegant medicine".

Ya'an People's Hospital is one of the first batch of national standardized training bases for resident doctors, a postdoctoral innovation practice base in Sichuan Province, a national practical skills examination base for licensed physicians (there are only 6 medical institutions in the province), and a teaching practice base for more than ten medical colleges and universities.

"We are also a national advanced stroke center, a national standard chest pain center, the first batch of national multidisciplinary tumor diagnosis and treatment pilot hospitals, a national labor analgesia pilot hospital, the first batch of national pilot hospitals for the integration of medical care and elderly care, and a respiratory regional medical center in Sichuan Province." Chen Xinzu introduced that Ya'an People's Hospital is also an important rear hospital serving Tibet-related areas, radiating Ganzi Prefecture, Aba Prefecture, Liangshan Prefecture, Meishan City and Panzhihua.

In 2023, the province's excellent cancer prevention and control center, national advanced stroke center, and national standard chest pain center...... In the past five years, under the leadership of West China Hospital, Ya'an People's Hospital has embarked on a characteristic development path based on the actual situation of Ya'an.

On October 27, 2023, the Municipal Health Commission approved Ya'an People's Hospital as the preparatory unit for the establishment of "Ya'an Plateau Clinical Medical Center"; On March 4, 2024, the Ya'an Science and Technology Bureau and the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee recognized the "Ya'an Key Laboratory of Plateau Medicine" of Ya'an People's Hospital as the first municipal key laboratory.

In recent years, Ya'an People's Hospital has started the construction of Ya'an Plateau Clinical Medical Center with high quality and comprehensive with the help of the clinical diagnosis and treatment cooperation guidance of the team of Academician Wu Tianyi of Qinghai Province, the high-quality resources of the team of President Luo Fengming of West China Hospital, and the construction of Sichuan Respiratory Regional Medical Center and Provincial Key Clinical Specialty Cluster as the carrier, so as to create a plateau clinical medical diagnosis and treatment service system leading western Sichuan.

Ya'an People's Hospital has always adhered to the supremacy of the people and the supremacy of life, and has become the backbone of the Sichuan (Ya'an) Plateau Health Emergency Rescue Detachment. "In December last year, we were approved by the Ya'an Military Sub-district to establish the People's Armed Forces Department, set up a medical rescue platoon, strengthen the sharing of military and local resource elements, and strengthen national defense mobilization and reserve force construction." Chen Xinzu said.

In recent years, Ya'an People's Hospital has played a public health function, undertaking the treatment of critically ill patients with major infectious diseases in the city and surrounding areas, as well as the treatment of sudden infectious diseases and public health emergencies. The Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital closely integrates the "integrated management", takes the lead in establishing a confinement center, a women's health center and a pelvic floor rehabilitation center in comprehensive medical institutions, and actively explores the full-chain closed-loop service model of "prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation".

"Our hospital has 13 provincial key medical specialties and 6 provincial key clinical specialty construction projects, and on this basis, we strive to add 1 to 2 provincial key clinical specialties every year, anchoring the high-quality development goal of striving for national key clinical specialties." Chen Xinzu said.

In December 2019, the Municipal People's Hospital was accredited by CNAS (ISO15198) (China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment), becoming the 9th in China and the first in Sichuan to pass the assessment of the in vitro analysis laboratory of the Department of Nuclear Medicine.

In recent years, with the increasing aging of the population, Ya'an People's Hospital has practiced "big health" to build a medical and elderly care service system, and established a medical care center focusing on geriatric diseases and chronic diseases, integrating medical rehabilitation, health care, nursing, science and education, training and health management.

Looking back on the five years led by West China Hospital, the achievements are inspiring.

Looking ahead, the Municipal People's Hospital will adhere to the development as the first priority, deepen the reform of the medical and health system, uphold the motto of "benevolence, love and virtue, elegance and fine medicine", adhere to the high-quality party building to lead the construction of the "party building, cause and people" community, promote the high-quality integration and leapfrog development of "people, science and hospital", based on the health needs of the people, implement the strategic development plan of "based on Ya'an, radiating western Sichuan, integrating into Chengdu and Chongqing, and undertaking Sichuan and Tibet", and strive to create the top 10 hospitals in the "national examination" and "provincial examination", so as to become advanced in the provinceand the first-class modern and high-level public hospital in western Sichuan.

Reporter Zhou Daiqing