
520 files without splashes, where is the market competitiveness of love movies?

author:Modern Express

is getting closer and closer to May 20, and the reporter noticed that the 520 files in previous years are often the bonus period for romance films, and many popular love movies have also been produced. However, this year's 520 files, not only the overall number of films has decreased, but there are even fewer domestic romance films. Romance movies are no longer in love with 520 files?

The popularity of 520 files is sluggish, and the proportion of imported romance films is high

From May 18th to May 20th, a total of 4 love films have been scheduled, namely "Tonight, Even if this love disappears from the world", "April Girlfriend", "The Years That Missed You" and "Only You Can't Be Missed", all of which are currently on pre-sale. The starring roles of these films are basically handsome men and women with high popularity, and the fan base is large, but the total box office of the most popular movie "Those Years I Missed You" is only 1.51 million yuan, and the market performance is far less than expected.

520 files without splashes, where is the market competitiveness of love movies?

On May 18th, directed by Takahiro Miki, starring Junyu Michieda and Riko Fukumoto, the movie "Tonight, even if this love disappears from the world" will be released, in the film, Shinori Hino (played by Riko Fukumoto) found Toru Kamiya (played by Junsuke Michieda) and proposed to pretend to be a couple with him, and agreed with him on three conditions for pretending to be a couple, and a sweet and romantic dating journey began. Previously, the film was released in Japan, and many viewers were deeply touched by the film's pure love aesthetics, and after watching it, they felt that "love is more beautiful and more courageous to face forgetting".

520 files without splashes, where is the market competitiveness of love movies?

The movie "April Girlfriend", which was released on the same day, was directed by Tomokazu Yamada and starring Takeru Sato, Masami Nagasawa, and Nana Mori. In the movie, Toshiro (played by Ken Sato) and his fiancée Yayoi Sakamoto (played by Masami Nagasawa) suddenly received a letter from their first love Haru Iyoda (played by Nana Mori) on the eve of their marriage. At the Beijing premiere, Takeru Sato admitted that he wanted to pass on his love to the audience through the film.

520 files without splashes, where is the market competitiveness of love movies?

"The Years That Missed You", which will be released on May 19, is a highly discussed film with 520 files. The film is directed and written by Michito Fujii, produced by Zhang Zhen, starring Xu Guanghan and Kiyohara Goye, in the film, Jimmy (played by Xu Guanghan) met and accompanied Ami (played by Kiyohara Goye) in Tainan at the age of 18, and gradually developed a hazy feeling, and spent an unforgettable midsummer time together. The film's starring Xu Guanghan is the main force of romance films in recent years, and almost every year, there are romance films starring him on the screen to meet the audience, which is deeply loved by young audiences.

520 files without splashes, where is the market competitiveness of love movies?

According to the data of Maoyan Professional Edition, the movie "Only You Can't Be Missed", which is scheduled to be released on May 20, was released on April 1, 2023, and achieved a box office result of 51.674 million yuan, but the film's score on Douban is only 4.0 points, which may not be very competitive in this schedule.

The 520 that is gradually failing

520 is regarded by many young people as a day full of love because of the homonym "I love you", and "520 gear" also came into being.

520 files without splashes, where is the market competitiveness of love movies?

If you look at the origins in detail, you can consider 2018 as the first year of the 520th grade. On May 18, 2018, 6 movies were released, and the head movie was the romance film "Living Together in Time and Space", starring Lei Jiayin and Tong Liya, the film is small and broad, with a cumulative box office of more than 900 million yuan. However, it is worth noting that the box office of the film was 50.12 million yuan on the day of its release, and on May 20, two days after its release, the box office reversed, with a single-day box office of more than 110 million yuan.

It is also through this film that the film industry realizes the "gold content" of 520 files. But after that, in 2019, May 20 was a Monday, which did not conform to the regular operation of movies being released on weekends and Fridays, and in this year, there were few 520 files. Then in 2020, due to the constraints of the external environment, no movie was released on May 20.

520 files without splashes, where is the market competitiveness of love movies?

In 2021, the 520 file returned to glory, and the reporter noticed that May 20 of this year was a normal working Thursday, but there were still 5 movies released on this day, and 3 movies were released on the 21st. The movie "I Want Us to Be Together" starring Qu Chuxiao and Zhang Jingyi is a youth romance film, and under the squeeze of large-scale films such as "Fast and Furious 9" released on the second day, the film still achieved a box office result of more than 380 million yuan.

Although there is a pearl jade in front of this time, 2022 has not ushered in a good follow-up, the film market is cold, the scene of the romance film "small and big" no longer exists, and the 520 files are also miserable, only the re-release movie "I Want Us to Be Together", and the 4 new films such as "Downton Abbey 2" released on the same day have not achieved outstanding results.

May 20, 2023, is Saturday, which can be regarded as occupying the right time and place, with a total of 17 movies released from May 19 to 21, and romance films also include "Please Don't Believe Her", "The Rest of My Life", "Glacier Love", etc., but they also failed to create a box office miracle that year.

To sum up, the failure of the 520 file is not a unilateral reason, on the one hand, it is related to the aesthetic fatigue of the audience's romance films, in recent years, a large number of low-cost youth romance films, replaced with different but similar titles to meet the audience frequently, the quality is uneven, the story is old-fashioned and outdated, which makes the film market complicated, and the audience has long seen it, and it is reasonable that they are unwilling to buy it. On the other hand, the 520 file is an immature schedule, the formation time is not as long as the Valentine's Day file and the Qixi file, the schedule is insufficient, and the schedule time is mostly one day, sometimes it is not a rest day, and the audience has not yet developed the habit of watching movies in the 520 file, so it has become a situation where the 520 file has almost failed repeatedly.

At a time when the audience's viewing choices are becoming more and more abundant, if you want to continue to play the game of chess with 520 files, the key is to have excellent quality and win by word of mouth.

Modern Express/Hyundai + reporter Li Yixin Ding Mengsha

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