
Practice garbage classification, you and I work together: Jinping Central Primary School garbage classification knowledge publicity

author:Bian Yingwang
Practice garbage classification, you and I work together: Jinping Central Primary School garbage classification knowledge publicity

Garbage sorting

It is to divide the garbage according to its recycling value

and the degree of pollution to the environment

Divided into different categories

It is conducive to the recycling and disposal of garbage

So what is the meaning of garbage sorting

What's in it for you?

The significance of garbage sorting

1. Separate the kitchen waste based on perishable organic components to provide high-quality raw materials for garbage composting and produce high-quality organic fertilizer, which is conducive to improving soil fertility and reducing the amount of chemical fertilizer.

2. Separate the kitchen garbage with high moisture content, improve the calorific value of other garbage, and reduce the difficulty of secondary pollution control of garbage incineration.

3. Sorting out hazardous wastes reduces the content of heavy metals, organic pollutants and pathogenic bacteria in garbage, which is conducive to the harmless treatment of garbage and reduces the risk of water, soil and air pollution in garbage disposal.

4. Different types of garbage are diverted, so that the amount of waste that ends up in sanitary landfill is greatly reduced, and the service life of the landfill is extended.

Benefits of garbage sorting

1. Reduce land occupation

Some substances in domestic garbage are not easy to degrade, so that the land is seriously eroded. Garbage classification, remove recyclable and non-degradable substances, and reduce the amount of garbage by more than 60%.

2. Reduce environmental pollution

Waste batteries contain toxic substances such as metal mercury and cadmium, which will cause serious harm to humans; Waste plastics in the soil can lead to reduced crop yields; Waste plastic discarded is accidentally eaten by animals, resulting in accidents that lead to the death of animals from time to time. Therefore, recycling can reduce harm

3. Turn waste into treasure

China uses 4 billion plastic fast food boxes, 5-700 million instant noodle bowls, and billions of pairs of disposable chopsticks every year, accounting for 8-15% of household waste. 1 ton of waste plastic can be used to recycle 600 kg of diesel. Recycling 1,500 tonnes of waste paper saves the cutting of trees used to produce 1,200 tonnes of paper.

How to sort garbage

1. Kitchen waste

Practice garbage classification, you and I work together: Jinping Central Primary School garbage classification knowledge publicity

2. Recyclables

Practice garbage classification, you and I work together: Jinping Central Primary School garbage classification knowledge publicity

3. Hazardous garbage

Practice garbage classification, you and I work together: Jinping Central Primary School garbage classification knowledge publicity

4. Other garbage

Practice garbage classification, you and I work together: Jinping Central Primary School garbage classification knowledge publicity

Domestic garbage sorting and putting containers

Kitchen waste containers are generally green;

Recyclables are generally placed in blue;

Hazardous waste containers are generally red;

Other waste containers are generally black.

The color matching of domestic waste sorting containers should be consistent with the color matching of the logo, which is conducive to the public to know the classification of garbage, improve the identification of classified garbage, and promote the accuracy of classified garbage.

Practice garbage classification, you and I work together: Jinping Central Primary School garbage classification knowledge publicity

Let each of us act

Work together and share a responsibility

Actively strive to be a communicator of garbage classification



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