
The future is here! With the blessing of digital twins, we will create a new engine for the low-altitude economy

author:Wan Bo Situ

Set in the psychedelic and bizarre 23rd-century urban jungle set in the sci-fi film "The Fifth Element," flying cars weave through the crevices of skyscrapers, creating a breathtaking picture of futuristic air mobility.

The future is here! With the blessing of digital twins, we will create a new engine for the low-altitude economy

Stills from "The Fifth Element".

The illusions of technology that once existed only through the lens of Lucas Besson are now quietly crossing the boundaries between the virtual and the real and into our real lives. GAC Group and other domestic companies announced that they will start the demonstration operation of flying cars in the near future, and establish a three-dimensional smart travel service system integrating "multiple sites, ground transportation, and air transportation" in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

The future is here! With the blessing of digital twins, we will create a new engine for the low-altitude economy

With the increasing sophistication of digital twin technology, the new engine of the low-altitude economy has been roaring in motion, and the spectacle of science fiction movies is no longer a distant dream.

The future is here! With the blessing of digital twins, we will create a new engine for the low-altitude economy

The trillion-dollar market is poised to take off

In 2024, the low-altitude economy was written into the "Government Work Report" for the first time, and on March 27, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other four departments jointly issued the "Implementation Plan for the Innovative Application of General Aviation Equipment (2024-2030)", proposing that by 2030, general aviation equipment will be fully integrated into all fields of people's production and life, becoming a strong driving force for low-altitude economic growth and forming a trillion-level market scale. Local governments have also introduced local policies to seize the opportunity of low-altitude economic development and promote the agglomeration and innovative ecological construction of local low-altitude economic industries.

The future is here! With the blessing of digital twins, we will create a new engine for the low-altitude economy

As a new type of low-altitude economic carrier, UAVs are also accessing all dimensions of human life with their unique perspectives and capabilities. From precision spraying of pesticides to ensure food security, to rapid response to natural disasters for aerial reconnaissance and material dropping, to artistic creation and commercial distribution over cities, small and flexible drones are changing the way industries work.

The future is here! With the blessing of digital twins, we will create a new engine for the low-altitude economy
The future is here! With the blessing of digital twins, we will create a new engine for the low-altitude economy

The dilemma of large-scale production

However, the design, manufacturing and management of drones are still facing unprecedented challenges in order to translate these grand blueprints of low-altitude economies into reality and achieve rapid and large-scale production.

Design verification delay

The design verification process of most manufacturers' UAVs still relies on physical prototype testing, which is lengthy and inefficient, and each design iteration requires a long time and a large amount of resource investment, which seriously hinders the speed and flexibility of product innovation, and makes it difficult to quickly respond to market changes and customer needs.

The future is here! With the blessing of digital twins, we will create a new engine for the low-altitude economy

Bottlenecks in production efficiency

Due to the lack of real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance, problems on the production line rely on passive response rather than active prevention, and when there are quality problems in the product, repeated trial and error diagnosis is required, which is time-consuming and laborious, and it is difficult to ensure the stability and consistency of the same batch of products, which lays a hidden danger for the decline of product reputation.

The future is here! With the blessing of digital twins, we will create a new engine for the low-altitude economy

From a more macro perspective, inefficient manufacturing and unstable quality will also greatly weaken the competitiveness and development potential of enterprises in the future market.

The future is here! With the blessing of digital twins, we will create a new engine for the low-altitude economy

Digital twins reshape the industrial landscape

Digital twins bridge the real and the virtual, and the application of digital twins in drone manufacturing can be called a technological innovation. Through high-tech technologies such as real-time transmission of high-definition images, 3D modeling, and augmented reality navigation, digital twins can not only reshape the entire life cycle of drones from blueprints to finished products, but also lay the cornerstone of intelligent management for the wide application of drones.

By creating a digital image of the drone, manufacturers can test and optimize an unlimited number of times in a virtual environment, from design iteration to performance evaluation to failure prediction, every step of the way in the digital world to ensure the efficiency, safety, and reliability of the final product. This not only greatly shortens the product development cycle and reduces costs, but also opens up a broad space for personalized customization and intelligent upgrading of UAV technology.

The future is here! With the blessing of digital twins, we will create a new engine for the low-altitude economy

Intelligent Design: Seamless integration of virtual and reality

Digital twin technology first shines in the design phase of drones, allowing engineers to design and simulate products in a highly realistic virtual environment. This "simulation before production" approach greatly improves design efficiency, reduces the need for physical prototypes, and ensures that every step from concept to finished product is accurately calculated and validated. In front of the big screen, designers can view every detail of the product in real time, and even simulate its performance under real working conditions, realizing an instant feedback loop for design optimization.

The future is here! With the blessing of digital twins, we will create a new engine for the low-altitude economy

Production optimization: a smart factory with process visualization

Walking into a modern factory, digital twin technology maps each link of the production line to a large screen to form a holographic production management system. Managers can monitor the whole process from raw material input to finished product output through the large screen, and real-time data flow reveals key indicators such as equipment status, energy consumption level, and production efficiency. This transparent management not only makes it easy to adjust production strategies in a timely manner, but also enables the need for maintenance to be predicted and unplanned downtime avoided, thus keeping the production line running efficiently.

The future is here! With the blessing of digital twins, we will create a new engine for the low-altitude economy

Quality Control: The Eye of Precision for Defect Prevention

By building a digital twin of the drone and its flight environment, engineers can conduct exhaustive simulation tests of various flight test routes in a virtual space. This includes complex weather conditions, topographical features, low-light environments and even interactions with other air traffic, ensuring that each route is tested to the highest standards before it is actually executed. For example, in high-rise cities, express delivery, reconnaissance and mapping in underground karst caves, search and rescue missions in complex environments, etc., this kind of advance "actual combat drills" ensure the stability and reliability of drones in the real environment.

The future is here! With the blessing of digital twins, we will create a new engine for the low-altitude economy

The dynamic display of 3D simulation images on the large screen enables the team to intuitively assess flight safety, predict and avoid potential risks, and put on invisible "safety armor" for each test flight.

The future is here! With the blessing of digital twins, we will create a new engine for the low-altitude economy

Summary of Values

1. Accelerate the process from concept to market: By creating a real-time mapping of virtual models to physical production, the design verification cycle is greatly shortened, allowing manufacturers to quickly iterate and test new products in a virtual environment, reducing the cost and time of physical prototyping.

2. Optimized production process: Accurate monitoring and predictive maintenance of the production line have been realized, production efficiency and product quality have been improved, and consistency between batches has been ensured, laying a solid foundation for large-scale and efficient manufacturing of drones.

3. Improved management efficiency: from the original person looking for abnormal data in a large amount of data, to actively finding people with abnormal data, manpower is released, and middle managers are more targeted;

In the emerging blue ocean of low-altitude economy, the application of digital twin technology is far more than a conceptual innovation, but penetrates into every aspect of production practice, becoming the key to unlocking the potential of the sky. The low-altitude economy is riding the wind and waves to open up a broader territory, and we will work with innovators in various fields to make more efforts to build an efficient, sustainable and inclusive low-altitude economic ecosystem.

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