
See the undead again, but this time the decision is in our own hands~

author:Everyday RPG Raiders Group

Everyday RPG

Recently, the wind direction of the survival map has changed, but before it was said that the most popular was the undead type of map, and today the chick encountered such a type of map "Extreme Fear", and after trying it, the chick found that this type of map is also actively seeking change.

Also, if it doesn't change, everyone's freshness for this type of map has passed, and there is nothing new to attract players, but this map still does a good job at this point, at least on the basis of the original with a lot of new content.

Today, let's take a look at how this map has changed, and whether it can make you experience a new happiness in the map of the undead~

See the undead again, but this time the decision is in our own hands~
See the undead again, but this time the decision is in our own hands~

This map is a very standard undead map, after the player enters the map, there are all kinds of different shops in the four corners, and the improvement of our heroes has two points, one is the evolution of heroes, and the other is the bonus of these equipment.

When you first enter the map, it is recommended that you still pull the monsters to the spring to fight, first save a wave of resources, start with all the basic equipment, and before you start to level six, you still fight monsters by the spring water honestly, and then consider attacking.

See the undead again, but this time the decision is in our own hands~

The difference between this map and the previous maps is that everyone is encouraged to play in teams, and some support classes can also survive in this map.

See the undead again, but this time the decision is in our own hands~

Initially, it is recommended that you increase your HP and armor first, and in this kind of map, you have to live first and then think about the rest.

See the undead again, but this time the decision is in our own hands~

The improvement of the equipment in this map is still quite simple, after we buy the basic equipment, we don't have to run to the store all the time to complete the upgrade directly in the backpack in the rest of the time, and some of the equipment with higher resource consumption can be moved back, and the good ones are upgraded first.

See the undead again, but this time the decision is in our own hands~

The basic equipment is just a good foundation, we will come into contact with more powerful equipment in the future, but the resources required for these equipment are not a small amount, these early and mid-term do not need to be considered, first honestly lay the foundation.

See the undead again, but this time the decision is in our own hands~

In this process, we can also convert some resources into wood first, and then a series of high-level equipment such as immortal weapons need wood resources to extract.

See the undead again, but this time the decision is in our own hands~

Treasures, spiritual weapons, and immortal weapons should be the ceiling of equipment in this map, and if you don't get the one you want, don't worry, we can swap it here.

See the undead again, but this time the decision is in our own hands~

Unlike other undead maps, the hero's skills in this map are up to us, and the hero will gain a talent skill every time he evolves, and after this skill, the remaining three skills need to be extracted by spending the number of kills here.

Don't replace it in the early stage.,Draw all three skills first.,And then go to find a skill that is more suitable for your own hero.,The level of the skill is also completed here.,The improvement can be assured to improve.,Even if you convert the skill later, it won't be brushed.,The hero's talent skills are also improved here.。

See the undead again, but this time the decision is in our own hands~

The evolution of heroes is still the same.,Kill enough enemies to complete the evolution.,Skills will be updated after each evolution.,Pay attention to this.,Don't play and don't notice the replacement of your skills.,And be surrounded directly.。

See the undead again, but this time the decision is in our own hands~

More content, or leave it to everyone to the map to feel it, players who like the undead, you might as well try this map~