
Advice: These 3 types of women are very easy to provoke "breast cancer", so learn about it early and prevent it early!

author:Doctors say health

  Breasts are very important for women, but in recent years, the incidence of breast cancer has increased, especially the following three types of women, and they must be vigilant to prevent themselves from developing breast cancer.

Advice: These 3 types of women are very easy to provoke "breast cancer", so learn about it early and prevent it early!

  Type 1: Women with early menarche and late menstruation

  Women who have menarche before the age of 12 or after the age of 55 should be more vigilant about breast cancer, because the longer the body secretes estrogen, the higher the risk of breast cancer.

  Especially after the age of 55, women who have not yet gone through menopause will have a weaker and weaker ability to resist diseases after aging, but the body's hormones have been secreting, resulting in continuous stimulation of the breasts, which will greatly increase the risk of breast cancer.

Advice: These 3 types of women are very easy to provoke "breast cancer", so learn about it early and prevent it early!

  The second type: a family with breast cancer

  Breast cancer has a certain family hereditary, so if there are people suffering from breast cancer among their immediate elders, they should develop the habit of going to the hospital for regular physical examinations, and learn to self-test the health status of the breast.

  The third type: women who abuse hormones

  Long-term use of antihypertensive drugs such as reserpine or steroidal drugs can increase a woman's risk of developing breast cancer.

  Because these drugs contain certain components of hormones, which can irritate the breasts and cause malignant transformation of the breast tissue. In order to delay aging, some women often take health supplements containing estrogen, which will also affect the health of the mammary glands.

Advice: These 3 types of women are very easy to provoke "breast cancer", so learn about it early and prevent it early!

  The incidence of breast cancer in the above three types of women is much higher than that of ordinary women, so you should pay attention to the prevention of breast cancer, and check your breasts regularly, and it is best to go to the hospital for a physical examination to understand your health status, which may help you escape.

  According to the data, 15% of breast cancer patients under the age of 35 are under the age of 35, while the remaining 85% of patients are mostly 45-55 years old. Therefore, the occurrence of breast cancer has basically shown a trend of younger people, and everyone should fully understand breast cancer and strengthen the awareness of breast cancer prevention.

Advice: These 3 types of women are very easy to provoke "breast cancer", so learn about it early and prevent it early!

  So, how can breast cancer be prevented?

  First of all, women should develop a good habit of not being picky eaters, and should consume all kinds of meat, fish, vegetables, and fruits in moderation, so as to ensure the balance of nutrition in the body and increase the ability to resist diseases.

  Secondly, women should also exercise regularly, usually can not sit or lie still for a long time, only let the body get full exercise to improve physical fitness.

  Finally, we should try to adjust our emotions, maintain an optimistic attitude towards life, and learn to relieve stress in various ways when we are under excessive pressure, so as to avoid endocrine disorders and prevent the occurrence of breast cancer.

Advice: These 3 types of women are very easy to provoke "breast cancer", so learn about it early and prevent it early!

  To sum up, women must learn to protect themselves in order to make their bodies healthier. If you find that there is a lump of different size on your chest, the skin color of the breast is red, there is swelling and ulceration, or there is an abnormality in the nipple and areola, you should go to the hospital in time.

  If you are diagnosed with breast cancer, you should actively cooperate with the doctor's treatment, so that you can have the opportunity to help yourself return to health.