
It seems to be "sitting together", but it is actually legitimate! Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: Punish 5 rumor-mongers and their families in Taiwan Province

author:Yu said that he was still resting
It seems to be "sitting together", but it is actually legitimate! Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: Punish 5 rumor-mongers and their families in Taiwan Province

At a regular press conference held by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council on May 15, spokesman Chen Binhua said in response to a reporter's question about Taiwan's "famous mouths" fabricating false information such as "the mainland people can't afford to eat tea and eggs" and "the mainland high-speed rail has no backrest" and spreading rumors:

“…… Huang Shicong, Li Zhenghao, Wang Yichuan, Yu Beichen, Liu Baojie, and a small number of so-called 'celebrities' in Taiwan have deliberately fabricated false and negative information about the mainland in disregard of the facts of the mainland's development and progress, and have vigorously disseminated it through television, the Internet, newspapers, and other media. Their erroneous remarks have deceived some people on the island, instigated hostility and confrontation between the two sides of the strait, and hurt the feelings of compatriots on both sides of the strait. The mainland side will punish the above five people and their families in accordance with the law."

Chen Binhua also emphasized that "silence and connivance at evil is injustice and harm to good...... Any act that harms the honor and interests of the state will be punished by law."

Bottomless rumor-mongering and smearing of Chinese mainland is something that some so-called "famous mouths" in Taiwan Province have often done for many years; for them, they seem to think that this is a matter of moving up and down their mouths, and there is no price for anything they say, but they can attract people's attention and earn traffic, so that the mainland on the other side of the strait seems to have suffered this dumb loss, and can only stare dryly.

It seems to be "sitting together", but it is actually legitimate! Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: Punish 5 rumor-mongers and their families in Taiwan Province

As a result, extremely low-level rumors such as "mainlanders can't afford to eat tea and eggs" and "the mainland's high-speed rail has no backrest" will continue to come out of their big mouths, and many Taiwanese who sit and watch the sky will be convinced of this.

Of course, rumors such as "I can't afford to eat tea and eggs" are still just low-level and low-level rumors, and more rumors about the mainland's economic, social, cultural, political, and other fields of all kinds of fabricated rumors have caused a more serious impact and harm on undermining cross-strait mutual trust, creating antagonism between the people on both sides of the strait, tearing apart the unity of the Chinese ethnic groups, and deepening the sense of separatism.

Therefore, we must not let these "rumors" think that the country has no way to deal with the motherland before it is reunified; It is still more important that the silence and connivance of evil should not cause the long-term existence of the effect of injustice and harm to good, so it is obviously the right decision of the state to "use the knife in accordance with the law" against these rumor-mongering celebrities on Taiwan Island.

Regarding this statement by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, most of the focus of discussion among netizens was on "how to punish it".

For example, some people suggest: first, they can be banned from entering the mainland, Hong Kong and Macao, including all activities such as tourism and business; Second, after the reunification of Taiwan in the future, corresponding follow-up penalties should be imposed on it

It seems to be "sitting together", but it is actually legitimate! Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: Punish 5 rumor-mongers and their families in Taiwan Province

However, in the statement of the spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council on the punishment of "famous rumors on Taiwan", everyone seems to have not noticed that there is another expression that is not quite the same as the previous - that is, the scope of punishment has been expanded to the families of these "famous rumors" on Taiwan!

Some people may wonder: How can there be such a "suspected sitting" content when punishment is carried out in accordance with the law?

In fact, let's think about it carefully: In Taiwan Province, which has not yet been reunified, the most powerful practical way to punish these so-called celebrities is obviously to make them feel the "pain in the flesh" of punishment -- that is, to cut off the possibility of using the mainland, Hong Kong and Macao to make money!

If these so-called Taiwan celebrities who smear the mainland are only restricted and punished, they may still make profits through their family members and by doing business with the mainland, Hong Kong, Macao, and other means, and such punishment will be left to words, thus becoming a form of "air-to-air" punishment, and the effect will be greatly reduced, or even almost equal to zero.

Moreover, for the punishment to include "their families", this scope includes a relatively wide range, and even in terms of time span, it can also be extended to farther - such as to their grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc., so that the deterrence and impact will be great, and it will also make these people think twice and weigh it, and it will also make Taiwan people who still want to be such "rumors" in the future retreat.

It seems to be "sitting together", but it is actually legitimate! Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: Punish 5 rumor-mongers and their families in Taiwan Province

For the sake of the reunification of the motherland and to let those who undermine and split the country feel the consequences, we should actually establish a similar long-term system and long-term mechanism -- that is, establish a "roster" of those who split the motherland and cause consequences -- and make it publicly and clearly stated so that they can prepare for the reunification of Taiwan in the future and carry out "settling accounts after the autumn," so as to play a far-reaching warning and deterrent effect, which is obviously the important effect we want the most, and then it will make more people in Taiwan Province turn to the motherland and stand on the side of the motherland's reunification. Their children and grandchildren will be burdened with infamy and crimes, and will be punished realistically!

Therefore, from this point of view, it seems that the punishment for the expansion of these rumor-mongering celebrities on Taiwan seems to have a sense of "joint sitting," but it is to plug the loopholes in these people's exploitation of reality -- on the one hand, they are clearly harming the reunification of the motherland, but on the other hand, they can still use their families to make a big profit from cross-strait exchanges; this kind of opportunists who "still want to be good, still want to be clever, and still want to buy an old donkey and not eat grass" will be cut off from the way back, and at the same time, "silence and connivance at evil is injustice and harm to good" One of the best manifestations of the meaning! [Original Comment: Yu Says It's Closed]

It seems to be "sitting together", but it is actually legitimate! Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: Punish 5 rumor-mongers and their families in Taiwan Province
It seems to be "sitting together", but it is actually legitimate! Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: Punish 5 rumor-mongers and their families in Taiwan Province
It seems to be "sitting together", but it is actually legitimate! Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: Punish 5 rumor-mongers and their families in Taiwan Province

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