
How beautiful is the sea of oil tank flowers in May? Poke →

author:Shanghai Xuhui


Under the blue sky and white clouds, the lilac verbena dances gently with the breeze, and visitors stroll in the large sea of flowers, with the colorful grass slopes behind and the white oil cans not far away. This dreamlike scene resembles a scene from Miyazaki's animation, and a garden from Monet's paintings. Actually, this is not anywhere else, it is the familiar West Bund Tank Art Center.

How beautiful is the sea of oil tank flowers in May? Poke →

As we enter May, the rising temperatures come with a variety of beautiful flowers. At this moment, at the West Bund Tank Art Center, various vegetation such as verbena, philodendron, poppy and so on are in full bloom one after another, and thousands of flowers bloom together, so you don't need to go to the suburbs, you can also walk on the "flower road" in the urban area!

How beautiful is the sea of oil tank flowers in May? Poke →

Take a closer look, the "main force" that makes up this fantastic oil tank flower sea is the philodendron. The flower type of philodendron is small and cute, the diameter of the flowers is only 2~3 cm, and the "size" is generally 20~30 cm; Because the center of the flower is white when it blooms, and the blue petals are as pure as a baby's eyes, it also has a nice English name: baby's blue eyes. Don't look at its petite size, but when it is made in a piece, it can form a sea of flowers with considerable visual impact.

How beautiful is the sea of oil tank flowers in May? Poke →

And the flowers dotted among the large fields of philodywood grass are poppies. Compared with the philodendron, the poppy is tall and tall, and the color is more beautiful: red is warm, yellow is bright, and white is pure...... Standing in the sea of elegant blue philodendron flowers, the visual experience of oil painting comes to the face.

How beautiful is the sea of oil tank flowers in May? Poke →

Covering an area of more than 60,000 square meters, the ground is a canvas painted with greenery, and five oil tanks are dotted like jewels. Flowers bloom one after another like ribbons, connecting the scattered buildings and creating a quiet garden in the middle of the city.

How beautiful is the sea of oil tank flowers in May? Poke →

You might as well take advantage of the recent sunshine to go to the West Bund Tank Art Center, shuttle through the sea of philody, and have a romantic encounter with the poppies!

Reporter: Wang Wei, Xiao Lexin

Editors: Qiu Caihong, Jiang Ling (intern)

Proofreading: Geng Jieyu

Reviewer: Wei Li