
Online and offline "double grid"! Youyang makes residents happy "full"

author:Youyang release
Online and offline "double grid"! Youyang makes residents happy "full"
Online and offline "double grid"! Youyang makes residents happy "full"
Online and offline "double grid"! Youyang makes residents happy "full"

Huatian Township grid staff visited the homes of the elderly with limited mobility. Photo by Peng Yuan

"Get up in the morning and shout, the left-behind elderly take a look, social security turns, neighborhood disputes are persuaded, the opinions of the masses are heard, major policies are spoken, and classic information is transmitted." The "seven ones" are the "magic weapon" for Huatian Township to grasp the grassroots governance and ensure that the grid members play a role.

In Huatian Township, "find a grid worker if you have something" has become the consensus of the villagers.

In recent years, Youyang has given full play to the leading role of party building, vigorously and orderly promoted the reform of the "double grid" pipe network system, deepened the integration of online grid and physical grid, and achieved initial results in online and offline collaborative governance.

As a pilot demonstration of "double grid" governance, Huatian Township has further played the leading role of party building in rural governance, actively promoted the construction of a "double grid" pipe network system, and formed a new pattern of grassroots governance of co-construction, co-governance and sharing.

Qi Guoqing, a grid member in the central village of Huatian Township, who is responsible for the daily grid management of the village's 52 households, said: "Through the establishment of the grid system, I know which farmers I am responsible for, what the specific daily work is, and the service objects are clearer and the boundaries of governance are clearer." ”

Online and offline "double grid"! Youyang makes residents happy "full"

Zhongduo street grid staff went to the homes of community residents to apply for relief funds for residents. Photo by Yu Lin

"There are 76 grid teams in the township, and each grid team is responsible for about 50 villagers to carry out unified management and provide unified services." Zou Yi, Secretary of the Party Committee of Huatian Township, introduced that in daily work, the township adheres to the combination of online and offline. In the morning, grid staff publicize policies and issue emergency notices through small speakers and emergency broadcasts; Visit the homes of special groups such as the elderly living alone, left-behind children, and people with reduced mobility every day to understand their living conditions and needs, and discover and solve existing difficulties in a timely manner; Irregular visits to mediate and dissuade all kinds of contradictions and disputes, collect opinions and suggestions from the masses, publicize the party's line, principles and policies, national laws and regulations, and policies of benefiting the people through grid groups, Chongqing Kuaiban, and holding courtyard dam meetings, fire shop meetings, group meetings, etc., and guide villagers to understand fire prevention and theft prevention, electricity safety, drowning prevention, telecommunication fraud prevention and other related knowledge.

Through the "double grid" governance, today, Youyang cadres and workers are gradually accustomed to handling daily work online, the thinking of the masses has undergone a huge change, the cadres respond more quickly, and the happiness of the masses has also been significantly improved.


Reporter: Shi Jiali ▏Editor: Zhao Shuting Duty: Ren Guirong ▏Editor-in-Chief: Chen Jie Produced by Youyang Autonomous County Rong Media Center

Online and offline "double grid"! Youyang makes residents happy "full"