
The writer assassinated the prime minister, this killer is not simple

author:Drinking the moon in the west building

The biggest news in the past 24 hours has been the shooting of Slovak Prime Minister Fezzo.

Fico was shot by a 71-year-old man from Levice, and the killer has been captured, according to Joj TV.

One woman, who asked not to be named, said she heard three or four gunshots and saw Fezzo lying on the ground in front of her, with bloody wounds on his chest and head.

Fico was then taken by helicopter to a hospital in the Kramare district of the capital, Bratislava, where he fell into a coma.

Slovak Health Minister Zuzanna Dolinková informed that "the prime minister is still undergoing surgery and is in critical condition, and doctors are fighting for his life."

The writer assassinated the prime minister, this killer is not simple

The 71-year-old man who assassinated Fico was the writer Juraj Cintula, a journalist who worked on the Central European investigation and published a report on social media revealing the secrets behind Cintula (the report is shocking and for reference only)

Allegedly, the man appears to be linked to the Slovenian branch (SB), a pro-Russian paramilitary group whose leader has even been trained by former Russian special forces soldiers.

In January, Slovenskí Branci (SB) celebrated its seventh anniversary, but it has a rich history – it started as an unregistered unofficial group and was closely associated with another far-right group, Slovenské Hnutie Obrody. This paramilitary organization caused controversy at the outset, as its logo was very similar to that of the Nazi youth organization "Hitler Youth".

After the formation of the group, its leader, Shvchek, was trained by the Russian militia "Minuteman" and stayed in Russia for three weeks.

In addition, Jozef Hambálek, the leader of the Russian motorcycle gang "European Night Wolves", was a direct supporter of the SB, and with his help, SB members were also trained in armored personnel carriers at the Slovak headquarters of the Night Wolves.

By the way, during the war in Ukraine, Kepta, a former member of the SB, infiltrated the Donbass, joined the pro-Russian resistance groups and fought alongside them. He still lives in eastern Ukraine.

How does SB work?

The organization and actions of the Slovenian detachments are very similar to those of the regular army. They established an internal hierarchy that defined the hierarchy and divided the members into units or departments, which now number seventeen. Members are regularly recruited and receive training inspired by the Slovak Armed Forces. Recruits are trained in survival, tactics, guerrilla warfare, weapon use, first aid, terrain, and even basic CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defense) operations.

The main target of their recruitment is teenagers, usually enthusiasts of military or military-like sports.

SB encourages members to wear military uniforms. During events such as drills and ceremonies, members are often mistaken for regular army personnel. It was not until 2019 that the Slovak Ministry of Defense submitted a new law to the State Committee prohibiting the wearing of such similar uniforms.

In addition to uniforms, members of the group have long carried airsoft guns or expansion guns, which cannot shoot live ammunition, but some SB members do own real guns and train with them, although SB claims on its website that live-fire drills are not part of the overall organization's training process.

It is reported that such exercises were organized by individual unit commanders, one of whom was the commander and second-in-command, Michal Feling, who was a member of the Slovak armed forces.

In addition to him, there were other Slovak soldiers in the SB group.

In 2018, Defense Minister Peter Gaidos launched an initiative to ban active duty personnel from joining organizations such as the Slovenian branch.

However, although Gaidos said that active soldiers could not be members of the Slovenian branch, Felin remained a member of the group. He was even invited to the SB parade on January 5 this year, although he was not physically present.

In addition, Gaidos has filed a motion to check the legality of SB's activities. The reason was simple: "military-like training and preparation of citizens with unclear goals, as well as the possible misuse of military technology", but this motion failed to pass.

The writer assassinated the prime minister, this killer is not simple

Overall, the story is very strange: a pro-Russian prime minister was shot dead by a member of a pro-Russian militant group – one possibility is that he thinks that Fiko has not been completely enough in the Russian-Ukrainian war, because the military-industrial complex in Slovakia still sells products to Ukraine, and Feko has not blocked the support of the people and the people below for Ukraine.

Of course, the Russians will definitely go to the "old trilogy": first dump Ukraine, if you can't get rid of it, you will dump the United States, and if you can't get rid of it, you will pull it around.

This trilogy has been watched enough in the past ten years.

Text/West Building Drinking Moon

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The writer assassinated the prime minister, this killer is not simple