
Anti-drug science popularization walks with the people

author:Guizhou drug rehabilitation
Anti-drug science popularization walks with the people

Recently, the No. 1 Compulsory Isolation Drug Rehabilitation Center of Guizhou Province (hereinafter referred to as the No. 1 Provincial Hospital) was stationed in Longli County to carry out the social science popularization and publicity week activities in Qiannan Prefecture together with the Longli County Narcotics Control Office and relevant member units of the County Narcotics Control Committee to the Longli County Poverty Alleviation and Resettlement Site.

Anti-drug science popularization walks with the people

At the site of Endeavor Community Activities, the police of a workstation in the province carried out anti-drug knowledge popularization through the method of "theoretical knowledge explanation + simulated drug display". In particular, in view of the complex and diverse characteristics of new types of drugs, the community residents were taught anti-drug knowledge such as drug recognition, drug prevention, and drug rejection, so that everyone could learn to identify and prevent new drugs. At the same time, it is recommended that everyone actively participate in anti-drug volunteer service activities, consciously resist and stay away from drugs, resolutely not participate in drug-related illegal and criminal activities, encourage the masses to actively report clues of drug-related violations and crimes, be a clear-eyed person who knows and defends drugs, and a law-abiding legal person who knows the law and understands the law.

Anti-drug science popularization walks with the people
Anti-drug science popularization walks with the people
Anti-drug science popularization walks with the people
Anti-drug science popularization walks with the people
Anti-drug science popularization walks with the people
Anti-drug science popularization walks with the people

This anti-drug knowledge popularization campaign has implanted a scientific, healthy and civilized life concept for community residents, and created a good atmosphere of civilization and health.

Source: Provincial 1

Photography: Yin Lin

2024 No. 646 (Total No. 10940)

Anti-drug science popularization walks with the people
Anti-drug science popularization walks with the people
Anti-drug science popularization walks with the people
Anti-drug science popularization walks with the people