
Party member study month | The sea of books is rafting, and the ink is overflowing! The recommended books for party members in Waigang Town are here

author:Shanghai Jiading
Party member study month | The sea of books is rafting, and the ink is overflowing! The recommended books for party members in Waigang Town are here
Party member study month | The sea of books is rafting, and the ink is overflowing! The recommended books for party members in Waigang Town are here

At the opening ceremony of the 13th Party Member Learning Month in Waigang Town, the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era "Six Advances" were preached, the special activities of the Field Classroom and Tangzhan Area Alliance, and the research activities of "School-Local Integration Empowering New Energy and the Development of Research and Learning in Three Cities" were released. In order to carry out related activities, Waigang Town carefully selected all kinds of good books for the reference and study of party members and the masses. The recommended books are as follows↓

Party member study month | The sea of books is rafting, and the ink is overflowing! The recommended books for party members in Waigang Town are here

Recommended Books


"Charge: Style Construction is Always on the Road"

Author: Wang Qichao, Zhang Rongchen

Publisher: China Democracy and Legal Publishing House

Publication date: March 2024

Party member study month | The sea of books is rafting, and the ink is overflowing! The recommended books for party members in Waigang Town are here

Introduction: On the basis of analyzing the importance of the construction of party style and the current situation facing the construction of party style, this book proposes to deepen the implementation of the spirit of the eight provisions of the Central Committee in a normal and long-term manner by inheriting and carrying forward the party's ideological style, adhering to the style of keeping close contact with the masses, carrying forward the Marxist style of study that integrates theory with practice, and carrying out criticism and self-criticism, so as to provide theoretical reference and practical help for strengthening and improving the construction of the party's work style and strengthening the education of party spirit, party style and party discipline in the new era.


Q&A Loyalty

Author: Li Yi

Publisher: Hunan People's Publishing House

Publication date: January 2024

Party member study month | The sea of books is rafting, and the ink is overflowing! The recommended books for party members in Waigang Town are here

Introduction: Guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping's exposition on loyalty, this book expounds on what loyalty is and how Communist Party members in the new era practice loyalty through questions and answers.


The Economic Exploration of Chinese Modernization

Author: Wei Xinchun, Jiang Changqing, Zhao Fuji, Guo Guanqing

Publisher: Jiangxi University Press

Publication date: March 2024

Party member study month | The sea of books is rafting, and the ink is overflowing! The recommended books for party members in Waigang Town are here

Introduction: This series of books looks back on the economic exploration process of the Communist Party of China from the height of the theory of Chinese-style modernization, explains the social background, historical conditions, internal mechanism and practical logic of these economic explorations, and shows how the Communist Party of China has explored its own path of modernization development with the goal of national rejuvenation in the process of economic exploration, proving that Chinese-style modernization "can go well and steadily, and is the only correct path for building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation".


"The Ideological Change of National Governance"

Author: Li Jie

Publisher: Life, Reading, New Knowledge Joint Bookstore

Publication date: January 2024

Party member study month | The sea of books is rafting, and the ink is overflowing! The recommended books for party members in Waigang Town are here

Introduction: This book systematically sorts out the theoretical changes of Marxist classic writers on the state theory, discusses in detail the origin of the Marxist state theory, the leap of the proletarian dictatorship from the theoretical form to the practical form and the state system form, especially the Sinicization of the Marxist theory of state governance, is an academic work with the perspective of historical materialism and dialectical materialism, highlighting the historicity of China as a socialist country in exploring a new type of state governance model. Modernity, openness, modernity.


"Perspective of the Countryside"

Author: He Xuefeng

Publisher: Dayou Bookstore

Publication date: January 2024

Party member study month | The sea of books is rafting, and the ink is overflowing! The recommended books for party members in Waigang Town are here

Introduction: This book is divided into five parts: rural revitalization and common prosperity, urban-rural gap and urban-rural difference, national market and regional differences, county economy, and rural pension, and makes an in-depth interpretation of the current situation, problems encountered and future planning of the "three rural" work, aiming to understand China's rural areas from field investigations, and see the realities, dilemmas and dreams of Chinese farmers, which will help promote the understanding of the current "three rural" policies and deepen the practice of rural revitalization.


The Cultural Gene of Chinese Modernization

Author: Peng Luluo, Xiao Weiguang

Publisher: Chung Hwa Book Company

Publication date: April 2024

Party member study month | The sea of books is rafting, and the ink is overflowing! The recommended books for party members in Waigang Town are here

Introduction: Based on the perspective of Chinese civilization, this book deeply discusses the rich connotation, broad content and contemporary value of Chinese excellent traditional culture from the cultural dimension of Chinese modernization, analyzes the characteristics of the five aspects of Chinese modernization, the relationship between Chinese civilization and Chinese modernization, expounds the people's logic of Chinese modernization, reveals the essential difference between Chinese modernization and Western modernization at the level of values, and summarizes the important contributions and major innovations of Chinese modernization to the theory of world modernization from a theoretical perspective.


The Geographical Code of Chinese History

Author: Dong Jinshe

Publisher: Modern Press

Publication date: October 2023

Party member study month | The sea of books is rafting, and the ink is overflowing! The recommended books for party members in Waigang Town are here

Introduction: This book collects information on natural geographic elements such as climate change, natural disasters, and environmental changes from ancient historical documents and materials, analyzes the relationship between geographical environment and historical evolution with reference to the research results of modern geographic science, and reveals the hidden "geographical code", which has both a vast sense of geographical space and a grand sense of history.


Promoting the Spirit of Scientists: The Practice and Reflections of Famous Chinese Scientists

Author: The writing team of this book

Publisher: People's Publishing House

Publication date: January 2024

Party member study month | The sea of books is rafting, and the ink is overflowing! The recommended books for party members in Waigang Town are here

Introduction: This book brings together more than 40 original articles on the spirit of scientists, such as self-reports, speeches, letters, and reports by some famous scientists in mainland China. The authors include Nobel Prize winners, winners of the "Two Bombs and One Star Meritorious Service Medal", winners of the highest national science and technology award, winners of the national honorary title of "People's Scientist", winners of the "Model of the Times", winners of the "May Day Labor Medal", as well as the founders of major disciplines in New China and the highly respected academicians of the "Two Academies". This book has important reference value for all walks of life to understand the deeds, ideas and academic methods of relevant scientists, and will help guide the majority of scientific and technological workers to inherit and carry forward the spirit of "two bombs and one satellite" and the spirit of scientists in the new era, cultivate the feelings of the family and country, create a culture of innovation, and gather the majestic force to achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance and build a world scientific and technological power.


Ancient Tea Horse Road: The Legendary Life of the Horse Gang

Author: Li Xu

Publisher: Qinghai People's Publishing House

Publication date: January 2024

Party member study month | The sea of books is rafting, and the ink is overflowing! The recommended books for party members in Waigang Town are here

Introduction: This book tells the story of the special people who run on the ancient tea horse road, and the little-known legends of the caravan that happened on the road and in their lives. The Ancient Tea Horse Road is currently the highest, most precipitous and most distant ancient cultural transmission road in the world, shaping a unique caravan culture of bravery, adventure, diligence and self-discipline, responsibility and trustworthiness.


Methods of Preaching

Author: The writing team of this book

Publisher: Learning Press

Publication date: January 2024

Party member study month | The sea of books is rafting, and the ink is overflowing! The recommended books for party members in Waigang Town are here

Introduction: This book takes "method" as the fundamental foothold, adheres to the method of guiding with great thoughts, explains the method with vivid practice, and uses the method of complete system architecture, and is divided into 8 chapters, including what is the theoretical propaganda work in the new era, why should we carry out the theoretical propaganda work in the new era, and "what to say", "who will speak", "where to speak" and "how to speak" in the theoretical propaganda work of the new era, and explore the systematic, comprehensive and pragmatic propaganda methods, aiming to provide scientific practical guidance for the theoretical propaganda work in the new era.

Correspondent: Qu Yifan Editor: Yuan Yue

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Party member study month | The sea of books is rafting, and the ink is overflowing! The recommended books for party members in Waigang Town are here
Party member study month | The sea of books is rafting, and the ink is overflowing! The recommended books for party members in Waigang Town are here
Party member study month | The sea of books is rafting, and the ink is overflowing! The recommended books for party members in Waigang Town are here

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