
Sales of new forces in April: back to light? Or is it bitter?

author:Automobile Commune

In the middle of the unfinished business, the long holiday is over......

On the first day of work, holding a slightly tired body, I sat at the desk again, and my state had not fully recovered. In the face of a mountain of tasks, although I wanted to escape for a while from the emotional level, I still had to do it immediately after calming down.

Sales of new forces in April: back to light? Or is it bitter?

For example, today's article.

In fact, as early as May 1, Beijing time, a number of new forces have announced their respective terminal report cards in April. Compared with the big surprise and less than expected from January to March this year, it is obvious that the collective has picked up, and it seems that it has spent the so-called most difficult days.

Looking deeper, as the title says, is it a return to the light or a bittersweet end? Rational analysis is also needed.

First of all, focus on Hongmeng Zhixing.

With Huawei's strong endorsement, it delivered a total of 29,632 new vehicles in April. Among them, it is worth noting that 13,391 new vehicles were delivered for the M9 and 4,546 units were delivered for the S7. In the past six months, the new M7 has been on the market for a total of 180,000 units, and a total of 133,808 units have been delivered by April 30.

It can be said that from this moment on, Hongmeng Zhixing has become a force that cannot be ignored in the Chinese auto market. Located in the new energy sector, it gradually has a stronger and stronger voice.

Sales of new forces in April: back to light? Or is it bitter?

During the long holiday, the number of Hongmeng Zhixing models exceeded 11,000. There is no doubt that the numbers don't lie, and consumers have cast their votes of confidence with real money.

Taking advantage of the trend and looking at the ideal, due to various internal and external troubles, this new force did not usher in the expected desperate rush, but encountered a lot of "Waterloo".

Fortunately, after continuous adjustments, such as the rare participation in the price war, such as the successful launch of the highly anticipated ideal L6, it once again showed strong resilience to pressure.

For the whole of April, a total of 25,787 new vehicles were delivered. At first glance, it's not particularly explosive.

However, it is important to know that during the first sales period from April 18 to May 5, the cumulative orders for the Ideal L6 have exceeded 41,000 units. On the last day of the first sale, the Ideal L6 single-day order exceeded 10,000 units.

In other words, it is not surprising that from May onwards, we will witness the explosion of this new force in car manufacturing.

As for Zeekr, a total of 16,089 new vehicles were delivered in April, which is also commendable.

Sales of new forces in April: back to light? Or is it bitter?

After the new ZEEKR 001 presented a textbook performance, this new force has successfully built the most solid sales foundation.

Next, the biggest problem that ZEEKR urgently needs to solve is how to ensure that its many products of 200,000-300,000 yuan will be as little as possible to "play with each other".

Otherwise, it is easy to fall into a "growth bottleneck".

Coincidentally, NIO's deliveries in April were able to break the 15,000 mark again, reaching 15,620 units, which was indeed unexpected by many.

However, it also proves in disguise that the comprehensive competitiveness of the 8 products under the NT2 platform, especially the ET5 family, ES6 and EC6, has been further strengthened after actively lowering their stature and having the blessing of the new BaaS policy.

Including NIO's advantages at the brand level, the moat at the energy level, and the reputation at the service level, they have also played a great role in promoting their sales growth.

Sales of new forces in April: back to light? Or is it bitter?

According to the revelations of Weibo blogger "Sun Shaojun", during the long holiday, NIO added more than 7,000 new vehicles. The sudden take-off on the spot fiercely responded to many doubts.

As for Leap, its performance in April was as stable as ever, with a total of 15,005 new vehicles delivered.

Anyway, in my eyes, the evaluation of this new force car has always been very "clear". More specifically, I fully thought about my own industry positioning and what kind of products potential customers wanted, and firmly attached the label of "ultimate cost performance" to myself.

From C11, to C01, to C10, and then to the C16 that made its debut at the Beijing Auto Show, the same is true for the Red Sea market below 200,000 yuan.

On the other hand, Xiaopeng may be the existence that I am most worried about in "Wei Xiaoli".

In April, a total of 9,393 new vehicles were delivered, but still failed to exceed 10,000. And the "stubborn disease" that this new force has always been unable to avoid at the moment is very obvious.

Sales of new forces in April: back to light? Or is it bitter?

No matter how good the X9 sells, it can't change its identity as a pure electric MPV, especially when the price goes to more than 350,000 yuan, and the terminal demand will always encounter a "bottleneck".

And Xiaopeng's other former "sales mainstays", whether G6, G9, or P7i, the pressure of selling cars in the subdivision can only be described as "terrifying".

From January to March this year, even if the three products tried their best and paid a great price, even at the expense of crazy overdrafts and special "price wars", the results achieved were still not good, and there was still no big change in April.

In short, in the case of very limited "hole cards", how to keep their "basic plate" will be a must-answer question for this new force to build a car that is a matter of life and death.

Of course, there is also Nezha who shares the same disease.

As a shareholder of the company, Zhou Hongyi, located in the Chinese car circle, has attracted traffic and attention, and it seems that it has not brought any positive effect to this new force's car manufacturing.

In April, a total of 9,017 new vehicles were delivered, which can only be said to be unsatisfactory.

Sales of new forces in April: back to light? Or is it bitter?

In fact, Nezha's biggest pain point still appears in the model planning dimension. Originally, it was completely similar to Leap and took a relatively pragmatic development path, but in the context of a relatively unstable foundation, it had to build a thankless coupe or even a sports car, and in the end it could only be ruthlessly educated.

And now Nezha L, who is shouldering the heavy responsibility, is fighting a complete backwater.

Taking advantage of the trend, we focused our attention on Xiaomi again, and after the first full delivery month, we came up with an answer sheet of 7,058 units, which is really good enough.

Lei Jun undoubtedly taught a lesson to all those who despised him.

And recently, I heard an interesting statement: the reason why Xiaomi SU7 won the first battle is that in addition to its own preparation, it did not make fatal mistakes, and the strong aura given to it by the brand, it also caught up with a sufficiently appropriate "outlet".

The penetration rate of new energy in the entire market has risen sharply, consumers' acceptance of new brands has gradually increased, the price of raw materials for power batteries has continued to fall, the gap between the experience of intelligent driving and intelligent cabins has not been opened, and the pace of transformation of joint venture brands has become more and more ......

Anyway, luck also occupies a certain weight.

Sales of new forces in April: back to light? Or is it bitter?

But it is understandable, located in the price range of 200,000-300,000 yuan, Xiaomi SU7 has become an opponent that everyone can't avoid. Located in the bloody Chinese car market, Xiaomi has become a fierce rival that everyone can't hide.

Next, in the camp of new forces to build cars, its ranking will only continue to rise.

As for AVATR and VOYANT, the two "national team" players, delivered 5,247 and 4,003 vehicles respectively in April. Although he did not show strong dominance, but compared with his former self vertically, progress is still clearly there.

And we have reason to believe that with the addition of more new products, both will continue to grow with practical actions. After all, their strong enough background ensures that they have a steady stream of driving force, which is precisely what many teammates on the same track cannot envy.

In short, as early as in the previous article, it was written that in the face of the cruel Chinese auto market, the real competition of new forces in car manufacturing will be the shaping of the main sales, the search for abundant grain and grass, and the construction of car buying confidence.

Every part counts. Of course, the above three parts are complementary to each other to some extent. As soon as there is a problem in one link, it can trigger a serious chain reaction. Anyway, there's nothing easy about it.

Therefore, whether it is a return to the light or a hard time, what everyone has to do is to "live". After a noticeable recovery in April, some trends will be seen in May.