
Why do you need to turn signals when overtaking large trucks on high speeds, and what are the dangers of hitting turn signals indiscriminately

author:Jinchang City Expressway No. 1 Brigade

First, the speed of the car on the highway is very fast, a small mistake, can cause a big car accident, and overtaking itself is a high-risk driving behavior, overtaking the risk of large trucks is even greater. Therefore, we overtake the big trucks, in order to maximize the safety of driving, we must give sufficient hints to the surrounding vehicles before overtaking, I am going to overtake, you all give me attention. And the surrounding cars mentioned here include the oversized trucks, as well as the cars next to and behind them. So how do you signal the cars around you to overtake at the same time? At this time, you can turn the left turn light and let others understand. The moment the overtaking vehicle sees us with the left turn signal, he knows that we are about to overtake, and he will not change lanes at this time. And the car behind the right, after seeing us turn on the left turn signal, will not squeeze from the right at this time. The car behind will also take the initiative to distance itself to avoid accidents involving him when we overtake.

Why do you need to turn signals when overtaking large trucks on high speeds, and what are the dangers of hitting turn signals indiscriminately

In fact, it is not only to overtake large trucks, whenever you think that the vehicle you are overtaking is at risk, we can send our overtaking signal by turning left turn lights, such as the overtaken vehicle driving side by side with the car in the right lane for a long distance, or the overtaken vehicle has a very unstable trajectory and has been driving in the S curve in the lane. In addition, in order to make the overtaken vehicle more aware of us, in addition to turning left turn lights, you can also warn by honking the horn and flashing the lights.

Why do you need to turn signals when overtaking large trucks on high speeds, and what are the dangers of hitting turn signals indiscriminately

Second, there are often 3 wrong ways to use turn signals in the daily driving process, and the harm is not small.

One is to change lanes and turn without turning signals. This is the most common. However, if you don't turn your turn signal to alert the surrounding vehicles before changing lanes and turning, you may just hit the oncoming car at the moment of changing lanes. If others don't know your next move, then others will not be able to predict your behavior, and they will definitely be prone to accidents.

Why do you need to turn signals when overtaking large trucks on high speeds, and what are the dangers of hitting turn signals indiscriminately

The second is that it has not been extinguished after hitting the turn signal, some have forgotten, and some have not grasped the timing of changing lanes and dare not change lanes. If the turn signal is not turned off all the time, it actually gives the feeling of the surrounding cars as if the turn signal is not turned on. For example, before changing lanes, you hit the turn signal, but you have not dared to change the past, the rear car passed one after another, everyone will think that you forgot to turn off, but the fact is not, when you make up your mind to change lanes to the left, maybe the rear car will be unable to prevent you from chasing the rear-end up.

Why do you need to turn signals when overtaking large trucks on high speeds, and what are the dangers of hitting turn signals indiscriminately

The third is to hit the turn signal indiscriminately, which was supposed to change lanes to the left, but you hit the right turn signal. It was supposed to turn right, but you hit the left turn light. Random use of the turn signal is the most harmful, because the signal you send, the prediction that others receive and make, ends up being the opposite of your behavior, so it is not strange that nothing happens. For example, if you turn right before changing lanes to the left, and the car behind thinks you are going to change lanes to the right, so it accelerates up and overtakes you on the left, which will just hit you who are changing lanes to the left. This kind of behavior of indiscriminately hitting the turn signal, you don't think that you can't touch it in reality, I've encountered it several times when I was driving.

Why do you need to turn signals when overtaking large trucks on high speeds, and what are the dangers of hitting turn signals indiscriminately