
After Medvedev resigned that year, why didn't he run again? Does he still want to be president?

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After Medvedev resigned that year, why didn't he run again? Does he still want to be president?

Medvedev is not only Putin's fellow disciple but also his closest political "comrade-in-arms", the two of them, one president and one prime minister, have governed Russia for more than 20 years, and have successfully governed Russia from an old man with considerable wealth into a powerful country full of martial virtues and not afraid of the West.

Today, Putin has been re-elected president of Russia and remains at the helm of Russia, while Medvedev, who is 13 years younger than Putin, has retreated into the background.

After Medvedev resigned that year, why didn't he run again? Does he still want to be president?

One has to wonder if there is a break between the two.

And Medvedev's resignation that year was also brought up again, is there an inside story?

After Medvedev resigned that year, why didn't he run again? Does he still want to be president?

Mep Friendship

Medvedev and Putin have a complex political relationship, with a friendship that dates back to their university days, and they are not only alumni, but also brothers.

In the early stages of his political career, Medvedev and Putin worked together under the leadership of their teacher Sobchak.

Sobchak was a well-respected political mentor whose selfless help and support played an important role in both political careers.

With Sobchak's encouragement, Medvedev and Putin gradually rose to prominence, demonstrating their political prowess and leadership.

However, Sobchak's subsequent downfall also meant that Medvedev and Putin's roles in the political arena had changed dramatically, with a significant impact on their political careers.

After Medvedev resigned that year, why didn't he run again? Does he still want to be president?

In 1999, Putin made a new appearance on the Russian political scene, during which time he invited Medvedev out to become his important assistant and partner.

Medvedev holds key positions next to Putin and also plays an important role in political decision-making and implementation, and the tacit understanding and cooperative relationship between the two men make them a golden pair on the political stage, jointly leading Russia's political direction.

After Medvedev resigned that year, why didn't he run again? Does he still want to be president?

In 2000, Putin officially took over as president of Russia, and Medvedev quietly handled many state affairs behind the scenes, providing strong support for the smooth operation and decision-making of the Putin government.

Despite this, he never fought for credit, always attributed all the credit to Putin, conveyed Putin's ideas and policies to the public through various channels and methods, and enhanced Putin's image and prestige in the hearts of the people, and this spirit of silent dedication has won Putin's high trust and praise.

The cooperation between the two men has also strengthened the position of a new generation of leaders, and their successful cooperation has provided an important guarantee for the stability and continuation of the Russian political system.

After Medvedev resigned that year, why didn't he run again? Does he still want to be president?

President of Russia

With the cooperation of Medvedev, Putin won the Chechen war, and with this momentum, he reformed and modernized the armed forces, and Russia's national defense strength was also effectively consolidated and improved.

At the same time, with his high prestige, Putin also overthrew a number of oligarchs, providing an opportunity for the reconstruction and reform of Russia's political system.

At the same time, Medvedev also showed his skills. Through a series of policies and measures, he has promoted the development of various industries, optimized the economic structure, and improved economic efficiency.

After Medvedev resigned that year, why didn't he run again? Does he still want to be president?

In the field of education, the government has increased investment in education, improved the allocation of educational resources, and improved the quality of education.

In the field of housing, a series of housing security policies have been implemented to improve the living conditions of the people; In the field of industry and agriculture, technological iteration and modernization have been promoted, and Russia's industrial competitiveness has been enhanced.

These reforms have led to a significant increase in the well-being of the Russian population, and the steady development of the economy has provided more employment and entrepreneurial opportunities, increased sources of income, and improved people's living conditions.

At the same time, the reform has also promoted social stability and prosperity, and strengthened the people's trust and support for the government.

In this way, Medvedev, with Putin's support and guidance, successfully coped with various challenges, achieved a series of important achievements, and his position and influence within the government continued to grow, becoming an important figure in politics.

After Medvedev resigned that year, why didn't he run again? Does he still want to be president?

In 2007, when Putin's presidency was coming to an end, he did not intend to violate the constitution and try to extend his presidency, instead he launched Medvedev as his successor.

At that time, Medvedev was under the Putin government and held a number of important positions, including deputy prime minister and prime minister. As a result, he is seen by Putin as a trusted partner and potential successor.

The two men held close consultations and discussions to ensure a smooth transition of power. Ultimately, Medvedev was successfully elected president of Russia in 2008.

After Medvedev resigned that year, why didn't he run again? Does he still want to be president?

Gloomy resignation

In Putin's original plan, Medvedev was his chosen successor, and at that time, he forcibly pushed Medvedev to run in the election under internal and external pressure to secure his successor.

Unfortunately, due to his personality, Medvedev's popularity among the public is relatively low, and he lacks political image and appeal, and some people have doubts about whether he is qualified for the post of Russian president.

His past experience and political performance have not been fully endorsed by some of the party's elders, who fear that Medvedev's inability to take up the presidency will affect their interests.

After Medvedev resigned that year, why didn't he run again? Does he still want to be president?

In order to calm everyone's doubts, Putin personally served as the prime minister of Russia, sparing no effort to help Medvedev manage the country, not only "helping him to get on the horse", but also "giving him a ride".

It is a pity that Medvedev has failed Putin's expectations, and Western countries have established close relations with Medvedev through constant temptation, so as to influence his political orientation and push Russia in the direction of Western interests.

During his administration, Russia suffered an ideological onslaught from the West, and he failed to realize Russia's unique historical, cultural, and political environment, instead relying too heavily on the Western model to guide Russia's political development.

This has led to Medvedev's path to power running counter to Russian tradition and public opinion, intensifying questions and criticism of his leadership at home and abroad.

After Medvedev resigned that year, why didn't he run again? Does he still want to be president?

Discontent is building up among the population, and they are complaining about Medvedev's government, and it is no longer in the expectations and interests of the general public to keep him in charge of the presidency of Russia.

In this case, Putin had to go out again to clean up the situation.

In 2012, Medvedev once again became a deputy in the Putin government, helping the Putin government maintain stability and promote the government's work process, strengthening the government's cohesion and execution.

In January 2020, Dmitry Medvedev resigned as Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and returned to the background.

Although Medvedev made his choice, Putin also did not let him retire completely, but gave him the post of deputy chairman of the Federal Security Council.

After the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, Putin directly signed a presidential decree appointing him as the first deputy chairman of the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation.

And Medvedev is also very grateful to Putin, fully supports his decision to send troops to Ukraine, and has repeatedly stood up to speak for Putin, pointing the sword at the West.

After Medvedev resigned that year, why didn't he run again? Does he still want to be president?


Although Medvedev is 13 years younger than Putin and has a class, he cannot be compared politically with Putin, who was born in the KGB.

As some have said, he is also a brilliant politician, but he is not necessarily suitable for Russia.

Numerous facts have proved that Putin is the most suitable person for Russia.

After Medvedev resigned that year, why didn't he run again? Does he still want to be president?


The Government of the Russian Federation resigned. Xinhuanet.2020-01-15 [Cited 2020-01-17]

After Medvedev resigned that year, why didn't he run again? Does he still want to be president?

The "Medvedev-Putin combination" charts the future of Russia. Chinanews.2007-12-20 [Cited 2014-03-03]

After Medvedev resigned that year, why didn't he run again? Does he still want to be president?