
On the eve of Lai Qingde's inauguration, the mainland "set an example for killing chickens and monkeys," and five famous people in Taiwan were severely punished for smearing the mainland

author:Sun Xuwen

With the newly elected leader of the Taiwan region, Lai Ching-te, about to take office on the 20th of this month, the mainland's countermeasures against the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and its flank forces have also been introduced one after another. According to the news released on the 15th on the website of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, spokesman Chen Binhua revealed two news that attracted attention when presiding over the press conference that day. First of all, the spokesman was asked how he viewed the fact that many people in the new leadership of the Taiwan authorities have "Taiwan independence" overtones, and what measures the mainland has taken to deal with this.

In this regard, Chen Binhua made it clear that the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces have betrayed the general interests of the nation and seriously endangered national sovereignty, security, and development interests, and that the mainland will not tolerate this, and will introduce legal measures to crack down on diehards who make vile remarks about independence and pursue independence activities in accordance with the law. Later, a reporter asked: In recent years, certain so-called "famous mouths" on the island have frequently concocted false information and rumors to smear the mainland, which has often triggered confrontation between netizens on both sides of the strait, and the people on the mainland are very indignant about this, and whether the mainland side will study disciplinary measures against these "famous mouths."

On the eve of Lai Qingde's inauguration, the mainland "set an example for killing chickens and monkeys," and five famous people in Taiwan were severely punished for smearing the mainland

In response, the spokesman said that in the past period, Yu Beichen, Liu Baojie, Wang Yichuan, Huang Shicong, and other so-called "celebrities" deliberately fabricated negative information related to the mainland, and wantonly disseminated it through the media to deceive the people on the island and incite hostility between the two sides of the strait. Although the press conference of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council did not announce the specific details of the "anti-independence" measures, on the whole, the mainland's countermeasures against the DPP and its flanks will gradually increase in the future.

What is different from the past is that this time the mainland has made an official response to the public opinion environment on the island. For a long time, in order to consolidate their basic base, the Taiwan independence forces headed by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) have encouraged the media belonging to their own camp to openly concoct and disseminate all kinds of negative news related to the mainland. Mere lies are not enough to deceive people's minds, and this is inseparable from the Taiwan authorities' efforts to fuel the flames.

On the eve of Lai Qingde's inauguration, the mainland "set an example for killing chickens and monkeys," and five famous people in Taiwan were severely punished for smearing the mainland

From left, famous mouths Huang Shicong, Wang Yichuan, Liu Baojie, Yu Beichen, Li Zhenghao

Due to the DPP's artificial obstruction, which has erected many obstacles to cross-strait nongovernmental exchanges, and under the dual influence of the sluggish willingness to go to the mainland for sightseeing and tourism and the flying of false news about the mainland, these "one-eyed" rumors have indeed affected a number of Taiwan people, and while fueling the arrogance of the Taiwan independence separatist forces, they have also had a very negative impact on cross-strait nongovernmental interactions. And the most outrageous thing is that these "celebrities" of the green media do not really think that they have conveyed "facts" to the public, but deliberately spread rumors based on financial interests.

At present, due to the deepening interference of the United States and the West in the Taiwan Strait, the mainland's work on Taiwan has also entered the deep water zone. The soft means of the past are no longer enough to change the hearts of the people on the island, and only by applying both soft and hard measures can we achieve both the symptoms and the root causes. More importantly, the mainland must not only crack down on the Taiwan independence "tigers" headed by Lai Ching-te, but also take targeted measures against the famous "flies" under its command. Only when the targets of our countermeasures become more and more concrete will the people on the island believe that the mainland's actions are aimed at a small number of "Taiwan independence" elements and their separatist activities.

On the eve of Lai Qingde's inauguration, the mainland "set an example for killing chickens and monkeys," and five famous people in Taiwan were severely punished for smearing the mainland

In this process, the unwilling Taiwan independence forces will inevitably take the opportunity to make a big fuss, and these so-called "famous mouths" who have been named by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council will also take advantage of the situation to follow up, but no amount of noise can cover up a basic fact, and these personnel who are closely watched by the mainland will eventually pay the price for their words and deeds.