
AI pulls goods to make money, and has circled the earth 2,500 times

author:Quantum Position

Yunzhong is from the Au Fei Temple

Quantum Position | 公众号 QbitAI

AI pulls goods and has already run 2,500 laps around the earth.

From Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei to the Pearl River Delta, on the highway connecting the country's seven major economic zones, smart heavy trucks pulling express delivery, food, beverages, clothing, and even auto parts are shuttled among them.

Maybe what you've been eating and wearing recently was pulled by AI from another city.

Who is this domestic player?

Inceptio Technology. Its truck NOA commercial mileage has exceeded 100 million kilometers.

And with the help of AI, logistics companies can save up to half of the labor cost per vehicle, save 3-5 liters of fuel per 100 kilometers, and individual drivers can also increase the safe driving mileage by 20%, increasing their income by more than 2,500 yuan per month.

It took one and a half years for Inceptio Trucks to safely operate NOA from 0 km to 50 million km; However, from 50 million kilometers to 100 million kilometers, the time has been shortened to 8 months, and the commercialization process has doubled.

At the same time, the entire trunk logistics industry is fully covered, and customers in various segments such as express delivery, LTL special line, and contract logistics have also realized the loading of truck NOA.

AI pulls goods to make money, and has circled the earth 2,500 times

The commercialization process of autonomous driving for passenger cars is still unclear, but why commercial vehicles are already ahead of the curve - smart heavy-duty trucks equipped with Inceptio Trucks NOA are accelerating in the commercialization process?

Inceptio Secret: Find the core of commercialization

Commercialization has always been the most difficult hurdle in the field of autonomous driving technology, which requires not only the maturity of technology, but also safety assurance, cost control, user experience and other aspects.

In addition, there is an essential difference between the commercial vehicle and the passenger car track represented by the smart heavy truck, that is, the difference in user value.

AI pulls goods to make money, and has circled the earth 2,500 times

Passenger cars are oriented to C-end users, and the product and function highlights are varied, and the user purchase is not completely rational, but the user stickiness is high and low. According to industry insiders, the actual use scenarios of intelligent driving in passenger cars may only account for 10%.

Commercial vehicles are essentially oriented to the B-end logistics field, which requires accurate calculation of costs and benefits, the pursuit of commercial value, and the solution of pain points in production and operation, which requires in-depth insight into the industry and deep integration of the same industry.

This is also the general logic of the entire AI commercialization and even the B-end business.

Looking at the B-end users in the field of trunk logistics, what are they considering?

It is safety, timeliness, labor costs, fuel consumption, car purchase costs and other refined needs. Among them, the whole life cycle cost (TCO) of heavy trucks has become a key consideration indicator, including driver and fuel costs, accounting for about 50%. The rest also includes maintenance, accident insurance, and more. Only when the "economic" account is clearly calculated will the purchase of real money be taken out.

Logistics customers who are currently using Inceptio Trucks are valuing the multiple user values of Inceptio Truck's NOA of "safety, labor-saving, labor-saving, labor-saving, and fuel-saving", which in turn brings the commercial value of "safety, cost reduction, efficiency improvement, and income increase".

Have you ever thought that the express package from the Pearl River Delta to Beijing, more than 2,000 kilometers and more than 30 hours of driving can be safely delivered by the truck driver throughout the whole process?

AI pulls goods to make money, and has circled the earth 2,500 times

For example, Inceptio's express customers, including leading companies such as Zhongtong, Yuantong, Shentong,, and SF Express, have realized the large-scale transformation of two-person driving into single-driver on the 500-1,200 km section, reducing the labor cost per vehicle by 40-50%.

On a number of traditional dual-driving routes of 1300 kilometers to 2500 kilometers or even longer, the express delivery industry has also successfully achieved safe single driving throughout the whole process by setting up post relay points in the practice of intelligent heavy trucks.

The driver staffing requirements for the same line have been reduced from 6-8 drivers in 3 cars to 5 drivers in 3 cars, and from 8-10 drivers in 4 cars to 6 drivers in 4 cars, etc., which greatly reduces labor costs, while the driver's rest time is guaranteed, and the satisfaction with the schedule is greatly improved.

In the more than 10 hours of single-driving transportation operations of drivers using Inceptio intelligent driving heavy trucks, intelligent driving can reduce the core indicators of 100 kilometers of front collision warning, lane departure warning, and rapid deceleration by more than 75% compared with manual driving. Compared with traditional truck drivers, the physiological fatigue of intelligent truck drivers is reduced by about 35%, and the psychological fatigue is reduced by about 11%. Intelligent fuel saving can be reduced by 2%-10%.

The mileage of Inceptio intelligent driving system has reached 90%-95%, and the user stickiness is extremely strong.

This is also the practical significance behind the 100 million kilometers, Inceptio Trucks NOA is transforming the field of trunk logistics through the significant value brought by autonomous driving technology, and has become an indispensable new production tool for deep integration into trunk logistics.

Break into the "mainstream" market

Express Express represents the head enterprise with the highest timeliness requirements and the highest level of operation and management of trunk logistics, and their recognition of the value of intelligent heavy trucks has a strong demonstration role in the trunk logistics market with a larger scale and richer scenarios.

Inceptio Trucks NOA has successfully expanded into many subdivisions of trunk logistics, including LTL dedicated lines and contract logistics, covering multiple types such as cold chain, auto parts, alcohol, and FMCG. There are large carriers, as well as small and medium-sized fleets and individual drivers. This part of the group is actually the "mainstream" of buying heavy trucks.

Trunk logistics is essentially to make money according to the transportation mileage, and under the core premise of "safety", "cost reduction", "Dora" and "fast running" can make more money.

AI pulls goods to make money, and has circled the earth 2,500 times

For example, Huatai Logistics, which provides parts logistics and transportation for new energy vehicles, has an average mileage of about 1,500 kilometers, and after the batch use of intelligent heavy trucks, the fuel consumption per 100 kilometers of intelligent driving can be reduced by 3-5 liters compared with manual driving, and the ratio of people to vehicles on some lines has been reduced from 2 to 1, and the TCO per kilometer has been reduced by 7-15%. Because of the excellent safety performance and labor-saving and comfortable driving experience of smart heavy trucks, the vehicle attendance rate has been significantly improved, and the average monthly operating mileage of a single vehicle can be increased by 10%.

Individual drivers are more realistic:

How can I save a few more liters of fuel? How to avoid fatigue driving and safely run hundreds of kilometers more? How to reassure the family and let the sister-in-law return to the family?

Because of the revolutionary improvement of intelligent heavy trucks in terms of safety and labor-saving, the average monthly safe mileage of some individual drivers has increased by 10-20%, and the monthly net income can be increased by 2,500-5,500 yuan. At the same time, the advantages of smart trucks being more fuel-efficient are very obvious to individual drivers.

AI pulls goods to make money, and has circled the earth 2,500 times

These figures make a real "safe" and "economical" account, which is why Inceptio's commercialization process has accelerated so quickly, and customers in the entire trunk logistics field have also been fully rolled out.

Data-driven technology and R&D

Customer needs and product value ultimately fall on technology and R&D to realize.

Autonomous driving is essentially artificial intelligence, and it is undeniable that the algorithm architecture has basically been determined, and the innovation in computing power is still limited in the short term, and the data side has become a key indicator for the improvement of technical capabilities.

Inceptio Technology's "Technology + Operation" strategy and leading commercialization closed-loop have accumulated 100 million kilometers of real data assets. Having this level of operational data is extremely scarce at home and abroad.

Inceptio Technology has established the most mature data-driven R&D system in the commercial vehicle field through accurate and efficient data collection on the vehicle side, high-performance and automated data processing in the cloud, and leading core technologies such as scene mining and automatic annotation.

AI pulls goods to make money, and has circled the earth 2,500 times

The scale and quality of Inceptio data assets accelerate the iterative update of Inceptio's autonomous driving algorithms, continuously improve the NOA capabilities of trucks, and bring significant experience improvements to users, attracting customers in more fields, and generating more scenario data in operation, forming a unique data closed loop and further amplifying Inceptio's leading edge in autonomous driving technology.

At the same time, some key internal initiatives have also strengthened the insight into the needs of users and the industry, and further strengthened the user experience of Inceptio Truck NOA.

For example, the "Make Friends with Drivers" campaign.

Mainly for R&D personnel, through the form of "following the car" (real long-distance freight), so that engineers can understand both the requirements and the scenario, and then continue to optimize the algorithm.

Specialized licenses and qualifications are required to drive commercial vehicles. Unlike passenger cars, it is difficult for developers of commercial vehicles to drive their products and feel the real performance.

AI pulls goods to make money, and has circled the earth 2,500 times

The CEO of Inceptio Technology once said in a public interview that R&D personnel should understand the user's usage scenarios and understand the user's value.

In front of the computer every day, or just looking at the data in the background, in fact, it cannot replace every engineer's direct experience of user scenarios and driver behaviors, including the actual operation of the product on the road.

It is precisely because of the product design that directly hits the pain points that Inceptio has strengthened the advantages of Inceptio smart trucks, and the truck autonomous driving technology has also ushered in its "Inceptio moment".

Autonomous driving of trucks ushered in a "qualitative change moment"

"Can autonomous driving still work?" "Is there any hope for landing?" This is the most frequently mentioned issue after the autonomous driving industry has entered a trough period.

The market is no longer willing to watch PPT and demos, but wants to see "how many autonomous vehicles are on the road?" "How much can this technology reduce and how much benefit can it bring?" and other answers to more practical questions.

Behind this, a group of companies have come out.

With the deepening of technical research, the industry has formed a basic consensus: to discuss whether autonomous driving can be commercialized is to discuss whether it can be mass-produced and deployed on a large scale, and truly recognized by the mainstream market.

In terms of passenger cars, although Tesla, the world's number one player in autonomous driving, finally fully launched FSD v12 this year, it still has to prove its value to users through free trials and test drives.

In the field of commercial vehicles, Inceptio has taken the lead in reaching the first step with 100 million kilometers, and has proven its value among mainstream customers through cooperation partners and covered fields, and has achieved high user stickiness.

The 100 million kilometers of commercial mileage is the best proof that the commercialization of autonomous truck technology has come out of the trough and is moving towards a high-speed growth cycle.

The qualitative change of autonomous driving may be the first to occur in freight transportation and Inceptio.

This time, it will be the Chinese players who will lead the way.

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