
Why Huaiyin?

author:Volkswagen Network Jinan

The ancient acacia stands, and the new city in the west is prosperous.

Why Huaiyin?


If you are a first-time visitor to Huaiyin

There may be such doubts

The character for "shade" in Huaiyin is pronounced yīn or yìn

The answer should be found in a story.

Why Huaiyin?

According to legend, Qin Qiong, the founding general of the Tang Dynasty, planted acacia here

Therefore, this land is named Huaiyin because of "National Huai Zeyin".

Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?

This new "old city" with a rich culture and a strong modern atmosphere

It is moving forward with the attitude of "Xixing dragon head".

Take a solid step forward

Why Huaiyin?

Here, it is the western treasure of Jinan

Jinan International Medical Science Center

The headquarters city of central enterprises

Centennial commercial port historical and cultural area

Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Zone

Rural revitalization eco-zone

The "five main battlefields" hold up the dream of Huaiyin's take-off

Industry, science and technology, culture, ecology, education

The five major plates are prosperous and strong, and the development of Huaiyin District is strong

Why Huaiyin?

Here, it is the "Qilu Gateway" and the "Medical Care Capital"

Here, it is the "Xixing dragon", and it is also the "charming city"

A century-old commercial port, precipitating the dream of development

Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?

In 1904, the commercial port was built, and Huaiyin District entered a new era

Various forms of business have emerged one after another

Time-honored brands such as Fuchengxin, Lao Yangxing, and Hongjitang have settled down one after another

Let this quiet old city become busy

In 1928, the West Market was officially opened

It has opened the door to the distribution and sale of small commodities

Although it has lasted for 100 years, it is still full of vitality

Why Huaiyin?

The complex represented by Hualian Shopping Mall, Luyang Mall and Harmony Square

The beads form a chain, forming a new and larger business district

Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?

In 2008, the construction of the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway began

Huaiyin District pours all its efforts and passion

Constructing a "New City in the West"

This old commercial port has ushered in a new life

The industry is thriving and activating the momentum of development

More than ten years of hard work

The Huaiyin people's vision for a better future

Step by step, into reality

This is a hub economic and business district in all directions

Unveiled with a stunning new image

Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?

More than 60 high-quality buildings

More than 2 million square meters of office space

6,000 enterprises gathered in high density

It covers a wide range of fields such as finance, medical care, science and technology, and trade

Xicheng Building, Xicheng Huijin Financial Center and other "100 million yuan buildings" have emerged

Behind the continuous economic and social activity and prosperity of Huaiyin District

It is the openness and progress of Huaiyin people engraved in the blood

Let this new city be the "dragon head" of development

Why Huaiyin?

The 216 key projects with a total investment of 314.1 billion yuan are advancing at full speed

There are 135 key projects under construction in the region

There are 4 projects under construction of more than 10 billion yuan

The completion rate of the annual investment plan of 18 key projects exceeded 100%

Significant progress has been made in leading projects such as Healthcare Silicon Valley

The construction of infrastructure projects such as external heat supply and rail transit has been accelerated

There are 189 new projects with a total investment of 120.9 billion yuan, and 60 have been started

The project construction breakthrough year

Huaiyin shows its responsibility with hard work and has achieved fruitful results

Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?

Jinan International Medical Center

15 new projects were started throughout the year, with an investment of 12 billion yuan

The construction of "medical care capital" has reached a new level

With an investment of more than 10 billion yuan, the Jinan Advanced Materials Intelligent Manufacturing Port Project

The first phase of the project was implemented in the same year

Let Huaiyin shine with the light of high-end development

Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?

The five main battlefields are frequently reported good news

The picture scroll that highlights the high-quality development of Huaiyin District is slowly unfolding

The culture is profound, and the soul of strong development is strong

Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?

The western part of Huaiyin is located at the intersection of Guji Water and Guyu Water

Travel through millennia of history

This ancient and colorful land

It has accumulated a rich cultural heritage

Kuang Mountain, known as one of the nine points of Qiyan

Li Bai once studied here

It means that Fukuyama is a shrine to the gods

Qianlong gave the name "wax"

Gather the years mottled and undiminished Wuligou and West Market

A rare specimen of Baroque architecture at the Fontaine Bank

In the wind and frost, the traces of history are quietly reflected

The rolling ruts of history have also left an immortal mark here

Wang Jianmei and Deng Enming took the lead in the "railway factory"

The first enterprise party branch and the first enterprise trade union were established in Shandong

Li Guangyi brought the earliest version of the Communist Manifesto back to Jinan

Cai Gongshi sacrificed himself under the butcher's knife of the invaders here for the national righteousness

"Monument to the Four or Five Martyrs"

It is engraved with the names of 22 martyrs such as Deng Enming and Liu Qianchu

History carries the past, and culture prospers the future

The countryside where chickens and dogs smelled each other 15 years ago

Take advantage of the development of Jinan West Railway Station

Construction has become a hot land of culture

With the construction goal of "Quancheng Culture and Art Lounge".

Why Huaiyin?

The Grand Theater of the Provincial Capital, the Municipal Cultural Center, the Library, and the Art Gallery have settled here

Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?

Shandong Provincial Science and Technology Museum opened its doors to welcome guests

The largest wax museum in Jiangbei and the first wax museum in Jinan - Curtain Wax Museum

Shandong Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles and Jinan Peking Opera Company

A series of cultural professional troupes such as the Song and Dance Theater have settled in

Huaiyin has become a spiritual habitat in the chaotic world

Empower science and technology innovation and accumulate strong strength

Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?

Culture strengthens the soul, and science and technology innovation has solid roots

Why Huaiyin?

The turnover of technology contracts reached 7.06 billion yuan

The R&D investment of the whole society reached 1.32 billion yuan

The number of high-tech enterprises in the region reached 348

There are 422 small and medium-sized technology-based enterprises in the warehouse

23 laboratories have been approved as municipal key laboratories

5 incubation carriers were rated as incubators in Jinan

Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?

In the tide of science and technology, Huaiyin is forging ahead

Carry out drastic construction

Promote the upgrading of industrial scientific and technological innovation

Now Huaiyin is on the fertile soil for development

Innovation is brewing everywhere

The ecology is beautiful, and the road of steady development is taken

Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?

Kuang Mountain, Emei Mountain, Lashan three mountains are majestic

The two lakes of Yuqing Lake and Miri Lake are sparkling

The Yellow River, Xiaoqing River, Xingji River, Lashan River, and Yufu River are five rivers

Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?

Together, they form the ecological landscape of Huatianbao

Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?

The proportion of days with good ambient air quality reached 70.14%

100% compliance rate of drinking water sources

The green coverage rate of the whole area reached 42.7%

Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?

The water is drinkable, and the door is green

Why Huaiyin?

In recent years, we have accelerated the green transformation and upgrading of industries

In-depth implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy

Comprehensively promote the green transformation of consumption in all fields

Why Huaiyin?

The sky is bluer, the water is clearer, and the mountains are greener

Ecological livability in Huaiyin is not only a beautiful vision for the people

It is a reality that can be seen, touched, smelled, and heard

Why Huaiyin?
Why Huaiyin?

Look back at where you came

Huaiyin's journey of struggle is like a war song

It has the high-spirited surging of "the long wind and the mighty journey".

It has the lofty ambition of "a million heroes crossing the river".

It has the perseverance of "not falling into the clouds".

Fangde has a good situation of "finally getting the fragrance of plum blossoms" today!

Why Huaiyin?


Reporter: Yue Zhang Editor: Dou Yonghan

Image source: Visual China Huaiyin District Rong Media Center Dazhong Poster News