
[Civilized practice in Chengguan, striving to be a little Lei Feng in the new era] Carry forward the spirit of Lei Feng and pass on the power of example

author:Civilization is practiced in Chengguan

In China, there is such a name, almost a household name, he is Lei Feng. Lei Feng is not only an ordinary PLA soldier, but also a spiritual symbol, and his story and image have become part of the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. He wrote a brilliant chapter in his life at work in his short life, and he is a role model for hundreds of millions of Chinese and a model for people to learn and progress in different periods.

[Civilized practice in Chengguan, striving to be a little Lei Feng in the new era] Carry forward the spirit of Lei Feng and pass on the power of example

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important instructions on volunteer service, implement the fundamental task of cultivating morality, give full play to the role of "big ideological and political" education, and promote the combination of small classes of ideological and political courses and large social classrooms, on the afternoon of May 13, 2024, the District Education Bureau specially invited the large-scale textbook drama "The Power of Role Models - Lei Feng" carefully arranged by Lanzhou Children's Art Troupe into Tianyu Branch of Jingning Road Primary School and Wenjing School, bringing a wonderful performance to teachers, students and parents of the two schools.

[Civilized practice in Chengguan, striving to be a little Lei Feng in the new era] Carry forward the spirit of Lei Feng and pass on the power of example

On the stage, the teachers of the troupe used vivid expressions and wonderful performances to reproduce the scenes of Lei Feng going to the labor site with illness to do voluntary labor, escorting the old lady home in the wind and rain, donating money to the disaster area, and sending money to the family for his comrades-in-arms, presenting the process of an ignorant young man full of gratitude to the party to grow into an ordinary and great PLA soldier, highlighting the noble spirit of Comrade Lei Feng starting from the small things around him, never for fame and fortune, regardless of personal gains and losses, and focusing everything on the interests of the party, the country and the people!

[Civilized practice in Chengguan, striving to be a little Lei Feng in the new era] Carry forward the spirit of Lei Feng and pass on the power of example

The ups and downs of the plot hit the hearts of the students again and again, and also deeply shook the hearts of parents. Lei Feng "is only a small screw, but it is still brand new after it is wiped clean". The children watched and listened attentively, and as the plot changed, the children were anxious, joyful, or sad.

[Civilized practice in Chengguan, striving to be a little Lei Feng in the new era] Carry forward the spirit of Lei Feng and pass on the power of example

The spirit of Lei Feng is the precious wealth of the Chinese nation, which has crossed the boundaries of time and has become an eternal theme. This public welfare performance into the campus activities, through the way of art to carry forward the spirit of Lei Feng to teachers, students and parents, to convey the power of example, I believe that students will use practical actions to make this spiritual wealth forever, strive to be the new era of little Lei Feng!

[Civilized practice in Chengguan, striving to be a little Lei Feng in the new era] Carry forward the spirit of Lei Feng and pass on the power of example

Source: Chengguan Micro Education