
Why do you have to pick a "black" dog to raise? Few people understand these 6 points

author:Gluttonous dog food

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Friends who have dogs know that the breed and color of the dog are all particular about it. Today, let's talk about why dogs should be picked "black", these 6 points, few people understand!

Why do you have to pick a "black" dog to raise? Few people understand these 6 points

Majestic, nursing home

The black dog looks like it has a sense of majesty and solemnity. They are burly and sharp-eyed, and at first glance they are "not easy to mess with". Such a dog is definitely a good hand at guarding the home, and the thief has to take a detour when he sees it.

Why do you have to pick a "black" dog to raise? Few people understand these 6 points

It's nice to take pictures and it's cool

The black dog is particularly photogenic to take pictures, and the deep black tone makes the photo look very textured. Whether it's natural light or indoor light, you can shoot cool results.

Why do you have to pick a "black" dog to raise? Few people understand these 6 points

High loyalty and deep feelings

Black dogs are usually very loyal and have a very deep affection for their owners. Once you are identified as the master, they will wholeheartedly protect you and accompany you. Whether you are happy or sad, they will be silently by your side and give you the warmest companionship.

Why do you have to pick a "black" dog to raise? Few people understand these 6 points

Good health and long life

Scientific studies have found that black dogs generally perform better in terms of physical health. They are not susceptible to some common diseases, such as skin diseases, heart disease, etc. As a result, black dogs usually live longer and spend more time with their owners.

Why do you have to pick a "black" dog to raise? Few people understand these 6 points

Extremely smart, you can learn it

Do you know? Black dogs usually have a high IQ. They are smart and responsive, making them easy to train. For example, teaching them to sit down, shake hands, and turn in circles can basically be learned in a few times, and there is no need to worry that they will be "stupid" to learn.

It's best to pair it with snacks when training, the effect will be even better!

Why do you have to pick a "black" dog to raise? Few people understand these 6 points

Hair loss is obvious and easy to care for

Some people may think that "obvious shedding" is a disadvantage, but from another point of view, this is actually an advantage. When a black dog sheds, the hair is noticeable, and you can easily see where it needs to be cleaned and where it needs to be groomed. In this way, it is much easier to take care of, and you no longer have to worry about dog hair everywhere in your home.

Why do you have to pick a "black" dog to raise? Few people understand these 6 points

If you don't want the black dog to shed more hair, you should usually comb it more to reduce floating hair, and give it some dog food containing fish oil as a staple food, which can reduce the problem of hair loss.

Why do you have to pick a "black" dog to raise? Few people understand these 6 points

Conclusion: Do you like black dogs? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area.

Why do you have to pick a "black" dog to raise? Few people understand these 6 points