
Yihua domestic fashion brand, you must understand!


On May 15, 2024, Zhou Xiaoming, chief photographer of Yangzhou Zhenzhou Mansion and Yizheng Grand Wharf, excerpted the information released by the WeChat public account of "Sinopec Yizheng Chemical Fiber Company": From May 10th to 14th, under the theme of "Chinese brand, shared by the world; At the 2024 China Brand Day series of activities with the theme of "Domestic Trendy Brand, Product Building the Future", Sinopec launched the T-shirt made of Yizheng Chemical Fiber's newly developed hot and humid comfort intelligent polyester fiber, which fully demonstrated the new style of "domestic trendy brand, product builds the future", which made the guests and audiences who came to visit full of praise.

Yihua domestic fashion brand, you must understand!

Thermal and humid comfort intelligent polyester fiber is Sinopec Yizheng Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd. according to ecological simulation, analysis of the structural principle of thermal and humidity drive, the polymer molecular design and fiber structure performance combination, combined with a variety of spinning technology, breaking the foreign monopoly, the first domestic development of polyester fiber with intelligent adjustment of thermal and humidity comfort function, to fill the gap in the field of thermal and humidity comfort intelligent adjustment fiber market.

Yihua domestic fashion brand, you must understand!

Over the years, Yizheng Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd. has put "Chinese brand, world sharing" and enhancing scientific and technological innovation capabilities in a prominent position, leading industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation, and actively cultivating and developing new quality productivity.

Yihua domestic fashion brand, you must understand!

In different thermal and humidity environments, the morphology of the fibers changes, so that the porosity of the fabric increases, the moisture permeability and air permeability of the fabric are enhanced, and the body temperature is further reduced.

Yihua domestic fashion brand, you must understand!

On the one hand, the fabric prepared by polyester fiber with intelligent adjustment of heat and humidity comfort has excellent heat and humidity comfort, on the one hand, it is softer and more breathable than the fabric prepared by ordinary polyester fiber, which largely solves the shortcomings of polyester fabric that feels stiff, stuffy and breathable. On the other hand, according to the changes of ambient temperature and humidity, its microstructure can be adjusted to achieve fiber bending or twisting, so that the pore structure and fluffiness of the fabric can change, and the long-term comfortable effect of rapid moisture absorption and perspiration when sweating, and heat preservation when not sweating. The more you exercise, the more you sweat and the more breathable you are!

It is understood that sports, health and comfort are people's yearning for a better life, and the successful research and development of the product has broad prospects for related products in sportswear products.