
The most comfortable and long-lasting relationship between people is not intimacy, in fact, these 4 words

The most comfortable and long-lasting relationship between people is not intimacy, in fact, these 4 words

I saw a hot topic on the Internet:

"What kind of relationship lasts the most?"

A highly praised reply said:

"Achieve each other and be each other's nobles."

I think so.

When it comes to noble people, you may think of "Bole" and "noble people help each other".

Think of the person who guided you when you felt uncertain;

Think of the person who sent carbon in the snow when you were in trouble;

Think of the person who never gave up when you hit a low point.

In life and work, we all expect the noble people in our lives to appear and lead us to a better life, but unilateral dependence cannot last long.

When you have a certain amount of life experience, you will understand that in fact, the best relationship between people is to be noble to each other.

The most comfortable and long-lasting relationship between people is not intimacy, in fact, these 4 words

In their careers, they are each other's nobles and go more smoothly

Bao Rong, a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty, once wrote in his "Journey of a Strong Man":

"Mountains and rivers are not enough, the focus is on meeting nobles."

In this complex world, if you want to succeed, you often can't do without the fulfillment of nobles.

When you are still an unknown person, if someone appreciates you and reminds you, you will take a lot of detours and your career will be smoother.

Min Min, the waiter in "Flowers", met Li Li, who appreciated him, and went to the peak of his life.

Min Min started out as a small waiter at Zhizhen Garden.

She wants a better survival, and all she can think of is to lower her neckline and drink with her guests to earn more extra money.

The proprietress Li Li did not look down on her because of her behavior, but was attracted by her sincerity and flexible mind.

Later, she was promoted to become the new foreman, and at the same time taught her:

"If you want to make a lot of money, you rely on your brain, not your button."

Min Min is a grateful person and a smart person, she began to humbly learn to make money with her brain.

In the end, she made herself the most professional foreman of Huanghe Road and the confidant of the proprietress.

The most comfortable and long-lasting relationship between people is not intimacy, in fact, these 4 words

When the Zhizhen Garden encounters a crisis, Min Min shows great loyalty.

When the employees were disheartened, she asked everyone to "remember the boss's good days";

When there are no guests, we still lead everyone to do their own thing.

With her stable military heart, she kept the Zhizhen Garden.

Min Min and Li Li's mutual achievements have made their careers stable and smooth.

In contrast, the relationship between Lu Meilin, the proprietress of Golden Phoenix opposite, and Xiao Jiangxi is despised.

Lu Meilin instigated Xiaojiangxi to sabotage and cut off the electric gate to Zhenyuan to cause trouble.

And what Xiao Jiangxi is thinking about in his heart is to squeeze out his boss lady so that he can take the position.

They used each other and ended up with both people and money.

Saying goes:

"The weak step on each other, it is difficult to move an inch, and the strong help each other, crossing others and themselves."

In the workplace, the same is true for a good relationship between superiors and subordinates, if they can achieve mutual success, they will definitely achieve a win-win situation.

You promise me a bright future, give me support and guidance;

I give you back my heart and heart for you.

In this way, we can be noble people and achieve each other, so that we can last for a long time.

The most comfortable and long-lasting relationship between people is not intimacy, in fact, these 4 words

Family members are noble to each other, and life is happier

Mr. Yang Jiang once said:

"All relationships in the world are mutual."

The same is true between lovers and families.

The best relationship must be to nourish each other and grow together.

Zhou Bingkun and Zheng Juan of "The World" have supported each other in this way and have gone through an enviable life.

When Zhou Bingkun met Zheng Juan, she was unmarried and pregnant, a single mother, and a blind brother and an elderly mother.

Bingkun fell in love with her at first sight, and after knowing her hardship, he felt pity and wanted to help her.

After losing Luo Shibin's living expenses, he secretly sold the ancestral bracelet to help Zheng Juan tide over the difficulties.

Zheng Juan is even more wholeheartedly devoted to Bingkun, and supports a family with her own strength.

When Bingkun's mother was in a coma in bed and had no one to take care of her, she was not afraid of the gossip of her neighbors and took care of her without hesitation.

She was fed and wiped every day, and she also taught herself massage to help her maintain the vitality of her muscles.

At her insistence, Bingkun's mother miraculously woke up.

Later, Bingkun was imprisoned because of an accident, and Zheng Juan even took on the burden of the whole family.

The most comfortable and long-lasting relationship between people is not intimacy, in fact, these 4 words

She refused to be offered by her brother and sister, saying:

"You can help me for a while, but Bingkun has been in it for 9 years, and I can't rely on you to support me all the time."

She pushes a cart alone to sell sweet potatoes, raise children, and support a family.

After Bingkun was released from prison, he was even more emotional in the face of Zheng Juan, who never gave up on him.

He started housekeeping in a down-to-earth manner, and also made the life of their small family better and better.

It was this mutual understanding and mutual support between the two that finally enabled them to overcome the difficulties of life and come to the end.

We often say:

"Husband and wife are originally birds of the same forest, and they fly separately when there is a disaster."

Many times, it's not that we don't love anymore, but that real life is too heavy and there are too many problems to face.

It is precisely because of this that Zhou Bingkun and Zheng Juan's affection for sharing hardships and hardships and never giving up for a lifetime makes us full of yearning.

With love in our hearts, mutual understanding, and mutual dignity, life can get better and better, and life will be happier.

The most comfortable and long-lasting relationship between people is not intimacy, in fact, these 4 words

Friends are each other's nobles, and life is warmer

Gibran, in his Prophet, wrote:

"The meaning of life lies in illuminating each other."

Unilateral reliance is demand;

Each other's two-way rush is each other's nobles.

In the TV series "Golden Years", the girlfriend relationship between Zhu Suosuo and Jiang Nansun is also enviable.

Nansun grew up in a wealthy family, lived a prosperous life since he was a child, and lived in his uncle's house all the year round, and was constrained everywhere.

Two people with very different backgrounds met in middle school and became the most important people to each other.

At the beginning of the story, Jiang Nansun's family went bankrupt, and she had to move out of the mansion and shoulder a huge debt.

The most comfortable and long-lasting relationship between people is not intimacy, in fact, these 4 words

Fortunately, Zhu Suosuo stepped forward at the critical moment, found her a house, and helped her settle everything.

She said:

"I can make do with Zhu Suosuo, but Jiang Nansun can't."

That's probably what a good friend looks like at best, and I'm here when you need it most!

When Jiang Nansun and Zhang Anren's relationship was hindered, Zhu Suosuo also supported Nansun, fought wits and courage with "Green Tea", stood up for his sisters, and protected his girlfriends domineeringly.

Girlfriends are probably like this, I can't see you being bullied by others.

Nansun is also sincere in maintaining the lock.

Suo Suo was divorced during her confinement, and only Nan Sun Bao protected her, helped her fight for custody, and raised children for her.

That's how it is between them.

No matter what happens to the other person, the other person always rushes to the front, using his weak body to shield you from the wind and rain.

Saying goes:

"Bosom friends are hard to find, noble people are hard to find."

In life, there are many people who are icing on the cake, but there are not many people who do their best to help people in times of trouble.

In fact, a good friendship is to be able to help each other and be each other's nobles.

True friends shine on each other and are wonderful in each other.

On the road of life, each of us longs to meet noble people.

In my career, I hope to meet Bole and make my enthusiasm useful.

In the family, I hope to have the other half of the other half who are in love with each other and work together to write a wonderful life.

In life, I hope to have friends who know each other and have someone to talk to when I encounter ups and downs.

The most comfortable and long-lasting relationship between people is not intimacy, but these four words:

Each other is noble.

In "Zhuangzi De Chong Fu", it is said:

"Adults achieve themselves, become themselves."

Only by achieving others can we better achieve ourselves and go far.

May you have the rest of your life to get everything you wish and all you meet.

Author | Ziqiao Maizi, a gentle and sincere dream chaser of words.

Picture | Submitted by Ziqiao photography enthusiasts