
4. Why is the distribution speed the "ceiling" of amateur runners?

author:Running guide

Pace is a core measure of a runner's speed, and it is a visual reflection of the number of minutes a runner consumes per kilometer. The 4-speed distribution, which takes only 4 minutes per kilometer, is a coveted achievement for many runners, and it symbolizes a high level of proficiency in the running lap.

To achieve this pace, for example, in a 5km sprint race, they need to break the 20-minute mark; In the 10km race, it is necessary to play steadily and ensure that it is completed within 40 minutes; For the half marathon (21km), they need to maintain a steady rhythm and strive to reach the finish line in 1 hour and 24 minutes; As for the full marathon (42km), it is the ultimate physical challenge, and runners need to do their best to complete the long run in about 2 hours and 48 minutes.

4. Why is the distribution speed the "ceiling" of amateur runners?

Runners who can reach a speed of 4 are very few among amateur runners. They tend to be systematically trained for a long time and possess excellent physical gifts, as well as strong willpower and excellent technical skills.

4 Distributing speed is not only the pursuit of speed, but also an all-round test of endurance, technique and tactics. It requires runners to maintain a high-intensity state of exercise for a long time and constantly challenge the limits of the body, which requires extremely high physical fitness and tenacious mental perseverance.

4. Why is the distribution speed the "ceiling" of amateur runners?

Physical and technical requirements

For the average runner, reaching the level of 4 speed is a serious challenge in many aspects. Among them, physical strength, skill and talent constitute the three core elements.

Physical strength is the first threshold for this challenge. A 4-speed rate means that every kilometre can be run in just 4 minutes, which requires exceptional cardio and endurance. To reach this level, it is not enough to rely on daily jogging, but also to systematically improve physical fitness through high-intensity interval training and long-distance endurance running.

The technical aspects are also not to be underestimated. Optimization of effective running form, cadence, and stride length is essential to increase speed and efficiency. This requires constant adjustment and improvement under professional guidance to ensure the best results from every training session.

4. Why is the distribution speed the "ceiling" of amateur runners?

The talent factor is also something that cannot be ignored. Each person's physical condition, such as the type of muscle fibers, heart size, and lung capacity, all determine their athletic potential to a certain extent. While hard work can significantly improve physical performance, talent also largely determines the likelihood of reaching the top level of the sport.

While hard work and persistence are the cornerstones of any success, achieving the high standard of 4 speed is undoubtedly a huge challenge for the average runner.

4. Why is the distribution speed the "ceiling" of amateur runners?

Systematic training methods

In order to achieve the 4 distribution speed, systematic training arrangements and scientific and meticulous method guidance are required.

Cadence, as one of the core elements in running, is self-evident. High-level runners tend to have a steady cadence of more than 180 steps per minute, which requires a gradual increase through well-designed interval training. For example, short sprints are alternated with short recovery jogging to exercise and improve the runner's ability to adapt quickly to cadence.

At the same time, the expansion of stride length is also the key to achieving 4 distribution speeds. Stride length, that is, the distance spanned with each step, which is closely related to the strength and flexibility of the lower limbs. At a cadence of 180 steps per minute, to reach a speed of 4 minutes per kilometer, the stride length of each step needs to be close to 1.4 meters. For the average runner, the stride length is usually between 90 and 100 centimeters, and being able to break through 1 meter is already excellent.

4. Why is the distribution speed the "ceiling" of amateur runners?

Such a large stride requires not only strong hip, thigh and calf muscles, but also a stable core for support and coordination. Therefore, in training, in addition to focusing on the improvement of cadence and stride length, it is also necessary to strengthen the core muscles.

In addition, a targeted combination of aerobic and anaerobic endurance training is also indispensable. This type of training is effective in strengthening the heart and lungs, which is essential for maintaining a high pace during the race. Through reasonable training arrangements, the runner's body gradually adapts to the high-intensity exercise load, and then performs at the best level in the race.

Reaching a speed of 4 requires comprehensive and meticulous reinforcement and optimization in many aspects such as cadence, stride length and lower body strength. This not only requires runners to have a persistent training attitude, but also needs scientific and reasonable training planning and methods as support.

4. Why is the distribution speed the "ceiling" of amateur runners?

Reasonable goal setting

On the road to running, there is often a subtle gap between the ideal pace and the actual pace, especially for the majority of non-professional runners. Running is not only a tempering of the body, but also a nourishment of the soul, it allows us to find strength in sweat and feel the rhythm of life between breathing.

You don't have to blindly pursue extreme goals such as a 4-minute pace, which can easily lead us into frustration and may even put an unnecessary burden on the body. Everyone's physique, experience, and amount of training time are unique, so it's wise to set a personalized running goal.

Each stage of the running pace carries different feelings and challenges. The pace of 6 minutes is like tasting a cup of mellow black tea, bringing comfort and tranquility, suitable for most people. A 5-minute pace is like a well-brewed pour-over coffee, requiring patience and skill, and once achieved, the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction will arise.

4. Why is the distribution speed the "ceiling" of amateur runners?

When the pace reaches the realm of 4 minutes per kilometer, it is like an aged wine, both a part of the routine and a spicy challenge. This requires runners not only to have excellent endurance, but also to have a strong will and determination. For most runners, this pace is not an easy task, and it requires a long period of persistence and accumulation.

For runners who are still in the 6-speed zone, there is no need to rush. In this comfort zone, you can enjoy running without having to be too yourself. Health is always the original intention and ultimate pursuit of our running.

Of course, if you're eager to challenge a higher pace, then you'll need to put in more effort and sweat. Pace of less than 5 minutes is no longer an easy target. And to achieve that impressive 4-minute pace, it may be difficult to achieve without accumulating at least hundreds of kilometers per month.

Running, like cooking, requires patience, skill and love. No matter what your target pace is, as long as you enjoy the process and stay fit, then every step is worth cherishing.

Therefore, for most runners, running should focus more on health and fun, rather than simply chasing speed. Set a reasonable pace goal according to your actual situation and make running a long-lasting and enjoyable form of exercise.

4. Why is the distribution speed the "ceiling" of amateur runners?

Running is all about health and pleasure, not just speed. Every runner should set appropriate goals according to their physique, age and life status, avoid comparisons, and find their own pace and fun. Only then can running truly become an active and healthy lifestyle with lasting physical and mental benefits.

In the pursuit of speed, we should not lose sight of the joy of running itself. If a sport doesn't bring joy, then the motivation to keep going pales.

4. Why is the distribution speed the "ceiling" of amateur runners?

Therefore, don't force a certain pace, choose a pace that suits you, so that we feel relaxed and happy during the run, which is the key to enjoying the sport for a long time.

When we slow down, enjoy the steadiness of each step, and breathe in the fresh air, the satisfaction from the inside out is far from being comparable to the simple pursuit of speed.

Whether it's the self-reflection when running alone or the joy of running with friends, the beautiful experience that running brings us is irreplaceable by many other sports.

What is your usual running pace? Let's talk in the comment area!