
Chengyang Story | Xun Feng - a generalist in the police force who can write and martial arts

author:Al Jazeera

Peninsula all-media reporter Ge Mengjie

In 2022, Xun Feng, who has been tempered by the army for 21 years, will transfer to the public security team and become a case-handling police officer of the Jianhongtan Police Station. In order to familiarize himself with various public security services as soon as possible, he adjusted his mentality in time, asked for advice with an open mind, studied hard, and quickly entered the work role. In the investigation of the case, he is brave and resourceful, and he is the guardian of the peace of the jurisdiction; In the corporate school, he is conscientious and a disseminator of anti-fraud knowledge; On the training ground, he used his expertise and was a teacher of practical skills...... In the only two years since joining the police, Xun Feng has become an all-rounder in the police force.

The most important job of the grassroots police every day is to deal with the residents of the jurisdiction and solve problems for everyone. "There is no trivial matter for residents, and we must exchange sincerity for everyone's peace of mind." This is what Xun Feng often says, he says so and does it.

On March 5, 2024, Aunt Wang's family happily held a pennant printed with "Warm Service, Honest and Efficient" to thank Xun Feng. It turned out that more than a month ago, Aunt Wang went out to save money, but accidentally lost the bag containing 60,000 yuan in cash, which was the pension money she and her wife had saved one by one, Aunt Wang was anxious and went to the police station for help. Xun Feng happened to be on duty that day, and after learning of the situation, he immediately took his aunt to the scene, called up the surrounding monitoring, and visited nearby businesses. Xun Feng searched intently for several hours from the multiple groups of surveillance, screening out the process of the bag from there to nothing, but the video tracked a blind spot when Aunt Wang passed through a small dirt road, which brought great difficulties to the investigation. Xun Feng immediately decided to expand the scope of investigation and monitoring, and continued to visit the surrounding personnel, and after more than ten days of unremitting searching, he finally identified the person who picked up the money.

Chengyang Story | Xun Feng - a generalist in the police force who can write and martial arts

In the two years since joining the police, Xun Feng has cracked more than 30 large and small cases, and is recognized by his leaders and colleagues as an expert in handling cases. "I feel very proud to be able to protect the lives and property of residents in my jurisdiction with my strength." Xun Feng said.

On December 16, 2023, the person in charge of a company in the jurisdiction reported to the police that the company's cable worth more than 50,000 yuan was stolen. Xun Feng found at the scene that the monitoring around the cable storage and distribution room has been artificially adjusted, and the door lock of the cable warehouse has no traces of damage, and the cable cutting technique is skillful, and the acquaintance is preliminarily judged to have committed the crime. He quickly determined the scope of the investigation, and as the investigation continued to unfold, An, who had been in charge of the company's water and electricity installation, was identified as a suspect, and then successfully arrested him in Jiaozhou, recovering losses for the company.

Chengyang Story | Xun Feng - a generalist in the police force who can write and martial arts

While conscientiously handling cases, it is also Xun Feng's main job to improve the safety awareness of residents in the jurisdiction. To this end, he conscientiously studied various telecommunication network fraud cases, and took the lead in organizing and setting up an anti-fraud propaganda volunteer team in the institute, and regularly went to various enterprises, communities, and schools in the jurisdiction to give anti-fraud lectures. In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of residents to participate, he adopted a combination of legal knowledge and life cases to explain the law with cases, arouse everyone's empathy, and sound the anti-fraud alarm with truth. He also closely integrated the anti-fraud propaganda work with his daily work, which not only brought good publicity results, but also brought the police and residents closer. "My work idea is to publicize bit by bit, like dripping flowers and plants to promote anti-fraud." Talking about the experience of anti-fraud propaganda, Xun Feng talked eloquently.

Xun Feng, who is conscientious and responsible in his work, is also a police practical combat instructor. It is not an easy task to organize the teaching of police practice in a comfortable manner. In order to make his teaching content close to actual combat and serve actual combat, Xun Feng gave full play to the military skills he learned in the army, combined with public security work, and constantly scrutinized and polished to improve his teaching skills. Based on the reality of many enterprises and construction sites in the jurisdiction, in order to improve the emergency response ability and professional level of enterprise security, Xun Feng took the initiative to invite Ying, and used his free time to lead a team to various enterprises and schools in the jurisdiction to conduct safety training for security guards; He also organized the 110 police team to conduct simulated training on police reception for many times to improve the ability and level of police handling. Today, Xun Feng has been hired by the Qingdao Municipal Public Security Bureau as the second police practical instructor.

Chengyang Story | Xun Feng - a generalist in the police force who can write and martial arts

The military camp for 21 years, the police camp for two years, the identity is changing, the stage is changing, but what remains unchanged is Xun Feng's original intention and mission of serving the people, he is conscientious and diligent in the front line of public security work, with a simple heart in the post persistently sticking to the post, shining, with the performance of duty and silent dedication to show the demeanor of a new era of public security police.