
The first Northeast Book Fair has 12 offline sub-venues, and the venues are wonderful!

author:Ji Pao investigation

The main venue of the first Northeast Book Fair is located in Hall 1-5 of Changchun International Convention and Exhibition Center, and 12 sub-venues will be set up in Xinhua Bookstore in Jilin Province. Mainly include: Changchun Xinhua Cultural Book City, Jilin City Store, Yanji City Store, Ji'an City Store, Songyuan City Store, Changbai County Store, Hunchun City Store, Dunhua City Store, Meihekou City Store, Huinan County Store, Fusong County Store, Antu Erdao Baihe Bookstore, and wonderful activities will be organized simultaneously during the Book Fair at each branch venue. The selection of the above sub-venues takes into account the layout of the whole province and also takes into account the local characteristics, and it is hoped that through such a setting, the main venue and the sub-venues will echo each other, and build a reading festival for the people with Changchun as the center and radiating the whole province.

The first Northeast Book Fair has 12 offline sub-venues, and the venues are wonderful!
The first Northeast Book Fair has 12 offline sub-venues, and the venues are wonderful!

In this season full of culture, Changchun Xinhua Cultural Book City, as one of the sub-venues of the first Northeast Book Fair, brought a unique reading feast to readers. At that time, large-scale book exhibitions and sales will be carried out, and a number of preferential book purchase activities will be carried out, covering various fields such as literature, history, art, and education, so that readers can enjoy the fun of one-stop book shopping. Book signings, writers' meet-and-greets, and reader exchange activities are looking forward to meeting with readers.

The first Northeast Book Fair has 12 offline sub-venues, and the venues are wonderful!

A city with mountains and half a city river, and a book on the bank of the Songhua River. Jilin Xinhua Bookstore is the cultural business card of this charming city. The Jilin City store will open a number of book night markets in the prosperous area of Jiangcheng, as well as a series of theme activities such as the Huimin Boutique Book Exhibition, the "Community Store Linkage" Huimin Book Purchase, the "Scholarly Jilin Reading Season" Campus Book Market, the Scholarly Jiangcheng Cultural Lecture Hall, and the "Little Reader" are waiting for you!

The first Northeast Book Fair has 12 offline sub-venues, and the venues are wonderful!

Yanji Xinhua Bookstore has been with books for 78 years in this "dark horse" Internet celebrity city, and the book rhyme is long. Yanji City Store organizes a book fair for the people, public donations, and a series of activities to experience Korean ethnic folk culture.

The first Northeast Book Fair has 12 offline sub-venues, and the venues are wonderful!
The first Northeast Book Fair has 12 offline sub-venues, and the venues are wonderful!

Meihekou Xinhua Bookstore "Phoenix Robot", "Edison Thinking Museum" and "Balaoula Picture Book Museum" create a reading space with perfect functions and a warm environment. The Meihekou store will organize Xinhua book clubs, picture book sharing sessions, intangible cultural heritage paper-cutting, carving and other experience activities, beautiful book buying environment, high-quality cultural services, and create an indispensable spiritual home for Meihekou readers.

The first Northeast Book Fair has 12 offline sub-venues, and the venues are wonderful!

Erdao Baihe Xinhua Bookstore is located in Erdao Baihe Town, the "first town under Changbai Mountain", the bookstore building is simple and simple, but it carries the memory of books inside. With the cultural and plastic tourism, checking in Xinhua Bookstore, watching the history exhibition of Xinhua Bookstore, and collecting the cultural and creative seals of Changbai Mountain, here, every reader tells the story of their own way with Changbai Mountain and Erdao Baihe Xinhua Bookstore.

The first Northeast Book Fair has 12 offline sub-venues, and the venues are wonderful!

Ji'an, Changbai and Fusong Xinhua Bookstores will carry out the "Book Expo Caravan" tour to benefit the people.

As an important window for deepening national reading, Xinhua Bookstore Group will take the first Northeast Book Fair as a starting point to build more urban reading spaces with beautiful environment and high-quality services, continuously improve cultural communication capabilities and cultural product supply capabilities, and launch more measures to benefit the people, so as to create a never-ending book fair for readers.

Produced by Jilin Daily

Author: Jilin Daily all-media reporter Ji Yang

Curator: Han Xuejie

Executive Editor-in-Chief: Yu Yue

Editor: Han Yuhong