
Heidegger's Poetics Inquiry: The Relationship between Being and Poetry

author:Michito Kusatake
Heidegger's Poetics Inquiry: The Relationship between Being and Poetry


This essay explores the core ideas of Heidegger's poetics, focusing on the dangers and purities of poetry, and the relationship between poetry and being. Heidegger believes that poetry is not only a form of expression of language, but also a presenter and inheritor of existence. In the context of contemporary society, Heidegger's poetic perspective provides important reflections and enlightenments for re-examining the relationship between language and truth, emphasizing the experience and perception of existence, and promoting cultural innovation and inheritance.

Heidegger's Poetics Inquiry: The Relationship between Being and Poetry

I. Preamble

Martin Heidegger was one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century, and his ideas touched on the fields of being, time, language, and many other fields. Among them, his exploration and interpretation of poetry occupy an important place in his philosophical system. Heidegger does not examine poetry solely from an aesthetic point of view, but places it in a more profound ontological reflection. In his writings, especially Hölderlin and the Nature of Poetry, he explores many questions about the nature of poetry, the relationship between poetic language, and the role of the poet. These discourses have not only influenced the philosophical community, but also had a profound impact on literature, art, and other fields.

Heidegger's Poetics Inquiry: The Relationship between Being and Poetry

II. The nature of poetry and the nature of language

A. Heidegger's definition and characteristics of poetry

Heidegger's view of poetry goes beyond the mere aesthetic category and positions it as a form of expression about being. He emphasized that the essence of poetry lies in its form of speech, rather than as a simple combination of words. Poetry transcends the confines of everyday language and becomes a transcendent mode of expression that reveals the depth and essence of existence. In Heidegger's view, poetry is a medium through which human beings interpret and understand existence, a way to transcend everyday cognitive frameworks.

Second, Heidegger believed that poetry has the ability to reveal the truth and meaning of existence. Poetry is not only the expression of words, but also the mystery and mystery of existence through the miracle of language. The peculiarity of poetic language allows people to perceive the existence of existence, and then feel the deep structure and meaning of the world. Therefore, poetry is endowed with transcendent power, which can touch people's inner experience of existence and provoke thinking and perception of existence.

Heidegger's Poetics Inquiry: The Relationship between Being and Poetry

B. The role and meaning of language in poetry

Heidegger deeply understands the unique role of language in poetry, seeing it as a tool for revealing the truth of existence and a medium for revealing the nature of the world. In poetry, language is no longer just a tool for conveying information, but becomes a transcendent existence with profound meaning and connotation.

First of all, language plays an important role in shaping imagery and emotion in poetry. Heidegger emphasizes the particularity of poetic language, which he considers to be different from the use of everyday language. Through abstraction, metaphor and symbolism, poetic language creates a rich and profound world of imagery, allowing people to go beyond the scope of everyday perception and enter the deep level of existence. This expressive power of language makes poetry an expression of emotion and an emotional resonance, leading the reader into a transcendent state of experience, perceiving the mystery and mystery of existence.

Second, language has the function of revelation and transcendence in poetry. Heidegger believed that poetic language could transcend the limitations of everyday language and touch the essence and truth of being. Through the miracle of language, poetry reveals the deep meaning hidden behind reality, inspiring people to think and explore existence. The expressive power and charm of poetic language enable people to transcend superficial phenomena and deeply understand the root and essence of existence, so as to achieve transcendent experience and cognition of the world.

Heidegger's Poetics Inquiry: The Relationship between Being and Poetry

III. The relationship between poetry and being

A. The connection and distinction between poetry and existence

In Heidegger's theory of poetics, there is a close connection between poetry and being, and at the same time there is a certain difference. This connection and distinction is reflected in the relationship between poetry as a form of expression of existence and existence itself.

First of all, poetry is closely linked to existence. According to Heidegger, poetry is a way of being that transcends everyday language, revealing the deep meaning and truth of existence through the miracle of language. Through abstraction, metaphor and symbolism, poetry creates a rich and profound world of imagery, enabling people to go beyond superficial phenomena and deeply understand the root and essence of existence. Therefore, poetry is not only an expression of existence, but also a kind of in-depth exploration and reflection of existence, a kind of revelation and display of existence.

Secondly, there is a certain difference between poetry and existence. Although poetry is an expression of being, it is not the same as existence itself. Heidegger argues that being transcends language and thought, and that it cannot be fully expressed and captured. Although poetry can reveal a part of the truth of existence through the expression of language, it is still limited by the limitations of language and cannot fully cover the whole of existence. Therefore, there is a distance and distinction between poetry and existence, and poetry is only an expression of existence, not existence itself.

Heidegger's Poetics Inquiry: The Relationship between Being and Poetry

B. Heidegger's Interpretation and Exploration of Poetry and Being

Heidegger's interpretation and exploration of poetry and being are mainly reflected in his understanding of poetic language and his thinking about being.

First, Heidegger sees poetic language as a transcendent being, with the ability to reveal the truth of being. He emphasized the particularity of poetic language, which he considered different from the use of everyday language. Through abstraction, metaphor and symbolism, poetic language creates a rich and profound world of imagery, allowing people to go beyond the scope of everyday perception and enter the deep level of existence. Through the interpretation and exploration of poetic language, Heidegger deeply explores the relationship between language and being, and points out that poetic language can touch the essence and truth of existence, and inspire people's thinking and exploration of existence.

Secondly, Heidegger deeply thinks about the meaning and value of being through the exploration of being through poetry. He believes that poetry is not only an expression of existence, but also a revelation and display of existence. Through the miracle of language, poetry reveals the deep meaning hidden behind reality, provoking people to think and explore existence. Through the interpretation and exploration of poetry, Heidegger leads people into the deep level of existence, exploring the nature and meaning of the world, so as to realize the transcendent experience and cognition of existence.

Heidegger's Poetics Inquiry: The Relationship between Being and Poetry

IV. The nature of the poet and the meaning of poetry

A. The role and attributes of a poet

The poet plays a unique and important role in Heidegger's theory, and his role and qualities are the key to the in-depth exploration and revelation of being. Heidegger sees the poet as the guardian and interpreter of being, whose role lies not only in writing poetry, but also in revealing the deeper meaning of being through the language of poetry.

First of all, the role of the poet is that of a guardian of existence. Heidegger emphasizes the sensitivity and concern of poets to being, who are not satisfied with the superficial phenomena of everyday life, but delve into the nature and truth of existence through the language of poetry. With a keen sense of perception and depth of thinking, the poet captures the deep meaning behind existence and presents it in poetry. Therefore, the role of the poet is not only to create poetry, but also to capture and present the spiritual realm of existence, and to become the guardian and inheritor of existence.

Secondly, poets have special qualities. Heidegger sees the poet as a revelator and guide of being, who possesses insight and creativity that transcends everyday perception. Poets have a sensitive soul and a rich imagination that is able to perceive and express the deep meaning of existence in a unique way. Through the expression of poetic language, they create a rich and profound world of imagery, allowing people to go beyond the scope of everyday perception and enter the deep level of existence. Therefore, the quality of the poet lies not only in the perception and understanding of existence, but also in the creation and presentation of existence, and to become the respirator and leader of the meaning of existence.

Heidegger's Poetics Inquiry: The Relationship between Being and Poetry

B. The meaning and mission of poetry

For Heidegger, poetry is not only a creative act, but also a mission to explore and reveal existence. The significance of poetry is to present the deep meaning of existence through poetic language, and to arouse people's thinking and exploration of existence, so as to realize the transcendent experience and cognition of existence.

First of all, composing poetry is the exploration and revelation of existence. Heidegger argues that poetic language has a transcendent power of being, capable of touching the essence and truth of being. Writing poetry is not only an artistic creation, but also an in-depth reflection and exploration of existence. Through the expression of poetic language, the poet reveals the deep meaning hidden behind reality, and provokes people's thinking and exploration of existence. Therefore, the significance of composing poetry is to present the deep level of existence through poetic language, leading people into the deep level of existence, and exploring the essence and meaning of the world.

Secondly, composing poetry is the mission of existence. Heidegger emphasizes the responsibility and mission of poets to be not only to create poetry, but also to capture and present the spiritual realm of being. Writing poetry is a respect and awe for existence, and a presentation and inheritance of existence. Through the expression of poetic language, poets convey the true meaning and value of existence, leading people to transcend daily perception and enter the deep level of existence. Therefore, the mission of poetry is to use poetry as a medium to present the deep level of existence to people, leading them to think about and experience the meaning and value of existence.

Heidegger's Poetics Inquiry: The Relationship between Being and Poetry

V. The danger and purity of poetry

A. Heidegger's exposition of the dangers of poetry

Heidegger, in his discussion of the role and qualities of poetry, also reflects on the dangers that poetry can bring. He does not see poetry as merely a guardian and revelator of existence, but is deeply aware of the potential dangers and challenges in poetry. This danger is mainly reflected in the relationship between the poet and language, as well as the way in which the poem itself is expressed.

First, Heidegger points out that there are linguistic challenges in composing poetry. Although poetic language has transcendent existential power and can touch the deep meaning of existence, it also has the limitations and misdirection of language. In the process of creation, poets are often faced with the limitations of language, and it is difficult to accurately express the truth of existence. The expression of language is often the transition between existence and disappearance, and the true meaning of existence is often difficult to accurately capture and express in language. Therefore, the danger of writing poetry lies in the misdirection and misunderstanding of language, and poetry may not be completely accurate in presenting the depth of existence, and may even lead to misunderstanding and misinterpretation of existence.

Second, Heidegger emphasizes the dangers that can arise from the way poetry is expressed. Poetry often presents the deep meaning of existence in a metaphorical and symbolic way, and this mode of expression can lead to ambiguity and ambiguity in poetry. The imagery world of poetry is often open and diverse, and different readers may have different understandings and interpretations of the same poem. The polysemy of poetry can lead to the deep meaning of existence being obscured and distorted by different interpretations, and may even lead to misunderstanding and confusion about existence. Therefore, the danger that the expression of poetry may bring lies in the ambiguity and ambiguity of meaning, and poetry may not present the truth of existence completely clearly, but exists between multiple possibilities.

Heidegger's Poetics Inquiry: The Relationship between Being and Poetry

B. The relationship between the purity of poetry and existence

Corresponding to the danger of poetry is the purity of poetry, and Heidegger believes that there is a pure power in poetry that can lead people beyond everyday perception and towards the truth of existence. The purity of poetry is reflected in the expression of poetic language and the world of poetic imagery.

First of all, the purity of poetic language is reflected in its transcendence and subtlety. Poetic language has the power of existence beyond everyday language, can touch the deep meaning of existence, and provoke people to think and explore existence. The implicit nature of poetic language allows it to express the truth of existence without being limited and misleading by language. The purity of poetic language lies in its ability to accurately present the deep layers of existence, leading people to transcend everyday perception and enter the deep layers of existence.

Secondly, the imagery of the poetic world embodies the purity of existence. The world of poetic imagery is an open and profound space that contains multiple meanings and deep connotations of existence. The purity of the world of poetic imagery lies in its ability to transcend the appearance of reality and touch the essence and truth of existence. The purity of the poetic imagery world makes it the presenter and inheritor of existence, leading people to transcend everyday perception and experience the depth and meaning of existence.

Heidegger's Poetics Inquiry: The Relationship between Being and Poetry

VI. Conclusion

Heidegger's views on poetics are profound and instructive, focusing primarily on the danger and purity of poetry and the relationship between poetry and being. In his thought, poetry is not only a form of expression of language, but also a presenter and inheritor of existence. The core ideas can be summarized as follows:

The Challenge of Language and the Expression of Being: Heidegger argues that poetic language has a transcendent power of being, capable of reaching the deeper meaning of being. However, poets often face the limitations and misdirection of language when expressing existence, and the expression of poetry is often a transition between existence and disappearance. Therefore, there is a challenge and conflict between the creation of poetry and the expression of existence.

The Ambiguity and Depth of the World of Imagery: Heidegger emphasizes the openness and depth of the world of imagery in poetry, which contains multiple meanings and deep connotations of existence. However, the ambiguity of poetry can also lead to deep misunderstandings and misinterpretations of existence, obscuring the truth of poetic expression.

The purity and transcendence of poetry: Despite the dangers and challenges of poetry, Heidegger also believes that poetry has a pure power that can lead people beyond everyday perception and towards the truth of existence. The purity of poetry is reflected in the transcendence of its language and the depth of its imagery world.

Heidegger's Poetics Inquiry: The Relationship between Being and Poetry

Author: Lu Xilin


Hölderlin and the Nature of Poetry

Being and Time

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