
Bulletin: It's all rumors! Three more people in Dayi have been punished!

author:Beautiful Dayi

Online rumors are not credible, unsubstantiated, and should not be spread indiscriminately, so as to maintain a good order of online public opinion, effectively purify the online environment, and truly increase the sense of security and satisfaction of the masses online. The Ministry of Public Security has decided to designate 2024 as the year of the special action to "crack down on online rumors".

The Dayi Public Security responded positively and took the initiative to comprehensively sort out and sort out clues on online rumors and malicious hype, severely crack down on illegal and criminal activities of online rumors in accordance with the law, rectify online chaos, and create a clear cyberspace.

Bulletin: It's all rumors! Three more people in Dayi have been punished!

Real cases

Case 1: In April 2024, during the online inspection carried out by the Cyber Security Brigade of the Dayi County Public Security Bureau, it was found that netizen Tang posted a video on the Internet platform about the "subway groundbreaking ceremony in a certain area of Chengdu", and after verification, Tang quoted the content of the video of the commencement ceremony shot by other bloggers and modified it and published it on the Internet platform, causing public opinion to spread, and Tang's remarks were inconsistent with the facts and belonged to rumors.

Case 2: In April 2024, during the online inspection carried out by the Cyber Security Brigade of the Dayi County Public Security Bureau, it was found that netizen Chen posted a video on the Internet platform about the "subway groundbreaking ceremony in a certain area of Chengdu", and after verification, Chen quoted the content of the video of the commencement ceremony taken by other bloggers and modified it and published it on the Internet platform, causing public opinion to spread, and Chen's remarks were inconsistent with the facts and belonged to rumors.

Case 3: In April 2024, netizen Xu Moumou commented on the content of "more than 100 jumps off buildings in a certain area of Chengdu" in a video on the Internet platform, and it was later verified that the content of the comment did not match the facts.

The above 3 people were all administratively punished by our bureau in accordance with the law

Dayi Public Security reminds you that the Internet is not a place outside the law, and that the Dayi Public Security will continue to crack down on the fabrication and dissemination of rumors in accordance with the law, and hopes that the majority of netizens will actively resist online rumors, do not believe rumors, do not spread rumors, and work together to build a clear online home.

Bulletin: It's all rumors! Three more people in Dayi have been punished!
Bulletin: It's all rumors! Three more people in Dayi have been punished!

Rumors stop at the wise, and the truth speaks for itself. Purify the online environment, crack down on online rumors, do not believe rumors, do not spread rumors, and jointly resist online rumors

Start with me and reject rumors

Source | Chengdu Dayi Public Security

Supervisor: Propaganda Department of Dayi County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China Sponsor: Dayi County Financial Media Center Review: Chen Zheng Editor: Yang Ying Editor: Li Limei Editor: Luo Lijuan