
How much does it cost to have a "blue cat" for a month?

author:Cute pet war

Blue cats are very welcome kittens, but many people who have never had a cat have no idea how much it costs to raise a cat every month.

How much does it cost to have a "blue cat" for a month?

How much does it cost to have a "blue cat" for a month?

If you raise a blue cat for the first time, the initial cost must be relatively high, because everything has to be prepared for the blue cat from scratch, such as cat litter box, nail clippers, flight box, cat bowl and other basic supplies, depending on what price you buy, generally two or three hundred is enough.

How much does it cost to have a "blue cat" for a month?

The other is that kittens need to be vaccinated with three shots of combined vaccine and one shot of rabies from 45 days old, which takes about four or five hundred (the price may vary in different regions), and the first deworming, about one or two hundred.

After these things are prepared in the early stage, two or three hundred per month in the later stage is actually enough, and you can see what there are.

How much does it cost to have a "blue cat" for a month?

[1] Daily consumables:

Cat litter, it is recommended to choose tofu cat litter, compare the taste, but also with a little milky fragrance, the cat's small meat pads are fragrant, about 3-5 packs a month, depending on the amount of your cat, if it is too dirty, the cat is not willing to go.

Usually I buy a pack of about ten yuan, which costs 60.

How much does it cost to have a "blue cat" for a month?

Ear wash liquid, to wash the cat once a week, can keep the ears clean, to avoid the production of ear mites, and the dissolution of dirt is also fast, a bottle of 60 yuan, can be used for a long time, about 10 yuan per month.

How much does it cost to have a "blue cat" for a month?

Deworming, because cats don't need to go out, so the deworming interval can be extended, I personally is about 3-6 months for external and internal removal, so if you calculate it, 20 per month.

How much does it cost to have a "blue cat" for a month?

[2] Diet:

The most important thing is the staple food cat food, which is rich and thrifty, some people feed forty or fifty-one pounds, and individuals choose about twenty or thirty, which is cost-effective, and everyone chooses according to their own economic ability.

How much does it cost to have a "blue cat" for a month?

Cats don't eat much, 3-5 pounds a month, about 120 a month, cats are carnivores, and have a high demand for animal protein, so it is best to choose protein-rich cat food to meet its nutritional needs.

How much does it cost to have a "blue cat" for a month?

Then there are small snacks, interactive artifacts, but I recommend choosing freeze-dried ones, and real meat production is also healthier.

How much does it cost to have a "blue cat" for a month?

So, how much does it cost to have a blue cat for a month? It's about 231 yuan, so it's not expensive to raise a blue cat, but if the blue cat is sick, it may cost a lot of money, because pets are very expensive to see a doctor, so you can't usually eat it too much, otherwise you will eat the body badly, then you must be sick often!

How much does it cost to have a "blue cat" for a month?

Conclusion: How much does your cat cost a month?

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