
People who are always paying for such things are doomed to get poorer and poorer

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【Personal Growth and Wealth View】


1 Strange vanity

My friend's cousin, who just went to work last year, told her that he wanted to buy a car for about 700,000 yuan and asked her if she had any recommendations.

My friend was surprised and asked him, you just went to work, why did you buy a car for 700,000 yuan?

My cousin replied that he passed by the parking lot every day at work, and all he saw were Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Audi, and he drove a small broken car of more than 100,000 yuan, so he was really embarrassed to park there. He said he needed to buy a good car to boost his self-confidence and make himself more "gregarious".

After listening to his cousin's thoughts, his friend was so angry that he didn't want to pay attention to him. After all, my cousin's parents are ordinary workers, and he has just worked, so how easy is it to buy a car for 700,000 yuan? Later, I was annoyed by the question, and my friend simply threw down a sentence: "With your little ability, driving a Bugatti can't make you confident!" ”

Afterwards, my friend thought about it again and said, "I still talked about him." Who doesn't pay for vanity anymore? Two days ago, a few colleagues bought the latest lipstick, I obviously don't have a notched red, and I don't like that color very much, I just think everyone has it, why can't I buy one to treat myself? When I packed up my lipsticks, I found out that I had stocked up on more than a dozen lipsticks. Each one is unpacked, sent to a circle of friends, and it is not used much after being painted once or twice. ”

Vanity is actually quite strange. Generally speaking, we don't know which of our actions are driven by vanity. It's strange to blame, just talk about the three words "vanity", you must know that it is not good. However, if you want to be specific to certain behaviors, you still feel that you are doing something particularly right, and it is necessary for you to do so. You hope and believe that these actions will bring you the desired results.

For example, go to a very high-end restaurant to eat a big meal to "improve the quality of life"; Keen to participate in various high-end conferences, competing to take pictures with bigwigs, and busy asking leaders for business cards, in order to "broaden network resources"; When buying luxury goods and luxury cars, you must choose first class when you take a plane, so as to "highlight your identity"; Wear the most expensive clothes and the best jewelry as a way to "use it as your social calling card".

Vanity will always make people think that they can achieve or have achieved their desired goals, but if you look closely, you will know that this is completely impossible.

Take the "networking" thing as an example. Many people will feel that if they learn to play squash, golf, have luxury cars, famous watches, and often meet bigwigs and bulls, this is to expand their network. But in reality, this is very unrealistic. Most elites are indeed polite and can easily remember people's names. However, just knowing someone does not mean that you have established a deep and reliable relationship with them. You can meet the elite, listen to the lectures of the bulls, and take pictures with the bigwigs, but the disproportionate strength determines that if you can't provide the other party with the resources they need, or you can't let the other party see your potential, you can't establish a valuable connection with the other party.

People who are always paying for such things are doomed to get poorer and poorer

2 The beginning of maturation

Vanity does not bring any practical good, and the only thing it can satisfy is an emotional value. But this emotional value is also weird. What's the weird law? It's just that without it, you'd want it, but in reality, you don't need it.

For example, Zhang San is very envious of Li Si's luxury car, and he feels that if he can also have a luxury car, he will be very happy. But in reality, this happiness is like water without roots, with no source at all. Because this car was not obtained by Zhang San by his own struggle, nor was it given to him by others, he borrowed money to buy it. Instead of improving his quality of life, he paid for a car that he could afford to pay off, but he had a loan to repay.

Do you think having a car is really happier than having a big meal and reading a few books? Not really. But he will feel that the happiness of eating and reading books cannot compare to the happiness brought by this car, and eating and reading books cannot offset this desire for luxury cars.

It can be seen that when vanity strikes and makes us believe that we really want something, it is often when we are seized by desire and cannot get rid of it.

A person's maturity begins with seeing through vanity. He began to focus on the real benefits and shy away from these face-saving projects.

Don't think that to say that a person is "vain" means that this person is ugly and that this person has done wrong. Actually, it's not a question of right or wrong, or it's not just a question of right or wrong. Vanity is really a disease, a hidden danger, an existence that threatens our health and happiness.

For example, if a person has a heart attack, has a sallow face, and covers his chest with his hands every day, it must be very unsightly. But do you say that he will make himself "not good-looking" because of this disease, and he will be so ashamed and self-hating that he will not go to the doctor? Or did he go to the doctor just because the disease had deprived him of his beauty?

Certainly not so. He went to the doctor because the disease was serious and threatened his life and health, and "not good-looking" was only a small side effect.

In the same way, when we realize our vanity, you should not judge ourselves, look down on ourselves, or explain or cover up our vanity in order not to let others see it. In fact, if you're ashamed of being "unpretty" for being vain, you're still in a prison of vanity. To be able to face up to our vanity, to recognize the loss, pain and danger that vanity brings to us, is like to dare to discuss our condition with a doctor—this is the first step to healing.

People who are always paying for such things are doomed to get poorer and poorer

3 True glory

How can we be freed from vain desires? We can start with the word "vanity" in this question.

As the name suggests, "vanity" is false glory, false glory. This can illustrate two things:

First, everyone has vanity, which means that from the bottom of their hearts, everyone longs for glory and glory.

Second, but what we are pursuing now is false glory and false glory.

Thus, "vanity" is not removed, but when our desire for true glory is satisfied, when we recognize true glory, false glory is eclipsed.

Don't think that "glory" and "glory" are an ideal argument that cannot be attained. In fact, as long as you pursue truth, goodness and beauty, as long as you pursue true wisdom and virtue, you are walking in the light.

What is vanity? What does it mean to walk in the light? Give a few concrete examples to help you develop your mind.

For example, buying luxury goods and buying a good car to prove that you are "rich" so as not to be "looked down upon" is vanity; Living within your means, choosing what suits your consumption, investing in yourself with the rest of the money, improving your abilities, enriching your life experience, and working hard in a down-to-earth manner is the pursuit of true glory.

For example, it is vanity to compare luxury goods with colleagues today and be ashamed tomorrow because your housing is not as good as that of your college classmates; When you find something that you think is valuable and meaningful, you are deeply engaged in a certain field, do not seize the outlet, do not like to compare, focus on moving forward according to your goals, and create your ideal life step by step, this is walking in the light.

In fact, glory, beauty, wisdom, and virtue are not some high-profile words, but to remove the false and retain the truth, seek truth from facts, and live the most true and wonderful self.

Moving towards the goal and not living in the evaluation of others is the freest and most beautiful life.

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