
At the "Full Score Choice" floor scrubber press conference, Dreame Technology unveiled six new floor scrubbers


On May 15th, Dreame held a new product launch conference, bringing two series of six blockbuster new products to obtain a new generation of floor scrubbers, including H20 Pro Rotary Front, H20 Ultra Rotary Version, H20 Ultra Mix, H20 Ultra Station, and H30 Ultra Rotary Front, H30 Ultra Mix of H30 Series.

The new floor scrubber released this time, from the perspective of saving users' worry, effort, health and ease of use, has released a number of industry-leading sweeper technologies such as "active 0 hair winding system", "100°C boiling water self-cleaning" and "5-minute light sound constant temperature drying".

At the "Full Score Choice" floor scrubber press conference, Dreame Technology unveiled six new floor scrubbers

Hu Bin, head of Dreame Technology's floor scrubber BG, said that in 2023, the global sales of Dreame Technology's floor scrubber products will exceed 1.4 million units, a year-on-year increase of more than 100%. Among them, in the European market, Southeast Asian market, and North American market, sales increased by 930%, 420%, and 363% year-on-year respectively; In markets such as Thailand and Malaysia, not only did sales increase rapidly year-on-year, but by Q1 2024, the market share has also ranked first in the local market.

At the "Full Score Choice" floor scrubber press conference, Dreame Technology unveiled six new floor scrubbers

As a leader in industry innovation, Dreame Technology has always solved user pain points with innovative thinking, and has created a number of popular models in the industry, each of which is striving to improve the new cleaning experience of floor scrubbers for users. Hu Bin said that the path of driving product innovation with technology research and development is correct.

At this press conference, Dreame Technology also invited floor scrubber users to the scene. The user said that Dreame Technology in his mind has been committed to solving the pain points and difficulties faced by consumers in their daily cleaning work. For example, the roller brush brushes the secondary pollution, the mop wets the carpet, and the brush winds the hair. Only by truly solving the pain points faced by such consumers can we bring users a new clean experience.

At the "Full Score Choice" floor scrubber press conference, Dreame Technology unveiled six new floor scrubbers

Based on this, at this press conference, Dreame Technology has launched a number of industry-first technologies. For example, as one of the biggest pain points of the user's household cleaning, Dreame Technology pioneered the active 0 hair winding technology, through the constant pressure comb, with the first Swiss PPA cutting tooth edge technology, with the blessing of the quadruple measures of "one comb, two cuts, three suctions, and four washes", it truly realizes clean zero winding, and even 50cm long hair can be easily inhaled, truly "maintenance-free".

At the "Full Score Choice" floor scrubber press conference, Dreame Technology unveiled six new floor scrubbers

In addition to the anti-entanglement of roller brushes, the new product of Dreame floor scrubber has also made a historic breakthrough in the self-cleaning of roller brushes of floor scrubbers, and the water temperature standard of self-cleaning of roller brushes has been refreshed to 100°C in one fell swoop. As the first 100°C hot water washing and rolling brush function pioneered by Dreame Technology, it can realize deep boiling and washing of boiling water and hot water sterilization and cleaning at the same time.

At the "Full Score Choice" floor scrubber press conference, Dreame Technology unveiled six new floor scrubbers

This time, Dreame floor scrubber also launched Dreame's first 5-minute light sound constant temperature drying technology, using 600W high-efficiency power heating element, with 16000 rpm high-speed axial fan, the air volume can reach 54m³/h, through 75 °C heat flow sterilization, to achieve 5 minutes of efficient fluffy and quick-drying of the roller brush, to prevent mold breeding.

For users who have just experienced the floor scrubber, Dreame Technology has launched the Dreame floor scrubber H20 Pro Rotary Front, which is equipped with Dreame's first active 0 hair winding technology, as well as the industry's strongest 100°C boiling water self-cleaning technology, and the sterilization rate has also reached 99.9999%, which has passed the authoritative test of TÜV laboratory in South Germany, which is worthy of the industry ceiling.

In addition, Dreame Technology has also launched the Dreame floor scrubber H20 Ultra Mix and H30 Ultra Mix, which integrate five functions such as floor scrubbing, vacuuming, and mite removal, which can meet the cleaning of three-dimensional spaces such as sofas, beds, and desktops at the same time.

At the "Full Score Choice" floor scrubber press conference, Dreame Technology unveiled six new floor scrubbers

Chen Ronghui, a researcher in the cleaning appliance industry of the China Household Electrical Appliances Association, pointed out during the roundtable exchange at the press conference that the healthy and sustainable development of the floor scrubber industry and brand manufacturers needs to be able to gain insight into users in multiple scenarios, listen to users' voices, and meet the real needs of consumers with technological innovation.

At the "Full Score Choice" floor scrubber press conference, Dreame Technology unveiled six new floor scrubbers

Dreame Technology has always taken science and technology as the core, and its dedication to science and technology has allowed Dreame Technology to launch a series of products suitable for different users, and it is precisely this that the products equipped with Dreame's cutting-edge patented technology have been recognized by users after entering the market, and now the launch of Dreame Technology's newly upgraded products is a new possibility for Dreame Technology to change users' lives, and it will eventually become a part of users' high-quality lives.

From the first experience of the floor scrubber to the user who has more intelligent, cleaner and more efficient requirements for the floor scrubber, the six products released by Dreame Technology this time can be satisfied, and it is hoped that every product of Dreame Technology will bring a cleaner, healthier and more convenient life to every family.

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