
The dispute over the number of Earth observation satellites between China and the United States: China has added 400 satellites with higher resolution

author:Scientific knowledge points

The scientific and technological competition between China and the United States is unavoidable, and the number of Earth observation satellites launched by China and the United States has grown rapidly, and the number of satellites has soared by 400 in a short period of time, and the resolution of satellites is higher.

The dispute over the number of Earth observation satellites between China and the United States: China has added 400 satellites with higher resolution

Relying on its own strength, China is constantly catching up with the world's most advanced science and technology, and it has never hindered the interests of other countries. The United States, on the contrary, wants to envelop everything profitable in its own hands and control the world's best resources in order to seek benefits and control and influence the world.

In the field of satellites, the United States is even more frenzied, successively making the Starlink plan and the Starshield plan, preparing to occupy all the orbits of the earth's near-earth satellites, and the United States vainly attempts to launch a total of 42,000 satellites.

The dispute over the number of Earth observation satellites between China and the United States: China has added 400 satellites with higher resolution

Once this goal is achieved, other countries in the world will have to find ways to bypass these satellites if they want to launch satellites or launch spacecraft, and if other countries want to have a more suitable orbital position for their satellites, they will probably have to rent them from the United States at a high price, or they will have to launch them to a farther location.

In the face of the United States' frenzied plot in the field of satellites, China has not shown weakness and is not at all afraid of US provocations and threats; as long as the United States has not fully occupied the earth's low-earth orbit, any space resources will be available at will.

The dispute over the number of Earth observation satellites between China and the United States: China has added 400 satellites with higher resolution

The mainland's satellite launch technology is not far behind, and the launch capacity of commercial satellites is also growing. According to information in the Western media, China's satellite launch capability has been able to begin to compete with the United States, and now it has a great momentum of competing to launch satellites.

In fact, even if China does not have this idea, it will be interpreted by the United States in this way, after all, as long as it sees a powerful country, the United States thinks that the other side is going to oppose itself. In the face of China's rise as a great power, the United States is even more unacceptable. Now that China is able to compete with the United States for space resources with its advanced satellite launch technology, the United States naturally cannot tolerate it.

The dispute over the number of Earth observation satellites between China and the United States: China has added 400 satellites with higher resolution

In the field of satellite launches and in the field of aviation research and development, China has begun to catch up with the high level of the United States, and there is a momentum of unrivaled momentum, even far surpassing the strength of other countries, which makes the United States secretly surprised.

The United States is still deploying a plan to launch satellites, called the mobile target system, to set up a monitoring network with satellites, to monitor the missile launches of China, Russia and other countries in real time, to monitor the missile launchers and other targets of major countries, and to give the United States early warning and notification information through the detection capability of satellites, so that the United States can make preparations in advance, so as to deal with the movement of missile vehicles of China and Russia. Be aware of it in advance, and deploy defensive means and measures in advance.

The dispute over the number of Earth observation satellites between China and the United States: China has added 400 satellites with higher resolution

China and Russia are two countries that possess advanced technology for launching missiles, and the missile launch vehicles can move freely and flexibly, constantly changing the launch position and transfer position as needed, without affecting the accuracy and accuracy of the strike, without being restricted by any terrain, and the strike effect of the launch will not be affected.

Such a capability makes the United States regard it as a serious problem. Therefore, the United States racked its brains to find a way to deal with it, so it wanted to build a mobile satellite system, which in fact monitored missile launch vehicles.

Is this kind of satellite monitoring system that the United States wants to create really effective?

The dispute over the number of Earth observation satellites between China and the United States: China has added 400 satellites with higher resolution

The best detection capability of the satellite launched by the American satellite company has reached 0.3 meters, that is, an accuracy of 30 centimeters, and the general military reconnaissance satellite is about 200 kilometers from the earth, and the distance of the remote sensing satellite is 800 kilometers from the earth.

Missiles in the world cannot be launched to this height, so the US side believes that once the United States has the technology to monitor missile vehicles from satellites, it is likely that the current missile technology will be difficult to destroy the US monitoring satellite system.

The dispute over the number of Earth observation satellites between China and the United States: China has added 400 satellites with higher resolution

Just when the United States was thinking about it with great joy, it suddenly discovered that China had added another 400 satellites, and that China's satellites had a higher resolution and stronger anti-missile capabilities, and that China's overall strength had surpassed the West's perception, and that it was not as easy as the West imagined that it would be able to monitor China's missile launchers, and that it would not be able to be countered by China.

The growth rate of China's satellite population has reached a rapid growth rate in the last decade, and in the past two years, China has launched a total of more than 400 satellites, which is a terrible number.

The dispute over the number of Earth observation satellites between China and the United States: China has added 400 satellites with higher resolution

Although they are all commercial satellites, they are also specialized satellites in many civilian fields, such as agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery, environmental protection and meteorology, survey, planning and other satellites, but these civilian satellites have ultra-high resolution, and even clearly observe the images of the United States' aviation leaving and entering the port, which makes the United States angry, China's commercial satellites actually have the ability to be comparable to military satellites, once it is necessary to assist in reconnaissance, it is conceivable that many of the United States' plans have not succeeded, and their secrets have been clearly seen by China's commercial satellites.

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