
Yingze action丨Bloom the flower of national unity and bear the fruit of happiness and peace

author:Yingze release

There are 7 ethnic minority residents in the Shanyou Lane Community of Confucian Street, including Mongolian, Hui and Manchu. In recent years, the community has carried out a series of activities to continuously consolidate and develop ethnic relations of equality, unity, mutual assistance and harmony, promote exchanges and integration among various ethnic groups, and make the flower of ethnic unity bloom more and more.


Yingze action丨Bloom the flower of national unity and bear the fruit of happiness and peace
Yingze action丨Bloom the flower of national unity and bear the fruit of happiness and peace
Yingze action丨Bloom the flower of national unity and bear the fruit of happiness and peace


Yingze action丨Bloom the flower of national unity and bear the fruit of happiness and peace
Yingze action丨Bloom the flower of national unity and bear the fruit of happiness and peace
Yingze action丨Bloom the flower of national unity and bear the fruit of happiness and peace


Yingze action丨Bloom the flower of national unity and bear the fruit of happiness and peace
Yingze action丨Bloom the flower of national unity and bear the fruit of happiness and peace
Yingze action丨Bloom the flower of national unity and bear the fruit of happiness and peace

The Chinese nation is a family and works together to build the Chinese dream. In the next step, the Shanyouxiang community will continue to enrich the forms and carriers of activities, do a good job in various tasks of national unity, hand in hand, heart to heart, affection, strive to create a new situation of national unity, and harvest the fruits of national unity that are full of maturity and happiness.