
Americans are puzzled: Why didn't China apologize for the Korean War? America's "collective oblivion" of the Korean War

author:History of Shiqi
Americans are puzzled: Why didn't China apologize for the Korean War? America's "collective oblivion" of the Korean War

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The Americans want China to apologize for the Korean War?

How did such a strange and crooked ideal method come about?

Americans are puzzled: Why didn't China apologize for the Korean War? America's "collective oblivion" of the Korean War

After reading it, Chinese netizens said: "What's wrong with protecting the family and defending the country? The United States should apologize! ”

Americans are puzzled: Why didn't China apologize for the Korean War? America's "collective oblivion" of the Korean War

America's "collective oblivion" of the Korean War

I don't know when it started, an American netizen on the Internet Zhihu actually raised a rather tricky question:

"Why didn't China apologize for the Korean War?"

As soon as this question came out, it immediately caused an uproar on the Internet, but what is even more unexpected is that there seem to be many American netizens who have the same doubts.

Such a phenomenon can't help but make people wonder, what is it that made the Americans selectively "collectively forget" about the Korean War?

Americans are puzzled: Why didn't China apologize for the Korean War? America's "collective oblivion" of the Korean War

You must know that whether it was the victorious anti-fascist war in World War II or the defeated Vietnam War, whenever there is a large-scale participation of the US military in a battle, the US Government will, in accordance with the usual practice, hold a ceremony with great fanfare on the anniversary of the beginning or end of the war, commend and commend the veterans who participated in the war, and make some exciting speeches to arouse the patriotic enthusiasm of the American people.

However, among all the veterans who participated in the war, the American veterans of the Korean War have never enjoyed this kind of honor, because since the day the US government signed the Korean Armistice Agreement, it has almost never mentioned this war in public, and as for the commemorative ceremony, it is even more of an unthinkable "luxury."

In contrast, the U.S. government dedicated the Vietnam War to the construction of a striking monument in Washington Square, the capital, but the Korean War, which predated the Vietnam War, did not have any monuments at the time.

It wasn't until 1995 that the U.S. government reluctantly built a memorial to the Korean War dead near the Vietnam War Memorial.

Americans are puzzled: Why didn't China apologize for the Korean War? America's "collective oblivion" of the Korean War

Therefore, many American veterans who participated in the war in North Korea complained that their "contributions" were belittled and abandoned.

In fact, for many American veterans, the war was unimportant long before they were still on the battlefield.

In 1953, when the Korean War was still raging, some soldiers retired from the battlefield and returned home in military uniforms, but who expected that the people around them thought that they were just on vacation.

Even after many years, many veterans still remember the indifference of the people around them when they returned from the battlefield.

A sailor from Pittsburgh even recalled:

Americans are puzzled: Why didn't China apologize for the Korean War? America's "collective oblivion" of the Korean War

"I came home from the battlefield and found that for many people, the war was like it didn't happen. Only my closest family and friends knew I had gone to war, and the rest of them never seemed to care about it, as if it didn't matter at all. ”

Why, then, do ordinary Americans appear to be ignorant of the Korean War?

To put it bluntly, it is because the US government deliberately downplays and covers up everything related to the Korean War at home.

Just like when the Japanese invaded China, they vigorously promoted "slavery education" in the occupied areas, and by constantly instilling Japanese imperialist ideas and Japanese language and cultural customs in Chinese youth, they made them forget that they were Chinese.....

For the U.S. government, the reason why they are ashamed to speak out about the Korean War is nothing more than this battle, which they fought so humiliatingly and humiliatingly that there is no glory to speak of at all, whether it is the beginning or the end.

Americans are puzzled: Why didn't China apologize for the Korean War? America's "collective oblivion" of the Korean War

After paying the blood and lives of tens of thousands of soldiers, the United States realized this lesson:

The Korean War was fought in the wrong place at the wrong time, and it became the first war in the history of the United States that there was no victory.

This is undoubtedly a huge shame for the US government, which has always been proud and conceited, and can be described as "unbearable."

In this battle, the United States was fully armed to the teeth, planes, artillery and tanks had whatever they wanted, and soldiers even had beer with roast chicken, coffee and chocolate when they were fighting.

On the other hand, the mainland volunteers, dressed in tattered cotton clothes, dared to go to the battlefield with a gun and a few frozen potatoes in their hands, and they also treated the American devils who rained down like they didn't need money for shells, and they fled in defeat.

Americans are puzzled: Why didn't China apologize for the Korean War? America's "collective oblivion" of the Korean War

As one American general put it:

Americans are puzzled: Why didn't China apologize for the Korean War? America's "collective oblivion" of the Korean War

Shame on the United States

"The Korean War was a complete military defeat. The army, navy, and air force of a country recognized as the most powerful country in the world have been able to fight a three-dimensional joint operation, but it has not been able to defeat a poor country's primitive army. This is an eternal shame and scar for our American military and country. ”

It is precisely for this reason that after the end of the Korean War, many of the officers or officials who participated in the command of the Korean War tacitly kept this past incident deep in their hearts, and almost never mentioned this sad incident in the Korean War to their relatives and friends, and even less wanted to hear anything related to the war.

Clearly, for the Americans, what they are good at is never learning from their mistakes, but trying to cover them up so that they seem to be able to pretend that they have not made mistakes.

However, for those low-level soldiers who fought on the front lines of the Korean War, this war is not so easy to forget:

Americans are puzzled: Why didn't China apologize for the Korean War? America's "collective oblivion" of the Korean War

They were forcibly sent to the Korean battlefield by a military order from the government without knowing anything about it, shedding blood and tears on the battlefield and suffering so much.

As a result, he finally survived, but because of the vanity of American politicians, he was forgotten in the corner, and there were no flowers and applause, no praise, and no heroes, which naturally made all the soldiers feel quite chilled and felt that this was an unbearable thing.

Not to mention, the purpose of this war is not like the anti-fascist war in World War II, with specific and clear goals, and you don't even need to listen to the government's propaganda to know how important it is to defeat the Nazi fascists.

In the Korean War, they did not know what the United States was fighting for and who the enemy was, so anti-war sentiment quickly spread among the North Korean American troops, and they all believed that the sacrifices they had made were completely "meaningless."

So gradually, victory is no longer the goal of these American troops, they have only one goal, and that is to live!

Americans are puzzled: Why didn't China apologize for the Korean War? America's "collective oblivion" of the Korean War

But what about after you live? Who cares? In the United States, no one cares except themselves. Not only do politicians selectively ignore it, but ordinary Americans are also indifferent to what is happening to them.

Perhaps at this time, some people will compare the Vietnam War and think about the disgrace, and the defeat of the US military in Vietnam is also quite humiliating, so why does the United States go so far as to publicize the defeat in the Vietnam War and inspire Americans to struggle with shame, but turn a blind eye to the Korean War?

Objectively speaking, although it is true that the Korean War brought more humiliation to the US military than the Vietnam War, it is undeniable that the Vietnam War lasted longer than the Korean War and suffered heavy losses.

After all, the Korean War was only fought for three years, but the Vietnam War was fought for more than 10 years, which directly cast a psychological shadow on a generation of Americans, so even if the US government wanted to cover up the history of the Vietnam War, it was not realistic at all.

Americans are puzzled: Why didn't China apologize for the Korean War? America's "collective oblivion" of the Korean War

In contrast, the Korean War, which lasted only three years, did not bring too deep memories to the people in the United States, because the American people at that time, having just finished the bloody World War II, were already physically and mentally exhausted, and they were also accustomed to life and death, so naturally they would not have much interest in the Korean War far away from the ocean.

Under such circumstances, as long as American politicians do not specifically mention the war that humiliated them, the American people's forgetfulness of the Korean War is a matter of course.

So today, it is not difficult to understand that such an outrageous question as "why didn't China apologize for the Korean War" come out of the mouths of American netizens.

The reason why American netizens asked China to apologize for the Korean War is because after many years, when China became stronger and stronger after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the United States saw China more and more as a threat, the US government began to choose to revisit the Korean War.

However, the United States did not bring up the Korean War again in order to learn any lessons from it, but to take advantage of the opportunity to turn a rake and pin the on China.

Americans are puzzled: Why didn't China apologize for the Korean War? America's "collective oblivion" of the Korean War

For example, in 2007, the United States did not dare to publish the book "The Coldest Winter: The Korean War Through the Eyes of Americans" after the author's death, and used a large space to describe how the US government suspected that those American soldiers who were captured by the volunteers on the Korean battlefield had been seriously brainwashed by "communism", which led to many American prisoners of war and became quite resistant to the US government.

As for the huge losses suffered by the US military in this Korean War, the United States also believes that the responsibility lies entirely with China, and if it were not for China's insistence on intervening in this war, their US military would have unified the Korean Peninsula long ago!

Americans are puzzled: Why didn't China apologize for the Korean War? America's "collective oblivion" of the Korean War

The U.S. military shook the pot

Not only that, but the United States has also blamed China for the failure to reunify the Korean Peninsula and the fact that the Korean people are not as prosperous as the South Korean people, and said that if China did not send troops back then, after the reunification of the entire Korean Peninsula by US capitalism, the whole of Korea would be able to live a happy life like South Korea today.

But is that really the case?

I have to say that throwing the pot is a traditional art of the United States, and blaming China through the Korean War seems to be more reasonable for the dirty tricks used against China in the Sino-US competition.

Americans are puzzled: Why didn't China apologize for the Korean War? America's "collective oblivion" of the Korean War

It is precisely because of this that American netizens who do not know the truth will clamored for China to apologize to the United States for the Korean War!

Chinese netizens naturally won't buy the clamor of the United States, thinking about why I should apologize for defending our homeland and defending the country, and you, the United States, as the aggressor, should apologize to our China!

As Grand Lenhughes put it, "It is inconceivable to have a victim apologize for an act of self-defense." ”

So under this question, many righteous Chinese netizens and even foreign netizens have begun to clarify history.

A Chinese netizen who is a descendant of the Volunteer Army even wrote:

Americans are puzzled: Why didn't China apologize for the Korean War? America's "collective oblivion" of the Korean War

"To some extent, China was completely forced to get involved in this war, because China did not make any preparations or plans for this before the outbreak of the Korean War, and China did not participate in it until the border between China and North Korea was bombed.

When my grandfather was sent to North Korea, they did not even participate in the name of the People's Liberation Army, but as volunteers to help the Korean people defend their homeland, which is enough to show that China has no subjective will to go to war with the United States at all...

If China is compared to a family, the reason why parents go to the neighbors to argue and conflict is because their own children are bullied in front of the house next door for no reason. ”

Some foreign netizens replied in disbelief:

Americans are puzzled: Why didn't China apologize for the Korean War? America's "collective oblivion" of the Korean War

"China has no reason to apologize just because South Korea is developing better than North Korea, because this is entirely an internal affair of North Korea and has nothing to do with China. As for the fact that the Korean Peninsula is still divided, it is not because of China or the United States, but because of many complex factors.

Moreover, the Chinese People's Volunteers entered the Korean Peninsula because the United Nations forces, under the orders of General MacArthur, ignored Beijing's demands to keep them away from the Chinese border. The North Korean army was routed, and the UN forces advanced all the way to the Yalu River on the border between China and North Korea.

That is why the army of the People's Republic of China is not allowed to fight with the UN army, not because the Chinese like the Kim family, but because the UN army has repeatedly ignored China's warnings. ”

Americans are puzzled: Why didn't China apologize for the Korean War? America's "collective oblivion" of the Korean War

All in all, the answer to this outrageous question is the majority, and this proves that the people will always stand on the side of justice and justice, and no matter how the United States tries to slander China and pour dirty water on China, the moment these lies are exposed, it will only make the US government lose its credibility like the protagonist of "the wolf".

Just like those US prisoners of war who were labeled as "brainwashed by China" by the US government and persecuted by the US government, the reason why they identify with China so much is not because they were brainwashed by China, but because they really enjoyed equality in the volunteer prisoner of war camps.

In the U.S. military, they don't know what they're fighting for, they just want to live, but in the hands of the volunteers, they realize that the reason why they have lost motivation is because the war they participated in was a war of aggression launched by the U.S. military against North Korea, and it was an unjust and hegemonic war.

Americans are puzzled: Why didn't China apologize for the Korean War? America's "collective oblivion" of the Korean War

Not only that, but the volunteers also expressed their understanding that they were being kept in the dark by the US military high-brass, so the volunteers did not torture them like any other country treats prisoners of war, but instead regarded them as victims of US hegemony and provided them with food and warmth.

Under such circumstances, these US prisoners of war are naturally no longer willing to return to the United States, and this naturally makes the US Government very angry, and it can only cover up the weakness and unpopularity of its own hegemony by persecuting these US prisoners of war.

Justice is at ease in the hearts of the people, and US imperialism is only a paper tiger after all, and it will inevitably decline in the future.

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