
Putin will visit China for the first time after taking office, and the Russia-Ukraine conflict has made Russia more dependent on China

author:Song Zhongping

After Russian President Vladimir Putin took office, he visited China for the first time. It is enough to see that Putin attaches great importance to China, and at the same time, Russia is also very optimistic about the position of China and Russia on many major international issues.

Putin will visit China for the first time after taking office, and the Russia-Ukraine conflict has made Russia more dependent on China

Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit China on the 16th and 17th, and will also visit Harbin. Putin stressed that Russia and China have similar or identical positions on key issues on the international agenda. China and Russia have maintained similar and similar views, or even the same views, on a series of international hotspot issues, including the Northeast Asia issue, the Middle East issue, and the Russia-Ukraine issue, including the issue of a multipolar world.

Putin bluntly pointed out that the unprecedented high level of strategic partnership between the two countries also led Putin to decide to make China his first foreign visit after taking office as Russian president. Putin attaches great importance to relations with China.

Putin will visit China for the first time after taking office, and the Russia-Ukraine conflict has made Russia more dependent on China

The military conflict between Russia and Ukraine is in full swing now, which will inevitably have a great impact on Russia's national economy. In this state, Russia will inevitably need to rely on certain countries, including China. Western countries continue to coerce and induce China, demanding that China stop all trade with Russia, with the aim of preventing China from helping Russia ease through Western sanctions.

So why did Russian President Vladimir Putin make China his first visit? It is also because during the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine, trade between China and Russia is constantly improving, and China will not export military-related things to Russia in accordance with the rules, but normal trade between China and Russia must be guaranteed, which does not violate international law.

Putin will visit China for the first time after taking office, and the Russia-Ukraine conflict has made Russia more dependent on China

The sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union on Russia cannot control China, unilateral sanctions are illegal, and there is no connection with normal trade between China and Russia, and trade between China and Russia is fully in line with the WTO and WTO regulations!

The development of relations between China and Russia will continue to strengthen, after all, the world needs a positive energy. To oppose hegemony and unilateralism, is it possible to rely on Western countries? No way! It is up to emerging countries such as China and Russia to rely on.


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