
"Job" is waiting for you! Yuexiu District Commission for Discipline Inspection, District Federation of Trade Unions and other units are recruiting

author:Guangzhou Yuexiu released
"Job" is waiting for you! Yuexiu District Commission for Discipline Inspection, District Federation of Trade Unions and other units are recruiting
"Job" is waiting for you! Yuexiu District Commission for Discipline Inspection, District Federation of Trade Unions and other units are recruiting

A friend who is looking for a job has a look

Another wave of new jobs!

Yuexiu District Commission for Discipline Inspection, District Federation of Trade Unions and other units


Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, CPC

Disciplinary Committee

1. Recruitment positions

7 contract staff are recruited from the public.

II. Application Requirements

1. Have the nationality of the People's Republic of China, support the line, principles and policies of the Communist Party of China, and abide by national laws, regulations and rules;

2. Political appearance is a member of the Communist Party of China (including probationary party members), under the age of 40 (born after May 13, 1984, including the date);

3. Have a bachelor's degree or above recognized by the state;

4.能熟练使用电脑及运用Microsoft Office办公软件(Word、Excel、PowerPoint等),并能快速制表;

5. Have independent work ability and strong organization and coordination skills, strong sense of responsibility, certain policy theory and writing level, strong communication and coordination skills, and a strong sense of confidentiality;

6. Good health, good moral character and professional ethics, willing to perform the duties and obligations of the hired position, strong sense of teamwork, serious and proactive work attitude, hard-working, honest and prudent.

3. How to apply for the examination

1. Registration time: 9:30 on May 20, 2024 to 17:00 on May 22, 2024.

2. Registration address: No. 183, Yuehua Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou.

3. Application Procedure:

Applicants log in to the registration website to inquire about the recruitment position information, download and fill in Annex 2 "Yuexiu District Commission for Discipline Inspection Open Recruitment of Auxiliary Personnel Registration and Qualification Review Form" (in duplicate, and post a small one-inch ID photo). Sign the "Candidate Commitment Letter" on the spot, submit 1 small one-inch ID photo, submit ID card, household registration book (home page and personal page), academic certificate, degree certificate, academic appraisal, degree appraisal, professional and technical title certificate, party fee certificate or party organization relationship certificate, work experience certification materials (labor contract, social security payment record and unit certificate) The original and 1 copy of the submitted copy materials will not be returned.

4. Registration Requirements:

(1) The materials provided by the candidates must be true and accurate, and those who provide false application information will be disqualified from applying for the examination or employment once verified. Those who forge or alter relevant certificates, materials, and information to obtain examination qualifications by fraud will be dealt with in accordance with relevant regulations.

(2) The deadline for calculating age, education, degree, working experience, etc. is May 13, 2024 (including May 13, 2024).

(3) Applicants must use their valid resident ID cards to participate in the registration, qualification examination, written examination, interview, physical examination and other recruitment links.

5. Candidates who have passed the qualification review should go to No. 183 Yuehua Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City on May 24, 2024 (Friday) to collect the written test admission ticket.

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Guangzhou Yuexiu District Federation of Trade Unions

1. Recruitment positions

1 financial officer is openly recruited from the public.

2. Application conditions

1. Have the nationality of the People's Republic of China, abide by the law and discipline, have good conduct, have good political quality and professional ethics, and have household registration in Guangzhou;

2. Have good moral character and professional ethics, and be willing to perform job responsibilities and obligations;

3. No violations of laws and disciplines and bad records;

4. Be in good health, have the physical conditions to perform duties, and be 30 years old and below (the time is calculated until April 30, 2024);

5. Have a bachelor's degree or above recognized by the state, major in accounting, have a primary certificate in accounting or above, and have been engaged in finance or auditing and other related work for more than 3 years, with CET-6 or above (including CET-6);

6. Have certain language expression, writing materials, organization and coordination and accounting software operation ability, and have one or more musical instrument skills are preferred;

7. Hard-working, able to adapt to emergency overtime work requirements;

8. Under the same conditions, those with a driver's license and driving experience of 5 years or more can be preferred.

3. How to register

1. Registration method: on-site registration is adopted.

2. Registration time: May 17 (Friday), May 20 (Monday) to May 21 (Tuesday) 9:30-11:30, 14:30-17:30 (Saturdays and Sundays are not accepted).

3. Registration location: Yuexiu District Federation of Trade Unions (address: 4th Floor, Block A, No. 9, Lane 3, Siyou North 1st Street, Yuexiu District).

4. Registration requirements: Interested applicants should fill in the "Registration Form" (see attachment) truthfully, and submit the "Registration Form" and the original and copy of my ID card, household registration booklet, academic degree certificate and academic degree appraisal, the original and copy of the accounting certificate, and a recent one-inch color photo. Fill in the Registration Form on site. Applicants must submit relevant information for qualification review according to the registration time and place specified in the recruitment announcement, and the copies submitted will not be returned.

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Guangta Street, Yuexiu District

1. Recruitment positions

Recruit 3 urban management assistants from the society.

2. Recruitment qualifications

1. Abide by the laws, regulations, and rules of the state, implement the principles and policies of the party and the government, abide by discipline and law, have good conduct, have a decent style, and have no records of violations and crimes;

2. Have a college degree or above recognized by the state, aged 18 years old or above and under 35 years old (born between June 1, 1988 and May 31, 2006).

3. Be in good health and have the physical conditions to perform duties normally.

4. Have good moral character and professional ethics, be willing to perform the duties and obligations of auxiliary personnel, and love urban management.

5. Be competent for night outdoor work, and can take turns on night shifts according to work needs.

6. Those with C1 or above motor vehicle driver's license, familiar with the basic processing of office documents, computer documents and veterans are preferred under the same conditions.

3. On-site registration and qualification review

This recruitment adopts the on-site registration method, and candidates need to bring relevant materials to participate in the on-site qualification review when registering on the spot. Those who do not participate in the on-site qualification examination or fail to pass the qualification examination cannot participate in the interview.

1. On-site registration and qualification review time: 9:00-12:00, 14:00-18:00 from May 27 to May 31, 2024.

2. On-site registration and qualification review location: No. 26, Yuntaili, Jiefang Middle Road, Yuexiu District (Party Construction Work Office, 7th Floor, Guangta Street Office).

3. On-site registration and qualification review methods:

(1) Fill in and submit the "Registration Form" (Annex 1) in duplicate (candidates fill in and print by themselves, sign and confirm).

(2) Submit a copy of ID card, household registration booklet, academic degree certificate (with the original for review), a certificate of no criminal record and related materials (such as a copy of the motor vehicle driver's license and a copy of the military discharge certificate, which need to be brought for inspection), and sign the "Candidate Commitment" (Annex 2) on the spot.

(3) The materials submitted by the candidates must be true and accurate, if there are any discrepancies or fraud, once verified, they will be disqualified from the examination or not hired.

4. Notification interview: Those who have passed the qualification examination will be notified by the street staff to participate in the interview, and candidates need to attend the interview at the designated time.

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Huale Street, Yuexiu District

1. Recruitment positions

1 street census clerk is openly recruited.

2. Recruitment conditions

1. Good ideological and political quality, strong sense of professionalism and responsibility, and love for grassroots statistical work.

2. Abide by laws and regulations, and have no record of violations of laws and disciplines.

3. Have a nationally recognized college degree or above, with professional knowledge in accounting, statistics, finance, business administration, etc., and be able to communicate in English.

4. The age requirement is under 35 years old, and the age is calculated as of the registration deadline for the public recruitment examination.

5. Have strong communication and coordination and writing skills, have certain computer application operation skills, and be proficient in using some office application software.

6. Be in good health and have the physical condition to perform duties.

7. Those who have any of the following circumstances must not apply for the examination: those who have received criminal punishment for crimes or have been dismissed from public office; where a crime is suspected and the judicial process has not yet been concluded; Those who have participated in cult organizations; Engaged in activities that endanger national security; Bad moral character; Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.

8. Those who have one of the following conditions can be preferentially hired:

(1) Graduated from accounting, statistics and finance;

(2) Have an accounting qualification certificate or above;

(3) Those who have been engaged in statistical work in grass-roots statistical departments;

(4) Proficient in the use of computer software to maintain the official account platform, strong writing ability, sufficient ability to plan activities;

(5) Able to communicate in English.

3. How to register

This recruitment adopts the method of on-site registration, registration time: 9:30-12:00, 14:30-18:00 from May 20 to May 24, 2024.

1. Registration location: Huale Street Office, 2nd Floor, Sanrong Building, No. 49 Luyuan Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou (Room 224, Huale Street Community Development Office).

2. How to register:

(1) Fill in the registration form. (See attachment, please download, print, fill in by yourself, and post a recent photo of a small one-inch ID)

(2) Submit the original (with the original for inspection) and 1 copy of ID card, household registration booklet, academic degree certificate, and relevant professional title certificate.

(3) The materials submitted by the candidates must be true and accurate, if there is any discrepancy or fraud, once verified, the interview qualification will be cancelled or the employment will not be hired.

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Baiyun Street, Yuexiu District

Environmental Health Service Corps

1. Recruitment positions

Open recruitment of 1 accountant to the public.

2. Recruitment conditions

1. Support the leadership of socialism and the Communist Party of China, and voluntarily engage in environmental sanitation services; Law-abiding, good conduct, love their work, have teamwork and hard-working spirit.

2. No participation in illegal organizations, no criminal security punishments, no records of administrative dismissal from public office, and no other circumstances and records that are prohibited by law.

3. Be in good health and under the age of 40.

4. Bachelor degree or above, major in finance and accounting, accounting qualification certificate and other related certificates, requiring certain knowledge of finance, accounting, taxation and other aspects.

5. More than three years of accounting related work experience, proficient in operating financial software and computer office software.

6. Able to work under pressure, have a certain degree of coordination, strong sense of teamwork, have a certain degree of writing synthesis, language expression and communication skills, and have a permanent residence in Guangzhou.

3. Registration method

1. Registration method: on-site registration will be adopted.

2. Registration time: 9:00-12:00, 14:00-18:00 from May 21 to May 23, 2024.

3. Registration address: Environmental Sanitation Service Team, Baiyun Street, Yuexiu District, that is, the ground floor of No. 20 Guangjiu 5th Road.

4. Registration Requirements:

(1) Applicants should bring the "Baiyun Street Environmental Sanitation Service Team Open Recruitment Personnel Registration Form" (see attachment, please download and print it by yourself and sign by yourself), the original and photocopy of your ID card, household registration book, academic degree certificate (including relevant appraisal materials), professional and technical title certificate, and a recent one-inch bareheaded color photo to the site for registration.

(2) Qualification screening will be conducted at the time of application.

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Source: Yuexiu District Government Network Editor: Dong Junyi Proofreader: Jiang Jintong Editor: Liu Siming Editor: Zhan Pingping