
Chinese companies were selected as senior members of the Super Ethernet Alliance, and they are the only Chinese companies selected! On the battlefield of new AI technology, the United States can no longer monopolize it! Suddenly, I found out that there was a bombshell news

author:Universal Science Cats

Chinese companies were selected as senior members of the Super Ethernet Alliance, and they are the only Chinese companies selected! On the battlefield of new AI technology, the United States can no longer monopolize it!

Suddenly, I found that there was a bombshell news that many people ignored. In recent days, the Super Ethernet Alliance UEC has elected a new TAC member of the Technical Advisory Committee, and Alibaba Cloud has been successfully selected, and it is the only Chinese technology company selected.

At present, the mainstream network system is still InfiniBand led by NVIDIA, and UEC aims to explore new AI-oriented ultra-large-scale network technologies and systems, which is equivalent to opening up a technical path other than GPU. If the InfiniBand is a gasoline vehicle, then the UEC is an electric vehicle.

UEC currently has a gathering of elites, including international giants such as Microsoft and Meta, and domestic companies such as Huawei, Alibaba Cloud, Byte, and Baidu. The TAC technical committee is the core technical decision-making center in the UEC alliance, responsible for formulating technical standards and directions.

A FEW YEARS AGO, ALIBABA CLOUD LAUNCHED THE MULTI-PATH QUIC PROTOCOL "XLINK", WHICH SOLVED THE INDUSTRY-RECOGNIZED PROBLEM OF "SLOW PATH BLOCKING OF MULTIPLE TRANSMISSIONS". Alibaba Cloud also offloads protocol hardware through self-developed network cards, reducing network congestion latency by dozens to hundreds of times. In the recent SIGCOMM summit, 6 papers from Alibaba Cloud were selected, which is the largest in terms of quantity and quality in China.

If you want me to say, Alibaba Cloud's selection into TAC is no less than a major technological breakthrough for us. Now the whole world is struggling with AI models, but the GPU shortage crisis alarm is frequent. Global memory chip giants SK hynix and Micron Technology have said that their inventories are close to depletion in 2025. Now Alibaba Cloud is taking the initiative in the UEC Alliance, which is definitely a good thing!

Chinese companies were selected as senior members of the Super Ethernet Alliance, and they are the only Chinese companies selected! On the battlefield of new AI technology, the United States can no longer monopolize it! Suddenly, I found out that there was a bombshell news
Chinese companies were selected as senior members of the Super Ethernet Alliance, and they are the only Chinese companies selected! On the battlefield of new AI technology, the United States can no longer monopolize it! Suddenly, I found out that there was a bombshell news
Chinese companies were selected as senior members of the Super Ethernet Alliance, and they are the only Chinese companies selected! On the battlefield of new AI technology, the United States can no longer monopolize it! Suddenly, I found out that there was a bombshell news

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