
The four-star general of the US military personally admitted that there are only three countries with the strongest combat power in the world, and the rest are not worth mentioning

author:The world of Meow and Wang

After World War II, the world ushered in a long-lost peace. All countries are actively resuming construction and developing their strength. Especially in the 21 st century, not only the international economy is thriving, but the military has also ushered in rapid development. At present, the world's top three military forces are the United States, Russia, and China. The United States has a large aircraft carrier fleet, and Russia has the most advanced nuclear submarines in the world. China has Dongfeng-41 intercontinental missiles.

In fact, many people don't know that a few decades ago, retired four-star general Li Qiwei of the United States predicted: In the future, only China and the United States will have the strongest combat power in the world, and the rest are not worth mentioning. Unexpectedly, this prediction came true.

The four-star general of the US military personally admitted that there are only three countries with the strongest combat power in the world, and the rest are not worth mentioning

1. The United States: Continued to lead and maintain its hegemony

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States has always been firmly in the first place in military power and has never been surpassed. From the air force to the navy, from strategic missiles to information-based operations, the United States is at the forefront of the world. The U.S. Air Force has more than 700 fifth-generation stealth fighters, and its navy has 11 large nuclear aircraft carriers, the world's largest total tonnage of warships, deployed all over the world, dominating the oceans. In addition, the US military has 5,244 nuclear weapons and 1,419 nuclear bombs in service. Possess the ability to project power on a global scale.

The four-star general of the US military personally admitted that there are only three countries with the strongest combat power in the world, and the rest are not worth mentioning

The strength of the US military is not only reflected in quantity, but also in quality. The degree of modernization and combat capability of the US military are world-class. After all, the United States has not fought a war for more than 16 years since its founding more than 240 years ago, and the US military has extremely rich battlefield experience. This kind of strength allows the United States to exert its power everywhere and reap the interests of other countries, while at the same time consolidating its hegemonic position.

The four-star general of the US military personally admitted that there are only three countries with the strongest combat power in the world, and the rest are not worth mentioning

2. Russia: Strong military and nuclear deterrent

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russia inherited most of its military power. Despite its economic difficulties, Russia's military strength is not far behind that of the United States, ranking second in the world.

Its army has more than 50,000 tanks and armored vehicles, and the air force also has about 20 fifth-generation aircraft such as the Su-57, as well as 16 strategic bombers, the Tu-160. In the naval field, the scale of Russian warships is not as large as that of the United States, but its nuclear submarine force is the world's top, plus hypersonic missiles, which is enough for the US aircraft carrier battle group.

The four-star general of the US military personally admitted that there are only three countries with the strongest combat power in the world, and the rest are not worth mentioning

Let's not forget that Russia has the largest nuclear arsenal in the world, with 5,889 nuclear weapons and 1,444 nuclear bombs in service. Its Sarmat intercontinental missile, with a range of more than 20,000 kilometers, can cover the whole world, and with a speed of Mach 27, no one can stop it. There is also a 100 million tons of Tsar Bomba in the house. This powerful nuclear deterrent has given Russia sufficient confidence in international affairs. Even the United States does not dare to stand up to it.

3. China: Rising rapidly, the world is paying attention

Over the past 30 years or so, China's military strength has risen rapidly and has become a pole that cannot be ignored in the global military landscape, with a three-in-one nuclear strike capability. For example, China's army has undergone modernization and reform, and its combat strength has skyrocketed, and it is not inferior to the United States and Russia.

The four-star general of the US military personally admitted that there are only three countries with the strongest combat power in the world, and the rest are not worth mentioning

In the Air Force, China has independently developed the fifth-generation aircraft J-20, and the H-20 is already on the way. In the navy, China already has three aircraft carriers, the Liaoning, Shandong, and Fujian, in addition to more than 50 destroyers, more than 100 frigates, and a total of more than 490 warships in service.

With the progress of science and technology, China's weapons and equipment have been constantly updated, and the level of informatization has been continuously improved, and many of them are leading the world. At the same time, China's armed forces are also constantly strengthening actual combat training to enhance their combat capabilities. This rise allows countries to have more say and influence in global affairs and better defend world peace.