

author:Browse the horizon

——The study tour of the "Four Seasons Ageless" team of the Affiliated Primary School of Hai'an Teacher Development Center, Jiangsu Province, and the off-campus tutoring of the "Little Lotus Club" research series of activities

The water rhyme is long, nourishing all creatures;

The fragrance of books is faint, enlightening the general public;

Time is long, leading me to travel to Wanjiang.

Bathed in the warm sunshine, the children with the heart of our "Little Lotus Club" ushered in the flowery May, followed the famous books to travel, visited the dynamic masterpieces, and carried out immersive research activities.

The reason why famous books are masterpieces is because they are the echo wall of history, the travel book of nature, full of the proverbs of the wise, exploring the value of life, cleansing the ups and downs of the soul, and evoking poetic feelings.

Reading a masterpiece is like traveling hand in hand with a master, and having a face-to-face dialogue with a famous master, narrowing the distance between ancient and modern time and space......

Nowadays, our four famous Chinese novels have entered the Chinese textbooks of primary and secondary schools: "Watching the smoke of the Three Kingdoms, knowing the heroes of Liangshan, sighing for the difficulties of learning from the scriptures, and cherishing the remnants of the Dream of the Red Chamber". The children read the classic original text of "The Birth of the Monkey King", analyzed the interpersonal relationships of "Spring Fun of Red Mansions", performed the textbook drama "Grass Boat Borrowed Arrows", and shared the mind map of "Jingyanggang". Of course, everyone would like to experience the feeling of being there!

This is not! With the joint support of the Retired Education Association, the Guan Working Committee, the Primary School Attached to the Shanghai Normal School and the Yuan Yaqin Famous Counselor Studio of Nantong City, and with the strong cooperation of the Jialin Community Care Working Committee, we took advantage of the holiday to organize the children to arrive at the sixth station of this year's research - Wuxi Three Kingdoms and Shuihu City, and held a research activity of "traveling with famous books".

As soon as you get off the bus, you will see the towering Three Kingdoms City, which makes the children cheer. Walking quickly into the Three Kingdoms City, the eyes are full of antiquity: fluttering flags, mighty warships, busy Caoying Water Village, and magnificent Wu Wanggong ......, all of which show the changes in the Three Kingdoms when they were established, and the waves are magnificent.


Under the guidance of the tour guide's sister, when we passed through the Han Dynasty Square, we were amazed by the majesty of the world's largest tripod; Then I came to the leafy Taoyuan, listened to the story of the three knots in Taoyuan, and took photos with Liu Guanzhang, a figure of the Three Kingdoms who has both form and spirit. Then, everyone boarded the battleship, overlooked the vast Taihu Lake, and sang the heroic words of "rolling the Yangtze River east passing water, and the waves swept away the heroes", imagining the wonderful scene of "grass boats borrowing arrows".


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The most memorable thing for the children is the "Three Heroes Battle Lu Bu" staged at the racecourse. More than 40 well-trained war horses performed with real guns, and the scene was grand and thrilling. I saw the children with children's hearts holding their breath and concentrating, as if traveling through time and space, from the "bursts of drums and horns, the light of the sword and the shadow of the curtain", they felt a heroic spirit in the world, galloping vertically and horizontally.


Walking to the front of the palace of King Wu built by the mountain, it is a completely different scenery, the winding gray palace wall surrounds the surroundings, it looks rough and bold, and the momentum is majestic. In the TV series "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", the well-known story of "Liu Bei recruiting relatives" was filmed here.


After lunch, we went to the vast Taihu Lake with a child's heart, the "Three Kingdoms Culture" Internet celebrity check-in place, to enjoy the beautiful scenery and charm of Taihu Lake, and to appreciate the elegance of the water town in the south of the Yangtze River!


After a while, under the leadership of the tour guide's sister, we walked into Water Margin City with a child's heart baby, and transferred from "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" to "Water Margin", which is really a step across the millennium! The architectural style here is unified, the forms are diverse, from the palace to the thatched houses, the Yanggu County Ya of Wu Song, the shops and restaurants on Zishi Street, and the Shuibo Liangshan of the 100 will play the banner of "for the heavenly road", which reproduces the unique historical background of the Song Dynasty and the rich customs.


Walking in the meantime, it is like a thousand years away, wandering on the bank of the Bianhe River, lingering in the red dust of the past years. As the children walked, they seemed to meet groups of heroes and watched them perform thrilling legends.


Let's travel with books,

With a wisp of clouds and a light breeze,

Invite a round of clear moon,

Enjoy a volume of history,

Taste a happy trip!

The book is flavorful,

Read the Quartet......

Photo: Lu Qingyun, Wang Shiming, Yuan Yaqin, Cao Xuesong, Wang Jue, Xu Xuegong, Liu Dong

Editor-in-charge: Wang Wei