
Ledao Tiecheng, what is the confidence of NIO?

author:Technology e-commerce will be

#乐道L60上市即享千座换电站# #蔚来多品牌战略落地#

"Happiness is born and mature" is not groundless

Oil and electricity have been "melee" for many years, the penetration rate of the pure electric market is more than half, and the majority of people who accept new energy are the majority!

"Oil-to-electricity" has reached the "qualitative change" point, and the penetration rate of pure electricity will increase rapidly

It is necessary for such an all-round warrior to be the "pusher" to break the last wall of qualitative change in the pure electric market

The Ledao brand comes with 1000+ battery swap stations, and 20,000 supercharging piles, which can be swapped in 3 minutes

As a "hexagonal warrior" with no shortcomings in energy, technology, space, design, configuration, and intelligence

Entering the 200,000-300,000 market is a dimensionality reduction blow

It's just the right time! The road is paved, just wait for the car to run!

Ledao Tiecheng, what is the confidence of NIO?
Ledao Tiecheng, what is the confidence of NIO?
Ledao Tiecheng, what is the confidence of NIO?
Ledao Tiecheng, what is the confidence of NIO?