
Fengyang openly selects 27 people!

author:Fengyang, China

Fengyang openly selects 27 people!
Fengyang openly selects 27 people!
Fengyang openly selects 27 people!

Are you from Chuzhou?

Are you a full-time college student? If yes

Then don't miss the following information!


2024 Chuzhou college students

He is also the deputy secretary of the township (street) Youth League (work) committee

The selection begins

Fengyang openly selects 27 people!
When we return home for another year, let us use the power of youth to contribute to the development of our hometown!
Fengyang openly selects 27 people!

The work of Chuzhou college students concurrently serving as deputy secretary of the township (street) Youth League (work) committee has been normalized and included in the annual work of the municipal party committee's strategy of strengthening the city with talents. In order to effectively do a good job in the selection, appointment, and management of the 2024 Chuzhou college students concurrently serving as deputy secretaries of the township (street) Youth League (Work) Committee, the relevant work arrangements are hereby made as follows:

·Selection Plan·

The city's townships (streets) select Chuzhou full-time college students to concurrently serve as the deputy secretary of the township (street) Youth League (Work) Committee is not less than 1, and the community participating in the community youth action and the pilot reform of the urban grassroots league organization is not less than 2, and the urban streets can be appropriately increased according to the situation, and the urban communities with larger populations can arrange 1-2 people. The part-time period is 1 year (July 2024 - June 2025). The organs of the county, city, and city regiments may select 2-3 of them to work part-time in the organs and departments.

Selection Criteria·

1. At least 18 years old, full-time college students from Chuzhou, political members of the Communist Party of China, probationary members of the Communist Party of China or members of the Communist Youth League, and their household registration and permanent residence of their families are in Chuzhou City (college students whose household registration has moved to colleges and universities shall be subject to their original household registration); 2. Good ideological and political quality, strong comprehensive ability, passionate work, good health, hard-working, obedient to management; 3. Those who actively participate in various activities of the Youth League during the school period, have participated in the social practice of returning to their hometowns, serve as the head of student associations and cadres of the student union, and have won national, provincial and municipal commendations within the Youth League, priority will be given.

·Job Description·

The content of the work refers to the content determined in the 2022 "Notice on Continuing to Select College Students to Serve as Deputy Secretaries of the Youth League (Work) Committee of Chuzhou Township (Street)". 1. Be focused. Focus on the main line of "centering on the center and serving the overall situation", take the "ten ones" as the main content of the work, and highlight the work of the township (street) center. It is necessary to select 1-2 tasks to form a system and create a brand. 2. Job content. Focusing on the work requirements and work priorities, the "Ten Ones" activities are completed during the part-time period. The first is to carry out a study and education of the history of the party and the regiment; the second is to organize and plan a theme group day activity; the third is to participate in a volunteer project and carry out no less than 4 activities; the fourth is to carry out a youth holiday self-care education and publicity activities; Fifth, plan and implement a youth cultural and sports activity; Sixth, organize a youth learning activity; Seventh, docking with a young entrepreneur; Eighth, carry out a caring activity for young people in difficulty; The ninth is to participate in a civilization creation activity at the civilization practice station (institute) and the youth home; The tenth is to participate in a rural revitalization theme activity. Encourage college students to carry out personalized work in combination with the key work of the party and government center, the Communist Youth League and their own strengths. 3. Archival documentary. All township (street) youth league organizations should record the development of part-time college students' activities, and each youth league and county (city, district) party committee should select the best to promote the activity news. The records of the archives are used as the basis for the annual evaluation.

·Work Arrangement·

1. Feel the position. At present, the job needs of each township (street) have been determined (see Annex 1 for details), and the regiment and county (city, district) committees should strengthen the communication between the party organizations where the part-time jobs are located, and obtain the party organizations to provide support and guarantee for the development of part-time work. 2. Organize registration. May 15-30 is the centralized registration period. The Youth League and county (city, district) committees will disclose the job demand through WeChat, websites and other centralized releases, and issue invitations to outstanding college students across the country. 3. Candidates are confirmed. The county (city, district) committees of each regiment shall conduct a qualification review of the registered students. Candidates will be selected in the form of interviews and written examinations. The proposed list of deputy secretaries of the part-time Youth League (Work) Committee shall be submitted to the Youth League Municipal Committee for approval after being publicized without objection. After examination and approval by the Youth League and Municipal Party Committee, it shall be appointed by the Youth League and County (City, District) Party Committee. 4. Pre-job training. It is carried out by the organs of the city and county leagues, and strives to achieve full coverage of college students who intend to work part-time. About 60 part-time college students will be organized at the municipal level to carry out centralized training. 5. Work implementation. Overall planning at the municipal level, guidance, arrangement, and supervision by the county (city, district) committees of each regiment, and specific responsibility for the implementation of the township and neighborhood league organizations. Combined with the "one group, one product" organized and implemented by the township and street leagues, the municipal level launched a high-quality project competition for Chuzhou college students who concurrently serve as deputy secretaries of the township (street) Youth League (work) committee. The specific activity plan and award setting will be notified separately.

·Other Requirements·

1. For work management, safeguard measures, and unfinished matters, please refer to the 2022 "Notice on Continuing to Select College Students to Concurrently Serve as Deputy Secretaries of the Township (Street) Youth League (Work) Committee of Chuzhou City". It is necessary to highlight the strict management of part-time jobs and ensure that part-time college students do their jobs and fulfill their duties. It is necessary to provide adequate support for part-time university students to carry out their work. 2. The work carried out is listed as an important indicator of the annual evaluation of the Communist Youth League. The implementation situation shall be reported to the Organization Department of the Youth League Municipal Committee in a timely manner. 3. New media platforms such as WeChat in all regions should set up separate projects for part-time college students, and regularly publish information on the activities of part-time college students and the implementation of local promotions.


1. Chuzhou college students part-time

Township (street) Youth League (work) committee 2024 job list

(Fengyang part)

Fengyang County

Fengyang openly selects 27 people!
2. Contact form for registration of each regiment and county (city, district) committee
Fengyang openly selects 27 people!

3. Chuzhou college students part-time

Registration form for deputy secretaries of township (street) Youth League (work) committees

After reading and forwarding this article

Source: Municipal Communist Youth League Editor: Zhao Chenxing Gao Jie

Editor-in-charge: Zheng Xiaorong

Editor-in-Chief: Zhang Shuhu

Submission email: [email protected]

Fengyang openly selects 27 people!
Fengyang openly selects 27 people!